Gym help please!!

Hi Everyone *Waves*

My names Jess and I'm a complete gym addict.... tehehe no on a serious note once i start i want to go everyday for as long as possible but my little one has to come first so i usually go 3 times a week for a couple of hours. I try and mix it up a little but i am struggling to know what to do in terms of reaching my goals, if anyone could help it would be much appreciated as i don't want to waste what little time i get to work out doing the wrong things :D

Current Gym routine

Monday - Spin 45 minute class & toning exercises such as squats, planks, squat holds, leg raises, glute bridge things!!
arm exercises with weights. V-sit holds, crunches, bicycle abs, V-sit twists.

Wednesday - 45 min Legs bums and tums class (normally circuits involving weights and a bit of cardio) & 45 minute spin class

Friday - 20 Mins on treadmill changing between jog & fast walk (recovering from knee injury) 15 mins on stationary bike doing intervals of fast and medium, toning exercises same as Monday.

My Goal is to loose weight from 176.6lbs down to 140lbs and tone my inner thighs, stomach and arms.

Thanks in advance :D x


  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    I think guidelines work better then just providing a breakdown of routines. These are what I find to provide the best results for both maintaining/gaining muscle as well as dropping the body fat.

    1) Lift Heavy, shooting for set/rep ranges of 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps. (The goal is to fail on the last 1 or 2 of each set)
    2) Incorporate as many compound lifts as you can. The more compound lifts, the better.
    3) Ever heard of supersets? They are pretty much amazing. Incorporate these into every routine. For instance, do Back and Chest on the same day. A Compound Superset would look like Bench Press followed immediately by Bent Over Rows.
    4) Safe cardio for after weight lifting, and ideally seperated by a period of a few hours, although this isn't necessary.
    5) Do HIIT Training 1-2 times a week.
    6) Drink Water, Eat Protein

    Just my 2 pennies
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Since your gym time is limited, if I were you I would switch to lifting weights (either on machines or not--I am seeing lots of progress as a newbie just using the circuit machines, even though some on this site look down on that). You could do the "toning exercises" at home on other days whenever you can fit it into your day, since no special equipment is needed.
  • jesstaylor21
    Thanks guys, I do use the machines every session too i just don't know the names of them lol!

    Benjamin with regards to lifting heavy with sets what sort of lifting should i be doing (sorry not really dn=one a lot of weight training so have no clue what ones are best)

    I use the weight machines but free weights iv only really used dumbbells for arm exercises and a weighted ball for ab exercises!

    Whats HIIT training and super sets?

    I'm not wanting to build muscle per say just shred the excess weight and tone the areas that are 'wobbly' haha

    Thanks again
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    For Lifting I recommended Compound lifts. You can google for a more complete listing of these but basically, they are lifts which incorporate multiple muscle groups. Such as Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Dips, Pull Ups (Or Lat Pull Downs) Etc. These types of lifts will work a larger portion of your body in the same motion resulting in a higher heart rate which can boost calories burned. Ideally, do as many free weight lifts as possible. You can google some good free weight compound lifts which would provide more then I ever could.

    Supersets are basically working out opposing muscle groups back to back with no resting. I think I mentioned as an example Chest and Back. A superset of this would look like. Bench Press then immediately do a set of Bent Over Rows followed by a 30 - 90 second rest. There should be no resting between the two sets and should be in a way looked at as one set.

    HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. When you work out at low intentisy, you are burning a portion of calories. When you work out at higher intensities you are not only burning calories, but you are boosting what is called EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) which will burn calories at an increased rate for hours after you actually work out. You don't need to concern yourself too much with what this is or how many calories you burn through EPOC. Just know that performing HIIT 1-3 times a week can really help fat loss. So what is HIIT? It means that you are cycling short durations of high intensity training with slightly longer times of lower intensity training. Such as Sprinting for 20 seconds, resting for 40 seconds. Many people will debate the perfect timings, but this is just an example.

    If your goal is that you are trying to lose weight, then nothing is more important then your diet. Ensure you are at a caloric deficit every week. Do your cardio and lifting and you'll reach your goals. And as an FYI, just because you lift heavy, does in no way mean you will get enormous muscles. Bodybuilding women do not look like that because they lift a little and neither will you.

    Just my 2 pennies
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Thanks guys, I do use the machines every session too i just don't know the names of them lol!

