

  • Beach Body makes Shakeology!!! Amazing! Healthy! Filling!
  • AMAZINGLY great feeling!!! keep it up!!!
  • Good for you!!!!!You look wonderful! :flowerforyou:
  • I decided when I started logging to be honest! Why Lie? Who am I kidding anyway! It is,! what it is If I have a bad day or bad choice i just own it and move on!Lying is what got me in this weight gain to begin with!! Honesty is the key here ...for me!:smile:
  • Got out of bed this am at 6:10 at 6:25 had my DVD in and was working out with Chalene...22 nd day !!! So happy!!! Found a wonderful protein source! I'm eating enough everyday no more starvation /binge mode!
  • Thanks! I like BOTH!! SO far I have been eating ALL of my feels so wrong but I am willing to do whatever to loose this last 30#!
  • WOW! I feel like a light has been turned on! I had no idea how much I was eating tilI tracked the past few days! And I am not eating enough. I have so much to learn!!! Thanks!!!!
  • thanks for the insight!:smile:
  • So happy you are feeling better! I have'nt had coffee since April of 2009 Ive had 4 cups since then BUT I was a 2 pot-a-day -by-myself-before-noon drinker!!! A little obsessive!? well, when I cut out the caffein I noticed alot of my PAINS also went away!!!! hmm??? connection? I think so.... By the way what does NSV mean??
  • I got pnemonia in sept was sick til feb was on steroids and gained 15 pounds! feel so frustrated then found this site! every day is a new day count every bite be aware...more aware....til new habits are normal routine! hang in there! don't give up!!!
  • Maybe eat more foods that fill you up....and maybe you are tired? I think you should listen to your body if you are truly hungry eat WHOLE unprocessed foods that your body will use! Obviously your doing the right things drinking H2O, LISTEN to YOU! Eat! maybe it's just a phase...journal your thoughts as…
  • My 1st thoughts are WAY TO GO!! I am inspired by heavy people out there!!! I have so much respect for them!! Then I think if they can, I can!!! And before long the heavy people who were running become the in shape heathy people running! Kinda cool how this works!!:smile:
  • 1. The SUN was out today!!! And it was warm enough for no coats( Monday we had a snow days kids off of school!!!) 2. I drank all my H2O today! 3.Finally began to work out today it's been a rough 5 months I've had pneumonia and steroids!! UGH!! But today was day#1... :)
  • WOW! I echo the same grief! I am 50 and just finished 4 months of steroids for pneumonia!! I gained 15 pounds!! I too am amazed at how fast it goes on and what a pain to get it off!!! I'm realizing Sugar is the killer! Just trying to get my head in the game and stay the course!! Good luck my 50 something friends!! we can…
  • Perrysburg, Ohio
  • Hey! I have been here 3 days and I agree so far so good!! Keep up the good work!!! It'll be worth it when you reach your goal!!! every day is an adventure!!! Enjoy the journey!
  • Boy do I feel your pain! I was diagnoised in 2001 and I am STILL learning! I am so intolerant if my grandson eats gluten and kisses me my mouth breaks out like major chap lips! In Dec I made my dad real peanut butter cookies and ended up in the ER in his community hospital with Iritis!!!! took 3 months to recover from this…
  • Hello friends! I like to make a green smoothie. With Spinach,banana, almond milk, chia seeds, blue berries OR black berries sometimes I throw in flax meal . This is great for a quick meal when you are short on time! I'm trying to tweek my fruits to lower my calories...I'm a sever celiac AND a Vegetarian! so eating can be…