richars65 Member


  • I've been really into quinoa lately. A fave of mine has been veggie fried quinoa, just like veggie fried rice (i.e. sauteed vegetables, quinoa, egg, all fried together with a little sesame oil and soy).
  • I am 6' tall and started at 335lbs. I am currently 191lbs (4 1/2 yrs later). A link to my journey with pictures follows:
  • For two adults we spend about $65-75/week. Lots of produce, almost no boxed or packaged food. Mostly bulk and produce.
  • I've found yoga to be an amazing experience. I've been at it for about a year and really enjoy my practice. It's a wonderful blend of exercise, mindfulness, and meditation. My favorite aspect is that no matter where your skills are, you can constantly see little improvements as you move along. It is NOT an instant…
  • I gave up pre-packaged veggie burgers b/c they are, on the whole: 1) Too expensive 2) Packed in sodium 3) Unsatisfying and bland =/ That being said, my first months as a vegetarian, I survived on these things. A few that I may splurge on are: 1) Morningstar Spicy Black Bean 2) Amy's (any variety, especially their Texas…
  • While salads are probably #1, GRANOLA has got to be a close second. People think that a store-bought chewy granola bar is a healthy snack. Check out the calories on those butter-soaked oats and chocolate chips. Stick to an apple or banana =P Also bagels, tomato soup, and sandwiches in general. All of these can be absurdly…
  • For me, and the guys I know, it's all about activities. I've been with my partner for 4 V-days now, and at this point if I need something material, I'll go out and get it. The most special gifts I've gotten are getaway nights, special dinners (out OR, even better, home-made), outdoor adventures, going to new and…
  • Love this! Enjoy the attention, you've earned it! You look great and it's awesome that others are noticing.
  • I've learned out much trouble we can find ourselves in simply because we don't stay connected. So much of my weight gain can be directly tied to losing touch with the important people in my life. When we stay connected, we have the opportunity to give and receive support, in my opinion the most significant and powerful…
  • TVP is available from Bob's Red Mill. You can find packages in basically any health food section of any major grocery store (Kroger/Fred Meyer, Safeway, Albertson's, etc.). You find it near specialty flours and gluten-free foods. Often it's with the organic or soy products as well. Super cheap (~$3.00/package), very…
  • Thanks everyone for your kind words. I feel like I should clarify that I'm not actually a service member, it's a borrowed uni for halloween. Good to know it was convincing, though =) Remember this is a collective battle. It's only together that we get better.
  • Sodium is the primary element in table salt. High levels tend to increase blood pressure (thus increasing risk of heart problems). Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death for Americans, particularly overweight and obese Americans. General recommendations from my GP: 1) Keep sodium under 2000mg/day 2) Increase…
    in Sodium Comment by richars65 January 2011
  • Remember the reasons that you want to lose weight. We're all about increasing the quality of life, right? Spending time with our friends and family is an essential part of our wellness, even if they are not on the same eating routine as we are. I think many of these strategies make sense (planning ahead, eating a snack…
  • 1) Fruits: Eat a piece of fruit (or two) raw with every meal. Apples, oranges, bananas, pears, and berries are all relatively available all year and can be eaten raw for low calorie, high fiber ending to any meal. Try mixing berries in oatmeal, bananas with cold cereal, or sliced applies with a bit of cinnamon for…
  • Here's a repost from a similar topic I posted on a while ago. I've been lacto-ovo veg for about 4 1/2 years and have found a nice balanced diet that seems to work well for my active lifestyle. Recipes would be way too crazy to post a bunch of here, but many awesome vegetarian and vegan blogs can be found with extensive…
  • Another possibility is to use egg whites in lieu of whole eggs, it'll cut the fat and total calories down.
  • Hahaha that's too funny. Congratulations on your transformation, and kudos to your family for taking part.
  • I guess I've lost 548 sticks of butter since my heaviest, but only 120 since joining MFP. That's nauseating to think about. Since I'm a vegetarian, though, I prefer to think of myself losing 548 quarter-pound hamburger patties =P
  • I've been lacto-ovo veg for about 4 1/2 years and have found a nice balanced diet that seems to work well for my active lifestyle. Recipes would be way too crazy to post a bunch of here, but many awesome vegetarian and vegan blogs can be found with extensive recipe information. Some of my favorites are:…
  • Eggs - There is ZERO reason to eat egg yolks. They house the fat and cholesterol, and the whites have ALL the protein. I eat approx. 1dozen egg whites per week. Whites contain about 17 calories and have 4g protein each. Yogurt - All yogurts are not created equal. It is good as you can get it fat free, it has healthy…
  • I just made spaghetti squash yesterday. Here's the recipe from my recipe box: Spaghetti Squash - 1 medium/large Fat-free cottage cheese - 1 cup Fat-free sour cream - 1 cup Fat-free plain yogurt - 1 cup Red onion, sliced - 1 medium Almond cheddar (or mozzarella) style "cheese" - 3oz Button Mushrooms, diced - 6-10 Green…
  • A few of my snack staples: Multigrain Wasa Crackers (sometimes with a little jelly or salsa) Fat-free Cottage Cheese w/reduced sugar raspberry jelly Fresh apples & bananas Blanched slivered almonds