HELP! whats a gal to do when Cravings set in...



  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Instant Mug o' Mac & Cheese in the Microwave:

    1/3 cup elbow pasta (whole grain)
    1/2 cup water
    1/4 cup 1% milk
    1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

    So much better for you than Easy Mac, and you can use skim milk and reduced-fat cheese if you want. It just doesn't get as melty as the regular stuff.

    Plus, the whole-grain pasta will fill you up.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Mind over matter... Also drink water ... About 99% of the time we misread what our body is telling us and we are really just works for me. I have learned that water or hot tea is of great comfort and those cravings are getting almost non existant!
  • linz0saur
    Thanks everyone, great suggestions and ideas! I'm beginning to feel a lot better now :)
  • Maccbow
    Maccbow Posts: 53 Member
    Several things I have available, for when cravings set in are, sugar-free ice-pops, pudding, jello, and diet soda. For hot things, I like sugar-free hot chocolate, and hot spiced apple cider. When I want something sort of salty, I really enjoy good zesty dill pickles, (but I'm careful not to have too many bc of the salt content.)

    For "head-work," I focus on a list I made, (and continue to add on to), of all the benefits that I look forward to when I reach my goal. The list seems endless, and when I read it, or add on to it, it makes me think about how I'll feel when any of those good things happen. I add on any benefit that I can think of, even the smallest, teenie-tiniest benefit, because all of them will be fabulous when I get there. After reading and dwelling on this for some time, I find that my craving is SOO MUCH easier to withstand! I go from "white-knuckling it" to actually BEING HAPPY that I'm not caving into a bad craving. Also, after a bit, the craving subsides. It also makes me feel that I controlled the situation, instead of letting the craving controll me, and that makes me feel so happy! I ESPECIALLY feel sooo happy the next morning when I didn't "blow it"! So, when I withstand a craving, I also focus on how happy I'll be the following morning! It's so helpful to me!!
  • housenoob
    housenoob Posts: 34 Member
    be honest and write all the things you ate down. sugar is a powerful drug beware! its best to have a busier life so you something better than think about food all day. don't starve yourself just limit sugar and salts. im sure you know what foods are healthy for you.... not fast-food
  • migs102
    migs102 Posts: 3 Member
    My nutrionist once said in a group I was in that when you have a craving it doesn't mean you acted on it or that you have given in. It took me a minute to wrap my head around it but found it to be true. Once you have the craving and want the food item whatever it is you feel like you have already eaten it, but you haven't you still have the choice to try and distract yourself or not to eat it.
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    I find that the cleaner my diet is, the less I get cravings for junky food.