

  • I don't have a problem with it. What I imagine happened there is she really wanted to win and went to the extreme to be sure she succeeded. But it's not likely she can maintain that low weight long term, so she will probably bounce back up to a more suitable weight in the coming months and be just fine. I thought she…
  • I am on Medifast and I really love it. I am in my fourth week and have lost 20 lbs. Here are the pros and cons as I see it: Cons: The food IS mostly powder or freeze dried. (Although they tell me they add vitamins in so you still get them.) But of course that means it's heavily processed and we all know fresh is best. Also…
  • These are great recommendations, thanks guys! You know I never have had a salad from Wendys, maybe I will tell him to pick one up for me too!
  • You all have inspired me so much. I can't thank everyone enough for the encouragement and for just sharing your own stories. There are so many great people out there who have survived and are even thriving and it really helps to get some clear perspective when you feel so low. Guess what I just did? I just signed up to run…
  • What temperature did you roast it at? 350?
  • Wow - what wonderful outpouring of sweet support and awesome ideas!! I would love to take up painting (Hello- Bob Ross!!) and I used to do Zumba before all this hit and I had to watch the pennies so closely. I am hoping that he will pay child support soon and the little extras like that will be more within reach. My…
  • You are all so wonderful! I just want to reach into the computer and hug you all up at once!! You made me feel better, like I am not alone in all this and that people actually do come out the other side. I am going to take the advice many of you gave and start to focus on myself and getting healthy and doing fun things for…
  • Thanks girls, you all make me feel so much better!! You are right, instead of spending my alone time eating, I should be doing something productive. I imagine I have a touch of depression or something cuz I am just not interested in my usual activites. But I am a big believer in "fake it till you make it" so I suppose this…
  • Praying! Turn to God and let him help your bear the burden today. You will do just fine. Hang in there!
  • From one Godiva enthusiast to another - BRAVO! I buy the big bars online from time to time and then I make myself earn them by either doing some mudane chore that I hate, or burning extra calories before I savor them like the heaven-sent joy that they are. Keep up the great work!!
  • Texarkana baby!!
  • I've used the marshmallow fluff and the pancake syrup. The marshmallow fluff was an ingredient in a recipe I made so I can't say how it tasted on it's own but my Amish Peanutbutter Spread was AWESOME with it. The pancake syrup totally fooled my kids but my husband asked if it was sugar free. I thought it tasted fine. THAT…
  • I have a couple things i do. First I have a dress that I want to wear on a cruise we are taking in August - it's very form fitting and WHITE - I wore it to renew my vows last year and it was snug then. Now I need to drop about 15-20 lbs to even zip it up. Also, I want to wear a bikini on the cruise. I have never worn one…
  • My ex-husband once said to me "If I had known you were going to end up fat like my mother, I would have never married you." That was 13 years ago and it still rings in my head as if it was yesterday. And the worst part is I was only 150 lbs then (and 5'8"), and now I'm 185 lbs. So imagine the internal dialogue that goes on…
  • I add vanilla protein powder to everything! Whole grain pancake batter, oatmeal, greek yogurt, oatmeal cookies, "no-bake" cookies, even throw it in my kids' pudding cups and mix it up before I give it to them. Also, I have added it to cake mixes and had no problems with the taste but it does change the texture a little.…
  • Thanks!! Is it easy to clean??
  • I make bruschetta quinoa by just cooking it according to the package and letting it cool. Then I add chopped tomato, red onion, basil and crushed garlic. Then I drizzle a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar on top and toss. It's sooo good in the summer and the best part is if you have left overs they taste even better…
  • Ah, this is my area of expertise. I live in a part of TX where the buffet is KING. And I mean the FRIED FOOD BUFFETS, not soup/salad places. Here are my top tips: 1) Begin at the salad portion of the buffet and LOAD THAT PLATE UP BABY. If it's all vegetables and maybe some beans and eggs for protein (or turkey, whatever)…
  • I really appreciate this post - thank you very much! And nobody can tell me carbs don't matter when you're talking about fat loss, I have seen it myself and also with others. It's all about that balancing act! Have a great weekend everyeone!
  • I have the same trouble. I used to brush my teeth right after dinner and that worked for a while. And then when that stopped working I started brushing AND flossing. That works pretty good so far. Also, I find if I plan my dinners to be a little later in the evening then I don't get the urge to eat right before bed time.…
  • Oh come to the ladies locker room at my gym where "Pancakes" as we have nick-named her (yes, she is in the over 50 crowd) stands full-on naked in front of the counter while she procedes to do the following tasks: - Lotion - tooth brush - deoderant - hair dryer - make-up - NAIL POLISH!!! Then, she gets dressed, leaves the…
  • Hi AZiemba! The P90X routines are on average 40-50 mins. There is one that is over 60. Really he has you doing either one longer or two shorter (30 mins or less) workouts a day. I did Jillian's Shred and didn't finish it all the way, but still was able to complete P90X just fine. It's TOUGH but the results are AMAZING. And…
  • That's just what I say - if it's not fun, I won't stick with it. Since you're going to do it every day, you don't want to dread it!
  • Hi BCMallWalker! Great choice - I've been doing boxing workouts for 3 years and I swear by them! I have done Turbo Jam and am currently doing Turbo Fire. I am ADDICTED!! They are so fun and the results are amazing. I have lost about 13 lbs since I started Turbo Fire, even though I had to take 3 weeks off because I got…
  • You guys are all so helpful, I appreciate you so much! I will try everything and if nothing else, at least I can say I am taking good care of myself regardless of what the scales say. I am eating my subway salad and drinking my 7th bottle of water and then it's off to Turbo - gonna keep on trucking.
  • Good point about the measurements - since I started doing turbo I have definitely lost inches. So that is a good sign. But I swear I feel like my clothes are tighter after a week of hard workouts. Maybe I am storing water in there - the question is, how do I get it out?? GO AWAY WATER!!
  • Stormie - I just switched from the fit bit to the bodybugg and I am noticing a slight difference in the calculations, but not enough to freak me out. I loved that little fitbit though! I agree, the machines at the gym ALWAYS over calculated my burn - I kind of think that was throwing me off last summer with the trainer.…
  • Thanks guys!! I do try to eat clean 90% of the time, whether exercising or not. And I always increase my food intake when I exercise to match the calories burned so I still have my 500 cal defecit. I often just add a protien shake or yogurt with fruit and flax to make up the calories. Now as for whether or not the gain is…
  • Well, I've done it FOUR times - twice with injections and twice with drops and I will tell you that it definitely works. The first time I lost 35 lbs in 40 days and each time after that I lost at least 15-20 lbs. HAVING SAID THAT - obviously since I am still on these boards and still fighting the battle of the bulge - NO,…