running my third HM in sep 1st, will post result, my PR is 1:40, not sure I can beat that because of the weather.
one way to know if you are dehydrated is looking at the color of your urine, if it is dark then you are indeed dehydrated and should not be exercising, if it is light yellow then you are probably well hydrated and it might be safe to exercise, your mucus membrane (inside of your mouth) help also monitor your level of…
slowly increasing your weekly mileage, the more miles you run the better for long distance running.
Agree with Carson, the more miles you run the better prepared you gonna be, I would slowly increase long runs until you get to 16 miles, you have plenty of time before your next half to get to 40-50 miles per week, you really don't have to follow any specific plan increasing your weekly mileage is all you need.
I would recommend to see a sports medicine doctor, a bulging disc can become a serious a condition if not adequately treated.
it is not a theory it is a fact, this is normal body adaptation
I have Garmin 610 and pretty happy with it, it is however a lot more expensive
goal time is under 2:00, not trying for a PR I am actually helping a friend finish a sub 2 hour half, my personal best is 1h40min, May 27th is race day.
I use mapmyrun and Garmin 610, there is a huge difference in pace calculation between the two, an 8:40 min/mile pace on mapmyrun is actually a 9 min/mile pace on my Garmin, a 5 mile run with Garmin is a 5.25 mile on mapmyrun hence the difference in pace, If you are planning on participating in races you should use a GPS…
I think you will be able to run at an 8:30 pace, I would start at 8:50 or 8:45 for the first 2 miles and settle at 8:30 min/mile around mile 3 and run the last 3 miles faster at 8:20 or better.
good job, I am sure you will get to sub 2 hours
See you at the MCM and good luck with your training
I agree I was too ambitious, but it is ambition that drives us, Thanks Carson will follow your advice and keep a good running base, I may come north and run baltimore who knows :)
I ran an average of 50-60 miles a week which include long runs once a week between 14 to 20 miles (I did two 20 miles runs during training), most of my other runs were between 6 to 10 miles, unfortunately did not do much lactate threshold runs or speed work, I did some pace runs the longest was 8 miles. one more thing that…
by the way my next one would be in October, marine corps marathon in DC.
8 miles today WTD 32 miles MTD 52 miles
between 40 to 50 miles per week
12 miles today WTD 24 miles MTD 44 miles
Mar 1: 15 miles Mar 3: 5 miles Mar 5: 7 miles Mar 6: 5 miles MTD: 32 miles
please add me for 200 miles in march
Feb 27: 10 miles WTD 26.75 miles MTD 145.5 miles
Feb 25: 10 miles WTD 16.75 miles MTD 135.5 miles
Feb 21: 10 miles WTD 16.75 miles MTD 125.5 miles
Feb 19: 6.75 miles WTD 6.75 miles MTD 115.5 miles
Feb 16: 8 miles WTD 48 miles MTD 108.75 miles
Feb 15: 5 miles WTD 40 miles MTD 100.75 miles
Feb 14: 20 miles WTD 70 miles MTD 95.75 miles
Feb 12: 5 miles WTD 50 miles MTD 75.75 miles
Feb 10: 10 miles WTD 45 miles MTD 70.75 miles
Feb 9 8 miles WTD 35 miles MTD 60.75 miles