Crossfit_Mom_2_4 Member


  • I had a severe meniscus tear in 2006. Had surgical repair, but never really got back the muscle that atrophied as a result of the injury. I was in an unloader brace for a long time and taking Gluch/Chond supps as directed by my doctor. After many years of frustration and a 155lb weight gain from lack of mobility, I quit.…
  • I just recently learned about the FitBit and have no personal first hand knowledge. I personally went from using the 'Bodybugg/Body Media" to a Polar RS300x. I purchased this particular HRM because it allows you to plug in your VO2 max and plot your zones. The zone burning method allows you to focus on which one is the…
  • I am doing the C25k program. I am in week 6 day 2 (finished that today). I will be finished with this C25k first week in April and moving onto the Bridge to 10K program. I love these programs because I am running again!! FINALLY!!!
  • I am using an app on my iPhone called "Ease into 5k" and I'll be finishing that app up first week in April. They now have "Bridge to 10K" specifically for the "East into 5k" users (I am doing a Spartan Sprint in May). I LOVE the apps! They work and I am running again!!
  • My dermatologist prescribed (over the counter at CVS) a cleanser called "Cerve." I use the foaming facial cleanser everyday in the morning before I workout, and at night. I also have the Cerve Moisturizer (you can expect some drying to occur the first two weeks, so get a small bottle of the moisturizer). It costs about $13…
  • One Word, Two Syllables: SHA-ZAM!! Awesome job!! Way to inspire :)
  • I can relate on so many levels. My journey has been ongoing, and well needless to say I had lost 108lbs only to gain it back plus some. What didn't click for me was the inside work that needed to be dealt with. You have a base knowledge that calories in vs. calories out will play a key role in decreasing the unwanted body…
  • You're not alone in 2000 I lost 108lbs and was in the fittest shape of my life. Then I got lazy, let 'life' be my excuse, and gained back all 108lbs plus an additional 27lbs. What I learned was it was more internal dialogue than it was the actual act of of exercising. It was more about issues I'd yet to tackle, but soon…
  • Walmart has them relatively inexpensive and they're cute too :)
  • I can totally relate. I have this person who is pushing me to 'sell' products, and I can only be so gentle and nice about my financial situation. I respect each individuals successes, but don't expect anyone to push what works for them on me because I wouldn't do it to them. But then, we can not always expect others to be…
  • If you go to the TurboFire site where its sold (BeachBody) you should have a coach assigned to you. Coaches are typical sellers of the product. You should be able to get samples. I've tried both, and prefer chocolate. The greenberry is not good (to me) AT ALL! Hope this helps :0)
  • Awesome feedback everyone!! THANK YOU!!
  • I am in week three as well! LOVE IT!! Very challenging, still working on getting through the workouts without having to take a break (water, towel, breath)...Love to work through the journey with you!
  • WOW!! You're on a roll!! Congrats on your weightloss!! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me. I'm so excited I'm seeing so many who've hit that 'wall' like me and made it through - I'm stoked!! Here we go!! Time to rock it out and evict some more fat cells :)
  • Ok, so I've heard a lot about these hybrid programs. Can you shed a little more light on the subject? What is it? I'm so new to these at home DVD's - I want to make sure I'm making the right choices in my fitness challenge(s) :)
  • I'd looked at P90X - because I have a knee injury history - I wanted to start a little slower. TurboFire is kick butt for sure. I'm going to be investing in P90X in July :) Then onto INSANITY!! I'm going to get me one of those shirts!! Way to go on the weight loss. I hear you on not wanting to sustain an injury. Knowing…
  • WOW!! The replies that fast are so encouraging!! Thank you everyone. I'm here because I've hit a wall! Plateau - whatever - I'm now focusing on my nutrition more hardcore than before. I'm excited to be here and inspired by everyone!! Thank you for the congrats and warm invites - much appreciated!