

  • Hi again :) Wow so adding in my workouts to the calculator I'm eating a lot less then, but like you say I'm worried by eating more it's only going to make the matters worse! Maybe if i increase it a little bit to like 1600 rather than the 1474 I'm currently on and see if that helps? No Walking along i haven't been eating…
  • I did put in my first response that i do measure and weigh my food and i am very god at making sure everything is weighed/measured even when cooking for the whole family :) I have measured inches too but nothing has changed as far as i can see, I did think maybe it was fat to muscle conversion as i try and lift heavy and i…
  • Thank you everyone for your kind words!! I think trying another calculator and eating a bit more may be the way forward then by the sounds of it, i mean i don't feel hungry with the calories I'm eating and a generally listen to my body so if its tellingme to eat i have a snack and log it but im generally not a HUGE eater…
  • hahaha i was soooooooo thinking this i literally look like iv walked out of the shower after a spin class!! Thanks for your comments guys i know im probably being wayyy over optimistic thinking ill loose quickly but i would just have thought going from no exercise and over eating to exercising my butt off and controlled…
  • Thanks for all your replies thought id do a group response as apposed to individual it might be easier!! So first of yes i do weigh/measure ALL of my food I'm quite strict with it :) I can't do any more than 3 days a week exercise as i have a baby and it wouldn't be fair on hubby to go every evening! I try to do what i can…
  • Ah ha perfect thanks very much :D Yea i should probably just stop being so hard on myself!!
  • Thanks hun, Well I'm so confused this morning because even with eating those calories and doing the work outs i have stated iv managed to gain 2lbs :-/ urrghhh I'm worried if i eat 1667 calories i'll gain weight back again! I think the reason she did it without adding in exercise is in case it isn't consistent (I have a…
  • Thanks :) regards to the calories so if my TDEE is 1463 do i subtract 200-500 from that? because that would be pretty low or do you mean subtract it by working out? Thanks
  • My Friend calculated my TDEE on my stats being 5'7, 176.6lbs and age 24 she didn't include exercise just put nothing in i believe and has told me to eat back what i burn or hlaf of because it's not included in the TDEE :) Iv now changed my calories to 1463 If you think this is wrong i would really appreciate some help with…
  • That was slightly uncalled for you don't go to MY gym and yes actually i do lift free weights and i also know HOW to lift free weights. Generally the guys that are in there are shirtless, in front of the mirror and spend more time looking at them selves than actually lifting a weight so yes i would say they are posing. I…
  • Thanks very much iv learnt a lot today i was always under the impression that it was better to do cardio before weights as your heart rate is already up and in turn kicking your metabolism into gear, but by the looks of things it doesn't really matter! Brill well im off to the gym tonight so will put all your advise to…
  • No it's TDEE not MFP calculations :) Had some help via a friend to help work it out so not sure if that has a deficit built in or not? Ok i have been eating a small amount back so maybe eat a bit more of it back.
  • Thanks that's really helpful i shall check out the books and also some compound lifts. I do HIIT on the bike and in spin class also on the treadmill normally 2 mins on 1 min off 3 mins on 1 minute off etc. is that too long time wise? As for keeping a calorie deficit this is were i get a bit confused my daily limit is 1482…
  • Thanks guys, I do use the machines every session too i just don't know the names of them lol! Benjamin with regards to lifting heavy with sets what sort of lifting should i be doing (sorry not really dn=one a lot of weight training so have no clue what ones are best) I use the weight machines but free weights iv only…
  • Hi hun, I'm in completely the same position as you! I was diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis at 14 but only since having my daughter 8 months ago have i found it more of an issue with my weight! It's a pain it seems no matter how much exercise i do 1 sandwhich and it's all back on again!! Switch everything to…
  • Thanks Lovely Lady ;) ... So Here goes... Hi guy's and gals, A bit about me! For the past few years iv been a yoyo dieter/on off gym go-er but was in relatively good shape. Nearly 8 months ago i had my baby girl and since then have been completely unmotivated to diet/gym until A few weeks ago, I stepped on the scales for…
  • Thanks guys :) I know saying no to fast food is the best option but iv never had the motivation to say no before now that day has come i will be sure to use the word NO more frequently :D My better half is 5'9 and as slim as a rake so does not need to diet/track calories but is happy to eat healthy so hoping he will join…