Donna_Olsen Member


  • Oh, and to prevent dementia!
  • A little ongoing study about LCHF and cancer:
  • That and grass fed meat! :smiley:
  • The brain functions greatly on ketones, even better. Mattias Ribbing (Our own memory master) is on a low carb high fat diet.
  • About the brain, anyone read the book grain brain?
  • Andreas is well known here. He is a doctor, and has some of his stuff in English.
  • Well, I'm from Sweden. LCHF is more and more accepted here. Works great for those with diabetes 2, obese people and people that want to be healthy. Didn't ever hear that it CURES cancer, the "fat doctor" has no products for sale.. and is definitely not giving false hope for dying people! Really don't know what that comes…
  • I agree! Get some professional help here!
  • Have you tried to exclude carbs and increase fat? The best thing I've done after sabotaging my metabolism. If you want to here is a link to what it is about! It is a little bit like Atkins, but more fat. The body needs fat to burn fat, and your cells won't starve. Or continue with Atkins and give…
  • Well, I'm loosing! :) Eating, never hungrig and the food is sooo good! ;) Just read the link why below. I'm never eating junk again (don't feel the urge to anymore either :) )
  • And I just realized that my calorie intake is much more than yours... I'm more active now, under lunch (45min) and in the evenings, but still sitting infront of the computer all day at work..
  • I was like you, got rid of the carbs, even fruit! But I'm eating lots of greens, and only fullfat product like cream, fullfat (10%) fat youghurt or cream and so on. Now I'm AT LAST getting thin! And I feel great, have more energy than ever! :) I changed my life to LCHF (low carb high fat), and I'm NOT changing back! :) Try…
  • I love the app All-in YOGA HD: 300 poses & Yoga classes on the iPad. You just have everything there! From beginners to Guru.. programs for fitness, to curb digestion problems to energy boost to slender legs or waist, to destress, prevent headaches, burning desire... just name it! Videoinstructions if you need, and always…
  • Hi! I just wonder, what do you drink those days without food? Water? Or is it more smoothies and juices? :)
  • Hi I'm Donna, a 40+ year old from Sweden, with 4 kids. I really started to play as a child when the first Nintendo came to sweden. I just loved to play... and continued! We have PS3, xbox360, nintendo wii.. ipad... and we all love to play. Anyway, beside the gym I love Yoga HD on my iPad and Zumba on the xbox and your…