

  • Hi Girls... I feel your pain trust me! I started this topic and then did ok for , oh 2 days LOL ! Then when I started back drinking wine i'm drinking WAY MORE than I was before.. Pftttttt....... I'm starting p90x tomorrow so it's being cut out totally until I can get that 1-2 4 oz glass thing in control... why is this so…
  • I'm walking proof that Not only is p90X a great program but ALL the Beach Body workout's WORK ! You will never try another FAD workout or Diet again ! I went from a size 24-26 to a size 4-6.. I am now a size 8 but feel good where I'm at. I lost over 130 lbs. I want to lose about 15 more ! Congrats !!!! You are making a…
  • Yea !!! :flowerforyou: That is awesome :) What a feeling ! Congrats ! www.teambeachbody.com/fitfarmgirl
  • HI Debra ! Great name, happens to be mine as well :) You CAN do this ;) I've lost over 130 lbs :) It took me 13 months but soooo worth it :) I have kept it off for 6 1/2 years and still messing around with the last 20 or so :) Love this site ! I wish I had found it way back when ! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE BeachBody and the…
  • Oregon Lady ! YEAAAA ! That's great ! I know, I feel so good the next day without it too ! I am so used to drinking it now though to relax ! GRRRR !!!!! But the Holiday weekend is over, so it's onward and upward from here :) :bigsmile:
  • Hi Road Trip :) Welcome :) You will love it here :) As far as Ripped... I need not say more than BeachBody..... p90x will have you ripped in no time :) Love it ;) Of course the 130+ lbs I left behind didn't hurt either ;) Welcome :) And good luck on your journey :)
  • Hi There ;) Sounds yummy !!! I found the noodles at our Local Safeway. They were located with the tofu and won ton wrappers ! They were on sale 2 for 5.00 so I bought 2 and wish I had purchased more :) YUM !!!!!
  • I bought my polar f 6 at sport's authority... they usually have a coupon in the paper which was good for another 25.00 off ;) I believe you can use the coupon online as well. You can check their website ;)
  • Love this program :) It rocks !!! I'm finished with it in 2 weeks and then moving onto p90x.. you can see my before/after photos in my profile or at www.teambeachbody.com/fitfarmgirl You will never Look back if you go with that program or any other.. they all rock ;)
  • Off to make these little babies right now ;) I think I'll store the cream/cheese mixture in a tub after mixed though and the graham crackers too, so that way I can just make 4 or whatever I need for a quick snack ;) Love it :)
  • I love my Polar F6 !!!!:love:
  • I posted this on the other thread but thought I would share them here too... Here I am at 267 + Here I am after and You can do anything you put your mind too ! I thought it would be impossible but I finally found what worked... for me that was beach body and their products. I will never have to look in the mirror and see…
  • When I had first looked at the topic of this post, I had thought it was about a program called 10 minute trainer ! It's actually a program by beach body that is supposed to be excellent. I have many of the beach body. I have used turbo jam, power 90 and am currently doing chalene extreme. I am purchasing 10 min trainer…
  • I had said yes to mine, but it didn't change my calorie level, mine is still at 1200, so many it never goes under that ? I also burn with working out, anywhere between 300 and 600 calories a day depending on the workout for the day.. Hmmmmmm The last few days I have actually lost 1 lb a day and it's that time for me, so…
  • AndreaJean - Just made the breakfast you posted !!!!! Awesome !!!!!! Easy and WAY filling !!!!! Thanks for posting it ;)
  • You look awesome :) Congrats ;) 99 lbs lost !!! WOW !!!! WTG !!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Ok well here we go..... Me before ( over 276 lbs ) at 5'3 Me at 153 Then I gained 10 lbs back and have been doing chalene extreme and this is where i am at now at 163 Hoping to get down to 135 by July 30th. I have just started my 2nd week of the 3rd phase of Chalene and then onto p90x !!!
  • Count me in on this one :) Perfect time for me to reach my goal weight :) CathySW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs AmyLouSW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs KristinPREGNANT! LaurynSW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs EmSW 148.0 lbs / GW 142…
  • I Love my Polar F6 ! I am currently doing Chalene Extreme and had no idea how many calories I was burning, thus having to estimate.. For instance today I burned 409 calories on the Burn Intervals DVD ... it really motivates you to work out that's for sure ;) So glad you like it ;) :bigsmile:
  • Good Morning.. I'm just flying by to say Hi , now off to do CE Burn Intervals ;) :bigsmile: Have a GREAT DAY
  • Ok here's an updated pic.. I'll try and post it ;)
  • LOL.. Wow you replied and I still can't get the photo to show up LOL !!!! I am not sure how to actually post the photo in my post ;)
  • Well, this is a bit of a success ! Today was of course Mother's day and while I have 2 great kids and a wonderful Hubby you cannot even imagine my face when I walked over to our duck pen ( all my friends call me BarnYard Barbie LOL ) to find 7, yes SEVEN babies looking at me :) My jaw dropped open and I wanted to share.…
  • just had a GREAT one from Trader Joes ;) World something.. .can't remember right off the top of my head but it's 21 g protien :) and only 100 calories ;) Love it .. Vanilla :) Yum
  • Happy Saturday !!! Well Monday I start my 2nd week of the LEAN PHASE !!!!! I just bought brand new shorts... of course took the tags off... then got them out yesterday to wear them... FALLING Off.. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in a good way... so I washed them in hot hot water, dried them for about an hour or more on high heat,…
  • Awesome :) Thanks everyone for posting this ;) I just bought some spicy hummus today at Trader Joes but was thinking, boy I wish I could just make it :) And Now I can !!!! Thanks !!!:happy:
    in humus Comment by mbmempireranch May 2009
  • I quit fast food cold turkey as well after watching the movie supersize me... then I read the book fast food nation... scary stuff !!! You can do it ;)
  • Yikes !!!! Well just think, after you recover, you'll have less to weigh in :) LOL !!! Heck, I wonder If I can get mine taken out LOL !!!! Just kidding of course ;) Hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • I was having the same problem and it was terrible. I would go Gung Ho all day then just Whew shut down... I ordered Shakeology from beach body and I've never felt better. I drink it about 3 pm and not only do I not have those shut down's anymore, i'm losing weight and feel awesome :) You can PM if you want more info on it…
  • I'm here ;) I have been working out extra hard and trying to plan lot's of things out , like menu's, organization lists, vacations plans, spring cleaning the house etc ! Busy Busy !!!! Everyone looks like they are going great, well except for the colds :( Hopefully it will be speedy recovery for the little one's :) I…