NSV: Feeling Good

I was tested for gluten intolerance on Tuesday. I just got my test results back today and they said all I need to do is take more Vitamin D because I guess it's low. (Of course it is, it's not summer time when I go bake myself at the beach.) Anyway, I am still going to continue with what I've been doing with staying away from the gluten containing foods...

Here's some of the changes I've seen in the last two weeks:

1. I only need one cup of coffee in the morning and the rest of the day I am full of energy. I was at over 100oz a day (multiple 24oz Wawa fill ups plus 2-3 9oz cups before I even left the house). Sometimes more if I caved and purchased a Monster.
2. My anxiety attacks have subsided and I have less chest pain.
3. My stomach feels amazing.
4. My acne is starting to clear up.
5. My breathing is better (doc made a comment about how clear my lungs sound and I smoke!!)
6. I do not have mood swings like I was having.
7. I do not feel depressed or down anymore.
8. I go to sleep easier at night.
9. I can do more with a workout than I could before.
10. I used to take aspirin or Excedrin every morning because all of my muscles and joints were sore... without working out. I do not take them at all now.
11. Constant headaches went away.
12. The BMs are regular now instead of sporadic, going from constipation to diarrhea... which is nice by itself!

So yes I may not have tested positive for anything, but I'm listening to what my body is telling me for once. Why should I go back to constantly feeling tired, sick to my stomach (this happened a lot in the last few months), sore muscles, and headaches? I am sure I will succumb to temptation occasionally, but I know I will also probably feel like crap afterwards. I've chosen this as my lifestyle change and am enjoying it quite a bit. I'm sure with me keeping track of my calories and exercising I will lose weight when it wants to come off, but my biggest goal these past few weeks is to feel good and I have succeeded thus far!

So that is my NSV Success Story.


  • KellyLin62
    So happy you are feeling better! I have'nt had coffee since April of 2009 Ive had 4 cups since then BUT I was a 2 pot-a-day -by-myself-before-noon drinker!!! A little obsessive!? well, when I cut out the caffein I noticed alot of my PAINS also went away!!!! hmm??? connection? I think so....

    By the way what does NSV mean??
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I didn't know what it meant forever! It means non-scale victory. I had to ask somebody. I'm actually horrible with all of those online abbreviations and what they mean in general.
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    Congrats!! That is huge! Keep up the work!
  • tdaddybarlow
    tdaddybarlow Posts: 673 Member
    That's a really terrific NSV!!! Imagine all those things becoming even better ONCE YOU STOP SMOKING! 4 years for me and going strong!!! I need to post that.
    Keep on killing it, killer!!!
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    That's a really terrific NSV!!! Imagine all those things becoming even better ONCE YOU STOP SMOKING! 4 years for me and going strong!!! I need to post that.
    Keep on killing it, killer!!!

    That is my next goal! For a multitude of reasons... especially how much it costs (live in Jersey, we pay about $7.80ish a pack here!). I have gotten better, went from a pack down to half a pack in about two weeks, now I'm working on not smoking when I'm bored or driving!
  • tdaddybarlow
    tdaddybarlow Posts: 673 Member
    Holy SMOKES!!! (no pun intended) 8 bucks for cigarettes!!! YIKES!!!! Well I wish you the best on getting rid of that bill and getting completely healthy and in the shape you want to be in!
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