Finally had a cheat day

first in 11 months. was delicious. hot dog, hamburger, pasta salad, coleslaw, lots of chips, chocolate (12 icy squares yummmm couldnt stop xD) and a huge piece of strawberry rhubarb pie and icecream. Worth it.

Id guestimate at 3kish calories. Im finally human :D

now to tie it in to the help section, How long should i expect the scale to be up for? I know it happens but have no experience with it myself yet iv been perfect for 11 months now XD anyone think this will make my appetite bigger for a few days? iv been really hungry lately honestly i let myself eat this way for today because i thought it might help, Even if its just mentally. Hope it wont backfire haha


  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    3 days probably.
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    No clue millions of such questions have been asked weigh yourself daily and you will find out the answer.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I do have a slightly elevated appetite after a big day but usually just when I wake up (did this two days ago, so had the hungries first things yesterday). As long as you're disciplined with yourself it should only take a day or two to readjust the brain back to your new "normal".

    As for how long it shows on the scale, that's different for everyone. In fact, it can vary with the same person. Sometimes it hangs around for a couple of weeks with me, sometimes a couple of days. Where it falls within my cycle, exercise, what I ate can all have an impact on the time.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Straight away....
  • AFGP11
    AFGP11 Posts: 142 Member
    This is exactly why I focus on moderation with things I love instead of depriving myself and bingeing later. I was never able to keep my weight down long term until I stopped eating the way you are. I am very good at deprivation, but that was never the problem I had. My problem was bingeing. Abstaining like that actually made my binge issues worse. I'd go for months without certain foods, then go totally crazy one day and after that "cheat day", it became easier and easier to excuse overeating until I was totally back to my old ways. Now I allow myself foods I used to consider "bad" but I plan how much of it I am going to eat and practice portion control. I haven't had my weight yo-yo in a long time now.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    The "really hungry lately honestly" should be handled by eating at, not below, but at, maintenance for the weight you are now for a week. You shouldn't be suffering for better health.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The "really hungry lately honestly" should be handled by eating at, not below, but at, maintenance for the weight you are now for a week. You shouldn't be suffering for better health.

  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    The "really hungry lately honestly" should be handled by eating at, not below, but at, maintenance for the weight you are now for a week. You shouldn't be suffering for better health.

    This is very true. My blowout the other day was a rarity, I'm pretty much never hungry other than normal pre-meal hunger. It's not an ongoing issue due to eating low for a very long time. So it may be time to reassess just how strict and how low you are/have been eating.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited April 2017
    The "really hungry lately honestly" should be handled by eating at, not below, but at, maintenance for the weight you are now for a week. You shouldn't be suffering for better health.

    This is very true. My blowout the other day was a rarity, I'm pretty much never hungry other than normal pre-meal hunger. It's not an ongoing issue due to eating low for a very long time. So it may be time to reassess just how strict and how low you are/have been eating.

    oh okay i get why people are worried, No its just hormones and a change in how active i am. They overlapped and have made me hungry so seemed good time to have my yummy BBQ. Iv been on here a year as a suporter of IIYYM and have been eating plenty, Thanks kindly. Was super not the point
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I'm having a prelogged cheat day today, and I have no problem calling it a cheat day lol I know the mechanics of weight loss and what I can expect going over 700 cals... a whopping 200 calorie "gain" no big deal. Overall I'll still be in a handsome deficit. Control your cheats or have them few and far between but what you call going over makes about as much difference to weight loss as meal timing.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Make sure your Aunt knows (I'm NEVER going to leave this alone). And yeah, I don't get why people assume it's a binge. You've been here a long time and know what the hell you're doing.

    Anyway, my biggest gains from a "cheat" day really depends on the salt. I have more salt when I cheat so I gain 3-4 lbs and it takes me a week to lose, but I'm less active than you are.

    And tomorrow is my birthday so I'm celebrating today as celebrating on a Monday would just suck. Bacon and waffles fro brunch, Keg for dinner. Not sure what lunch will be (if anything) but I looked at my week and I've been under so I can eat 2600 today, with no activity (not going to be the case) and still hit my week goal. But I will be up 2-3 lbs tomorrow, as my weight today was real low due to some "issues" yesterday and not re-hydrating.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    Every human is different. You could drop it all tomorrow or you could be working it out for 1-2 weeks. Just stick to your plan and it will come back off eventually.
  • tifarahmonteith
    tifarahmonteith Posts: 23 Member
    I personally just wouldn`t weigh yourself for about a week... I bet when you weigh in next week, you`ll be the same or even have lost. Today is my birthday, and is going to be my cheat day. I won`t be logging today at all, as I don`t even want to know ;) I weigh every Friday, and I know I won`t have gained because of one day... if anything I`ll just not have lost this week perhaps. It takes a surplus of 3500 calories in a week to gain 1 lb of fat. Breaking that down, it`s eating 500 calories more per day than you are burning. If you ate 3000 calories in 1 day, and it ALL was absorbed, that still doesn`t equal 1 lb of actual fat gain for that week. You`ll likely feel like a bloated bag of crap for a couple days, but by your next weigh in, the bloating and water retention should be gone and you`ll be ready to go!
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I rarely do this, but it takes only a couple of days to get the water weight and extra food volume out of my system.

    But I do this to excess when I travel and it gets really out of hand. It sometimes takes a month to get my weight and habits back on track. Waste of time as far as progress toward my goals, but still worth it.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    A couple of days at least, for me it's a full week before I feel settled again.
    I'm curious as you've been at your deficit for a while now too, how did the volume and kind of food make you feel short term, physically I mean? I'm finding that like whole servings of fries or bags of chips give me an upset stomach these days, now I'm used to nibbling more.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Make sure your Aunt knows (I'm NEVER going to leave this alone). And yeah, I don't get why people assume it's a binge. You've been here a long time and know what the hell you're doing.

    Anyway, my biggest gains from a "cheat" day really depends on the salt. I have more salt when I cheat so I gain 3-4 lbs and it takes me a week to lose, but I'm less active than you are.

    And tomorrow is my birthday so I'm celebrating today as celebrating on a Monday would just suck. Bacon and waffles fro brunch, Keg for dinner. Not sure what lunch will be (if anything) but I looked at my week and I've been under so I can eat 2600 today, with no activity (not going to be the case) and still hit my week goal. But I will be up 2-3 lbs tomorrow, as my weight today was real low due to some "issues" yesterday and not re-hydrating.

    happy birthday :D and yeah im not sure either my original post was quite happy i even said wht i ate...doesnt sound like a binge to me at all XD NOWHERE did i say the word binge or even anmything negative lol. I have stuff about aunt to tell you later im headed to work soon :P
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited April 2017
    A couple of days at least, for me it's a full week before I feel settled again.
    I'm curious as you've been at your deficit for a while now too, how did the volume and kind of food make you feel short term, physically I mean? I'm finding that like whole servings of fries or bags of chips give me an upset stomach these days, now I'm used to nibbling more.

    I didnt even feel that full really if you think about it 1 burger 1 hot dog and the rest was small stuff the volume wasnt THAT big. However the pie and icecream made me feel very full XD Was delicious didnt feel hungry since, Tho i just forced down a big meal since i havent eaten today and i work soon and will be walking 10 miles :p Yummy