2nd time round

lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
Well, this time around 18 months ago I started my journey. By last summer I lost 3 stone but after I came back from holiday things went downhill. I broke my foot at the beginning of our second week and so in contrast to the first week where I was eating well, swimming, taking part in free arobic classes, taking nice walks at sunset etc the second week was sitting by the pool in a plaster cast, drinking vodka and coke which the waiter brought to me, ate 3 courses at lunch and dinner because I was feeling sorry for myself. I came home cancelled my gym membership, was in crutches for 3 weeks, had to go to physio, ate rubbish, snacks and free pizza at work. I went back to my old ways and I was so ashamed.

I decided at christmas to lose more weight and set myself a small target of 4 weeks to go from size 18 to size 16. I did it! I ended up buying a size 14 top in the sale and have never been more proud, but it didnt make me start up, infact it was takeaway on a friday after work, chocolate all weekend, biscuits in work, you name it.

I came back on today because I have set myself a new target but was firstly shocked that within the last few months I have regained 7lb back from all the hard work it took to shift it in the first place! But I need to be focused, if I could do it before I can do it again!

I want to lose 84lbs and have 18months to do so, which works out about 1.2lbs a week so I know it can be done (I usually average around 2lb a week) It will be hard, i have no doubt about that so I am here to ask for support, to ask for friends to join me on my page and on my journey in the hope that I dont lose focus this time round!


  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Welcome back! Sorry to hear you had problems with your foot etc... but 1.2lbs per week is do-able, you're so right!

    I'm usually lurking around here and am trying myself to get motivation the second time round. I have the motivation kind of, I'm just horrendously impatient and always want to see results fast (a problem, I know!).

    I'm sure we can do it this time!
  • geigemarie

    I am very new here (just joined), but I know you can do it. I am 57 and have lost weight in the past with little or no support, but I believe we can encourage each other to succeed. Even 5 minutes of activity is so much better than 0 minutes - so take it one step at a time, and believe in yourself. You are worth the effort. The improvement to your health and inner spirit alone will encourage you to continue. I believe we can make the difference in our health and well being. Let's lean on each other (smile).


  • HannahPTA
    HannahPTA Posts: 39
    I too am a second time around gal and I am so glad you posted. I am 41 and have 5 kids (yes their are twins in there) and I live in a house with super skinny kids and husband who can eat anything and not gain a pound. I lost 100 lbs. three years ago and had a difficult time once I reached my goal. I had thought I would feel differently about myself when I was fit and trim but I still felt fat and had low self worth. I had a major meltdown and traded in the diet and excercise for therapy. My biggest problem is once I reach my goals I panic and sabotage myself. Ilook at myself sometimes and remember my Dad comparing my mother to other women and telling her she was fat and ugly. My mother would then spend days starving herself and then bingeing. I cannot recall how many diets my Mom put all of us kids thru and the excercise classes too. I spent most of my childhood trying to comfort my mother as she cried in my lap telling me all the cruel things my Dad would say to her. Today, I hear those comments like a broken record in my head and they are directed at me. Three years and a lot of therapy later, I am now ready to try this again! I hope I can do this and stick with it once I reach my goal! I am competative with myself and I like pushing myself to workout a little harder each day. I am tierd of this fat tire that has grown around my middle and the flappy arms. The breaking point for me was losing the Toilet paper spring while I was on the toilet and practically killing myself bending over to pick it up!! Sad but this is my get real moment with myself. So, anyway let's do this thing!!!! I have been adding a few more minutes to my routines each day and now I am increasing the intensity level too. My poor French Bulldog is worn out from all the dog walks and I end up carrying her when she just sits down and says are you insane lady. Anyway, I look forward to reading your posts.

    In it for the 2nd time-
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Thanks for the comments hbuntings., welcome to the site geigmarie and thanks for sharing your story hannah!

    I guess I can do it afterall, I had a sneaky weigh in today and have lost 1.8lbs in 2 days!! I note down a temptation everyday and try to conquer it. and this has worked well for me. Starting with only drinking water (no juices, no hot drinks or anything) then I stopped bordem eating and only eat when my tummy feels close to empty or hungry. (im working on the only eating til you dont feel hungry instead of eating whats in front of me! but Ive bought smaller plates and this has worked a treat) and today I cut out taxi and bus home when Im in no rush to go anywhere and so walked the 3.5 miles home :) I hope you are all doing well!
  • marilyngrant18
    marilyngrant18 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I too am a second-timer and I can use some friends for support as well. I'd like to friend each one of you, if that's okay. :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to go from my current 208 pounds to 135 by my 55th birthday, which is about 18 months. I have a goal to lose 1.5 pounds per week and if i do that I can reach my 73-pound weight loss goal by September 2013.

