tifarahmonteith Member


  • Can I suggest that you change your daily food diary to public, that way others on this thread can look back through your choices and see what you would typically eat? I agree that the number one focus is to make sure your calories taken in are lower than your calories taken out, but perhaps you're leaving out a specific…
  • Some people find it easier to drink some of their calories per day. For example, if you're looking to gain, then making a smoothie with like..... a cup of milk, a banana, a tbsp. of peanut butter, a scoop of some kind of protein powder etc (then add some ice and blend) can help add about 500 kcal/day. Not sure what your…
  • Yes... yes, for the love of God, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! :D
  • Just looked over your food diary.... to be honest, HUGE red flags everywhere. Please do NOT take an appetite suppressant, in all likelihood your body IS starving..... not for food necessarily but actual nutrients. I only went back about 5 days, but you literally live on "treats" and no real food. April 19 for example, you…
  • I personally just wouldn`t weigh yourself for about a week... I bet when you weigh in next week, you`ll be the same or even have lost. Today is my birthday, and is going to be my cheat day. I won`t be logging today at all, as I don`t even want to know ;) I weigh every Friday, and I know I won`t have gained because of one…
  • I`m not sure how small/tall you are so this may not be what you need to hear, but 1200 kcal/day is generally not near enough food for an adult woman. If you aren`t taking in enough energy, your body isn't going to want to burn what you ARE taking in.... It`s going to try to hold onto everything it can for later, because it…
  • I agree with you that it is easier to say no to something altogether than it is to have a bite and then say no to the rest of the box! It it easier said than done I know, but I agree with not buying or keeping anything in your house that you don't want yourself to eat. I also don't eat out when I am getting serious eating…
  • That's how I always feel too........that I don't really consider the natural sugars in fruit to be bad like the sugar in junk, which I don't eat. But I also hear and kinda believe that sugar, regardless of whether natural or processed, are alike in the fact that they hang on around your waist. I am not really on here to…
  • I agree with most of you......calories burned being alive and doing "alive people" things do not get logged on mine. This app has supposedly already taken into account our daily activity when it asked how active we are on a daily basis right from the get-go. People on here are always wondering why they can't get past a…
  • Haha, I think any woman that loses weight wonders this....I have never been overweight, but I always notice that any time I either lose or gain a few lb, I always notice it first on my boobs! Seeing as boobs are all fat and no muscle, there are no exercises that will do anything for you......exercising burns fat!! And…
  • Yes, you will obviously lose weight, but a lot of it will be muscle loss and not fat loss!! If you want the weight that comes off to be fat and not muscle, you need to hold onto that muscle by exercising! So many people get to their goal weight only to find that they look worse because the skin kind of just hangs there…
  • I'm 23 and have been thinking the same thing!! Young people seem to have different goals and different struggles. I'm not really here to lost much weight, just get my muscles back and get exercising again. I find that a lot of girls our age have unrealistic weight loss goals and it helps to see what other people our age…
  • Glad to see there are others on here for the same purposes as me. Since I've only been back on my "workout kick" for less than two weeks, I just work out at home. I have a treadmill that really only gets used for my cool down session at the end. So far I have just been doing Turbo Jam workouts on DVD's that I have....I…
  • I was on Seasonale for awhile, and went from my usual 135ish to 149 lb the first 6 months!! I didn't eat and exercise the same though, but I blame that too on the pill.......I felt terrible all the time, was bloated, and had a lot of horrible side effects. After going off of that pill I started taking Demulen about 1.5…
  • haha, let me clarify...there were no comments when i started, but then it took me so long to respond that there were LOTS of comments by the time i hit post!
  • First off, congratulations on sticking with it despite not seeing the results you want!! It's so hard to continue on if you're not seeing the results on the scale. I am definately not an authority on this, but seeing as no one else has commented I'll let you know what i think ;) The more muscle you put into your body, the…
  • I am 23 and also 5'7'. I am currently 138 and not really on here so much to "lose weight" as to just tighten everything up and get toned. I think that so many women, especially my age, are so concerned with a number instead of being "healthy". For me, my goal weight is 135. I don't worry if i get a little lower, but i do…
  • in my understanding.....weight gain overnight like that is not really "weight" like you think.......the higher your sodium intake, the more water your body holds onto to try to dilute it. So essentially, if you are getting too much salt in your diet your body will retain water like crazy and that extra water is the number…
  • I have the same problem when my husband is away! I find that if I just go to bed, the problem is solved. I like to have supper done with by 7 at the latest, and i find my "boredom cravings" start to kick in around 9:30 pm. This last week i've been going to bed at 9:30 and not eating anything after supper. I never wake up…
  • I am by no means an authority on this, but if you are not happy you will not stay on a "diet". My approach to this might be different from a lot of people because I am really only on here to tone up get my muscles back. My weight loss goal is only 6 lb, but if I don't allow myself something that I really really want it is…
  • I am not so much on here to lose weight as to get my muscles back and feel better! I get pretty down during the winter months and I know that winter's I exercise regularly I feel so much happier in general! I was in the best shape of my life two years ago so when I think of how I looked and how I felt about myself at that…