I literally hang out with my friends all day(college)
@arditarose so glad that you feel me!!!!!
Breakfast is supposed to be the biggest meal of the day. Not only that, but the most important meal of the day. Think about it this way: you can starve yourself until 12 and then feel like you deserve a bunch of unhealthy food or, you can eat a balanced breakfast and eat a more healthy lunch because you are less hungry and…
thanks for the pinterest idea. pinterest was made for fancy cooking.
Omg i ran 300 miles one summer! good luck!
its really better that you haven't heard of yik yak
haha thanks i wanted to change my mindset on being healthy
if i could like your post I would. beautifully said.
thanks for inspiring me! here is my list based off yours 2 pounds vegetable recipes 5pounds clothing hangers 6 pounds ab work out videos 7 pounds return sports bra 10 pounds get gym membership 12 pounds new laundry basket 15 pounds watch the 100 16 pounds new smoothie recipes Thanks!
thankyou! means alot
this guy sounds like a piece of work. does not seem worth it. if he was moody then he'll probably be moody again. it seems like you have definite feelings and so does he which is why i would avoid any contact or friendship. i think it could be a relationship but a very messy terrible one to escape. my answer is ditch the…
if your watching TV then let me say this it gives you a lot of time to think and during commercials you get so bored it drives you to food try something more active like a book(keeps you thinking) a movie(no commercials) dvr (no commercials)or netflix(no commercials). if exercise make you happy you could just walk around.…
sounds like a smart plan. but sometimes when you start eating sugar you eat even more. have self control and i think youll be fine
working out isn't magic. but every time you work out you'll be a little healthier. eventually you'll be able to notice you can run longer and faster... or if you don't run you'll be better at what ever . still fat will become less fat
well i think its great that your admitting it because your not in denial. just get out there. for me my excuse is always time. i always say to myself Oh i don't have enough time to go for a run or do anything active so the quote i always think of is; someone who is busier than you is running. it just proves that even if…
worry more about being consistent . as long as you do your food diary everyday and exercise minimally everyday than that's a start. a lot of time i'll go hard core and run like 3 miles and then for the next to weeks ill sit on my butt. instead what might be better is just to workout every day. commitment is key!
be honest and write all the things you ate down. sugar is a powerful drug beware! its best to have a busier life so you something better than think about food all day. don't starve yourself just limit sugar and salts. im sure you know what foods are healthy for you.... not fast-food
just remember your fabulous. don't get too paranoid. just accept any praise you get and return the compliment at some point
Under armor pants are the best. if you are in a cold area best to get the long ones instead of the cropped. if you get the cropped just remember your calfs are going to be very cold