calorie count?

i have noticed that some people get so excited when they post they were under their calorie limit for the day but when i check out their diary it shows that they went over on everything else that day. does being under your calorie goal really matter if you went over on fat and sugar ect.? i always thought that i should watch everything that i eat just not the calories! any thoughts???


  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    personally,for me It will be steps, I am almost always over on sugar...I eat alot of fruit which is better than fries...
  • rtumey
    rtumey Posts: 3 Member
    I think your right. I try to get everything pretty even, but I always look at calorie count first. I guess because it's in big green letters at the top of the screen every time I log in!
  • seekingstrengthX2
    You are correct, at least in my opinion. :)

    You can be under your calorie goal and still have eaten horribly crappy food with too much fat in it. Everybody does things differently. A lot of people just care about the weight loss, not general health. So, to them, staying within their calories is all that matters.
  • dsagaties1963
    I've only gone over my fat intake once and that was a cheat night. Shame on me for not exercising that day either! But normally I am under on everything I am trying so hard to at least eat my calories but holy cow they give me too much, Just starting 2nd week and down 4lbs, had to many people tell me its water weight. But don't care its 4lbs that's not on me anymore!!! Always look for new friends on here since I am still new!! I too have seen lots go over everything else and think WTH!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I never go over my calories, buy I seem to always go over the sugar by a bit, because i love fruit. So my goal after getting some of the initial weight off. Will be to find out how to have low sugar intake everyday.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    If weight loss is your goal, being under on calories is actually the only thing that matters.

    If balanced and healthy eating is your goal then hitting your numbers is important too.

    Remember that some people are gradually incorporating good habits. It's very hard to change your whole lifestyle in one fell swoop.
  • sunshine3737
    sunshine3737 Posts: 44 Member
    If weight loss is your goal, being under on calories is actually the only thing that matters.

    If balanced and healthy eating is your goal then hitting your numbers is important too.

    Remember that some people are gradually incorporating good habits. It's very hard to change your whole lifestyle in one fell swoop.

    I agree! When I first started 8 months ago my eating habits were completely different than they are now. For me personally I have to change things slowly in order for it to stick. I find that if I change too many things at once I am less likely to stick with it. Once I started losing the weight and felt healthier from exercising I started changing my eating habits as well and continue to everyday.
  • bajimene
    bajimene Posts: 1
    I agree with you. Sometimes by dinner I have no clue what to eat cause I'm getting close to eating to many carbs or fat!!!
  • lisabruce12
    lisabruce12 Posts: 77 Member
    I agree! If you are looking at strictly weight loss then calories is what matters. I personally watch sodium too. I tend to hold on to water and the sodium doesn't help!
  • methodless
    I (intentially) go over on protein everyday whether I am under or over my calorie goals for the day