kimmieMcF Member


  • Welcome! MyFitnessPal is a great tool! You will learn a lot about food and what works for you as you track the calories. Just keep at it and you are going to start to feel great! Set small goals and enjoy it as you reach each goal.
  • Awesome
  • sometimes I'll eat a lot of veggies with a whole table spoon of butter. The butter fills me up and it takes a lot of most veggies to get to 100 calories. Sometimes I make a soup out of frozen winter squash - curry powder and butter. Also tuna salad with tomatos fills me up and you could come close if your careful. Good…
  • I find the sensation of sweet in any form can make me crave more. Diet sodas for certain mess up my diet, and even some fruits, although I eat them and they are healthy. I am right there with you, I think I am addicted. The thing that really helped me, was no sugar at all, not in food, not in anything. no Aquave nectar, no…
  • wow that sounds good. what do you serve it with?
    in Shrimps! Comment by kimmieMcF April 2012
  • You do not have to eat broccoli if you don't like it. Brocolini is similar, and sweeter. You could try that instead. you have lost a lot of weight, - your doing fine.
  • This may sound boring, but I love it. One can solid white tuna. Romaine lettuce or arugula (or other crispy salad green) Tomatoes/cucumbers if you have them (homemade vinegrette - olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic salt, pepper). if I can afford the calories a half an avacado, cut into peices. I have eaten this salad for…
  • for breakfast I often hav egg whites with a mix of onions peppers and tomoatoes - sauted in olive oil (just a little) I also sometimes make salsa with tomatos chipotle chile, cilantro, garlic salt and onion. (no cheese - one yolk max (try three whites) no bread (sorry). I heap on the sauted vegetables. Little additions of…
  • I tried this and my 4 year old ate it. Yes, I tricked him into eating cauliflower!
  • We made this tonight, it was very good! Thank you for figuring out the calories.
  • I have been looking for a red lentil recipe! Thank you. I'll try it tonight.
  • you could experiment with lentils, they are high in protein and fiber and super cheap. (use a recipe because they are bland!) If you eat them with brown rice that will add to the nutrition, and then it's just a matter of counting calories. Beans and rice at the quinesential cheap food. Also simple sandwhiches can be…