    Lynz, I like what you've written about drinking water (no juice or hot beverages) until your stomach is empty and then eating. That is how I started the day--drinking water--and after reading your entry I am now inspired to take that approach all throughout the day. I also like the idea of the small plates because my biggest problem is portion control. :drinker:

    Hannah, I think it's awesome that you've managed to lose 100 pounds in the past. That is an inspiration to me that it can be done! :smile: I too am fighting the battle of the mid-section bulge--sometimes I cut off my air supply when bending over from the waist, and I have flabby arms as can be seen in my profile pic. I really want to see LESS of me when I look in the mirror. :wink:

    Hbunting, I know what you mean about wanting to see results so I finally decided to track inches as well as weight and I maintain my motivation when I see the inches going down, even if the pounds are pretty stagnant. :ohwell:

    Geigemarie, welcome to MFP. :happy:

    I've decided to do blog entries this time around to help remind myself of what's working, pitfalls and anything else that comes to mind.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Hey Marilyn, Welcome to the second timers group lol! Its great youve made the decision to start up again, I think thats the hardest part, admitting that youve gone wrong and need to take control again!

    The water and eating really does work its lovely because I never feel hungry but at the same time I never feel full. Without hunger or the sensation of being full I can actually control my body like a machine, almost like a car. I fill up my fuel when I'm just about hitting the red light but never fill the tank that way I always have a nice happy medium! Treating food more like fuel also takes the emotional aspect out of it so I wont turn to food for comfort just like I wouldnt fill the car if it doesnt need it!

    I too have just set up a blog lastnight and making my first entry today - whats your link and I will subscribe!!
  • Banditkai
    Hi Chicadee!

    I, like you, am much the same. This is my 2nd time around, but the first time, my heart just wasn't in it. Once upon a time, in a land far away, I was SKINNY. In fact, I got to be UNDERWEIGHT. I have always been a bigger kid, but at age 16, I got put on anti-seizure medication and one of the adverse effects was weight loose and almost complete lose of appetite. I went from 185lbs to 123lbs in a matter of 7 months (and no, for the record, I don't recommend this- it was not healthy). But for the first time in my life, I was thin, and still didn't know it. I was still convinced, even as I wore a size 6 dress to my prom, that I was fat. *sigh* If I could turn back the clocks...

    I have since stopped that medication around 2010 ( I started in 2006) and gained a butt-ton of weight back and then some. I have a very naturally slow moving metabolism, so that worked against me in conjunction with at the end of my skinny days, I finally started to eat whatever I could (Not diet, but regular coke, sweets out the wazoo, pizza with the grease still puddling on it, etc). I grew fond of my horrible eating habits and once the medication stopped circulating...oops! I was back to 185lbs. SInce then, I have had a series of ups and downs and because I am a comfort eater, I did just that, I ate. I am currently 205 lbs (and this is the first time I have publicly admitted it) and yes, I "look good for my weight" (or so I'm told, but really, I just dress well and wear BUNCHES or flexwear) but I am not satisfied to look "good for my weight". I want to look good for anyone and, above all, be healthy this time! I will appreciate it this time around so much more because I am actually working for it opposed to being given a little pill that magically made me thin (and for the record, my body became used to that medication, so even if I wanted to go back to that, I couldn't). I'm actively working out and am extremely conscious of what I eat. Yoga and Pilates are life savers, they mentally relax me and work me out, too!

    In any case, I feel you, and also need the support! We can support each other :) I really think it helps to look at others plans of actions and take something away from that; to be surrounded by people that have a common goal. It's gonna be tough, but I know that you can do it if you are dedicated enough. I'll be routing for you, if you route for me, too. :) I wish you all the best, and lots of good luck.

    Here's to looking even more fabulous than we do now!

    P.S. If you want any information on Yoga (if that interests you) please let me know :) I know of several amazing links and books that are the best.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    wow thanks for sharing your story! Im the opposite to you I guess I was very healthy and skinny when I was younger and then hit senior school and stopped sports, was more interested in drink and boys and takeaways! I had a knee injury which put me off all sports on doctors orders otherwise I think my lifestyle would of been completely different! Theres not much you can do when stuck to a bed or sofa for 3 years at age 13!

    I got diagnosed with a brain condition last year which also happens to effect the chemicals sent to my thyroid and so Im on pills for the rest of my life for this (if I dont take them I start losin my memory and at 21 didnt know how to bottom up clothes, would turn the cooker off and forget to turn it off, forgot what age I was, couldnt remember my nieces birthday or any other big chilhood memories so scary!) The downside of this pill is that it makes weight loss harder but theres no option to stop them, even by skipping 3 days theres a noticable difference with my memory!

    I would LOVE to do yoga but would worry of the effects it would have on my knee (I have chondromalasia and will need a knee replacement in the next 15 - 20 years) if theres some lighter moves you could show me I would love that! I will also add you to my friends list so we can help eachother out :)
  • dsagaties1963
    I'm not a 2nd timer, but I am always looking for more friends to both help and support each other, I was always ashamed of how I felt, I have a long journey ahead of me, but I am determined to do it, people will see me walking and stopping for a deep breath and always ask me if my car broke down, I kindly say no, thank you for asking, but I am walking to burn this fat away!!! They all smile and wish me luck, so yes even though I am obese I am no longer ashamed of my body, I now think of it as a work in art, meaning I am working on it to become thin and healthy!! Please feel free to add me!!!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Hey dsagaties - welcome to mfp hope your journey goes well :) have added you and hope to be able to help and support you :)
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Well my first week is up according to the date of this topic and I've officially lost 3lbs this week :D how did everyone else do?