One day a month..where you say F it?



  • shanahtehya
    shanahtehya Posts: 50 Member
    I do a free meal every 1 or 2 weeks, either go out to eat or order take out (chinese or pizza). The rest of the time there is nothing that " i cant have" , its all about portion control.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I don't really do it once a week or once a month like that, but I do it when the mood strikes - birthday dinner with friends, dinner party at home, etc. I'm of the mind that everything is ok in moderation though so I never really feel like I'm deprived of anything, I find that keeps me in line more than the promise of a cheat day....
  • tifarahmonteith
    tifarahmonteith Posts: 23 Member
    I am by no means an authority on this, but if you are not happy you will not stay on a "diet". My approach to this might be different from a lot of people because I am really only on here to tone up get my muscles back. My weight loss goal is only 6 lb, but if I don't allow myself something that I really really want it is only a matter of days before I fall off the wagon completely!! The longer I have been eating healthily for, the less junk I want to eat, but for the first week or two I focus most on exercise, and less on denying myself something that I want to snack on. I already eat quite healthily as a rule, but if I want a cinnamon bun I eat it. If I don't just have it, I think about it and think about it, and eat like 5 other things that are "healthy" while trying to talk myself out of eating the cinnamon bun. In the end I usually eat the cinnamon bun anyway. I could have just had the cinnamon bun, felt a tiny twinge of guilt, and then kept on my merry way. But instead I ended up eating other things hoping to not want the cinnamon bun anymore, then eating it anyway. Then I feel terrible and after that happens once or twice I officially quit the whole thing. My advice is to start out slowly. If you are miserable you will not last.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    That's about the same for me - Once a month I'll have one of those 'eat what I want' days. When the urge hits.
  • haaaleyx
    haaaleyx Posts: 83 Member
    I do it once a week where I just eat what I want. I'll still try and pick healthier options, but I just don't worry about my calories for that day ( I do still log it though ).
  • rdunlap81
    rdunlap81 Posts: 97 Member
    usually when it is that time of the month, I have a day where I consume more calories but I still log everything. I feel accountable if I log it.
  • keependuring
    keependuring Posts: 16 Member
    I purposely don't use all my calories during the week, so that the weekends are more free. But, be careful not to go too over calories for the week or all your hard work will go to waste.
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    I don't have any cheat days planned just yet.
    I might reserve it for my PMS-y days. I'm really, REALLY bad about staying within calorie goals on those days. It's usually 3 days of throwing caution to the wind mostly because I'm irritated and in a lot of pain (my cramps can, at times, be nightmares)
    (I also have a day somewhere in there on which I can't eat any food at all until the evening hours but that's a whole other story...)

    I'm not sure if I could 'cheat' per say. I might just log everything so I can see for myself what I'm taking in. I become highly annoyed if I forget to log something, etc. So, I feel I'll still need to log it just not worry about the calorie goal so much on those days.
  • ksmarathon2010
    I did the spike diet for a month and it was a lot of work to eat all those calories on Saturday. So, I changed to zig zagging but tweeked it so my highest day is still Saturday. This past Saturday I went to a fundraiser dinner that had frozen lasagna, I couldn't believe I wasted my calories on that and it didn't even taste good. I tend to eat a lot and then the next day it's hard to make myself eat anything. So spiking hasn't made me "fall of the wagon" at all. I actually think it helps me eat healthier, because I know I feel better when I have a better diet.
  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    I have been on here since the beginning of January and I had my first "binge" session this weekend. I had a 3 slices of pizza (should have stopped at 2) and some ice cream.
    This is the first time I have really been bad, and I was so worried I would gain weight..I lost a half pound! LOL

    I also agree that if you eat too much or a lot of bad stuff, you will feel gross!! I had my pizza on Saturday and my Ice Cream on Sunday.

    I don't crave the junk as much as I used to and I just cannot eat that much anymore!!

    If you do not enjoy things from time to time..then its kinda pointless..but if you can work it into your will be much better equipped for success long term!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    There are days I go way over, but I always try to log, even if I just add in the number of calories I know I'm capable of eating in one sitting.