    Benjamin with regards to lifting heavy with sets what sort of lifting should i be doing (sorry not really dn=one a lot of weight training so have no clue what ones are best)

    I use the weight machines but free weights iv only really used dumbbells for arm exercises and a weighted ball for ab exercises!

    Whats HIIT training and super sets?

    I'm not wanting to build muscle per say just shred the excess weight and tone the areas that are 'wobbly' haha

    Thanks again

    1. Check out the books "New Rules of Lifting for Women" and "Starting Strength."

    2. If you are trying to lose fat and be leaner/look better, strength training and strict control of your diet is far more important than cardio. Cardio is good for heart and lung health, but most people try to use it as a band-aid for creating a calorie deficit. Lifting is far more useful because the heavy stimulus on your muscles will signal your body to hold onto the lean mass you have and burn fat instead as long as you are in a deficit.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    barbell/dumbbell > machines.

    HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training
  • jesstaylor21
    Thanks that's really helpful i shall check out the books and also some compound lifts. I do HIIT on the bike and in spin class also on the treadmill normally 2 mins on 1 min off 3 mins on 1 minute off etc. is that too long time wise?

    As for keeping a calorie deficit this is were i get a bit confused my daily limit is 1482 im assuming deficit is anything under that? so im usually a 100 or so below that but if i work out i normally gain back between 300-500 calories do i need to eat these or not?

    Thank You Again! :D
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Thanks that's really helpful i shall check out the books and also some compound lifts. I do HIIT on the bike and in spin class also on the treadmill normally 2 mins on 1 min off 3 mins on 1 minute off etc. is that too long time wise?

    As for keeping a calorie deficit this is were i get a bit confused my daily limit is 1482 im assuming deficit is anything under that? so im usually a 100 or so below that but if i work out i normally gain back between 300-500 calories do i need to eat these or not?

    Thank You Again! :D

    No, 1482 (assuming that is the number MFP gave you) already has a deficit built into it. You should be eating to that number, not necessarily trying to stay below it. And yes, you should eat back your exercise calories (again assuming you are using the MFP method), though I would personally only eat back 1/2-2/3 of exercise calories if you are using MFP to calculate burn because it tends to overestimate. So, if you exercise and burn 400 calories, you would eat a total of 1682 calories that day (or close to it at least).
  • jesstaylor21
    No it's TDEE not MFP calculations :) Had some help via a friend to help work it out so not sure if that has a deficit built in or not?

    Ok i have been eating a small amount back so maybe eat a bit more of it back.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Whether or not it has exercise built into your TDEE calculation is dependent entirely on what multiplier you used when you figured it out. Personally I don't use MFP's calculations to log any sort of calorie burns; I use an entirely different website to figure out my caloric needs and add a set amount to my diet on days I hit the gym. I don't do cardio, either, though, so there's that.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    No it's TDEE not MFP calculations :) Had some help via a friend to help work it out so not sure if that has a deficit built in or not?

    Ok i have been eating a small amount back so maybe eat a bit more of it back.

    If it's TDEE then you don't need to eat anything back as it's already calculated for you. I would recommend having your friend show you how s/he calculated it and keep this number up to date. Update it for every few lbs you gain or lose.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thanks that's really helpful i shall check out the books and also some compound lifts. I do HIIT on the bike and in spin class also on the treadmill normally 2 mins on 1 min off 3 mins on 1 minute off etc. is that too long time wise?

    As for keeping a calorie deficit this is were i get a bit confused my daily limit is 1482 im assuming deficit is anything under that? so im usually a 100 or so below that but if i work out i normally gain back between 300-500 calories do i need to eat these or not?

    Thank You Again! :D

    You don't NEED to do HIIT with cardio equipment- you can set it up with an interval timer and include some weights- it's just a WAY of working out- it's not limited to cardio only- so keep that in mind.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Thanks guys, I do use the machines every session too i just don't know the names of them lol!

    Benjamin with regards to lifting heavy with sets what sort of lifting should i be doing (sorry not really dn=one a lot of weight training so have no clue what ones are best)

    I use the weight machines but free weights iv only really used dumbbells for arm exercises and a weighted ball for ab exercises!

    Whats HIIT training and super sets?

    I'm not wanting to build muscle per say just shred the excess weight and tone the areas that are 'wobbly' haha

    Thanks again

    You don't have to worry about building muscle. Building muscle is EXTREMELY hard, you might put on a liitle bit through noob gains if you start lifting heavy, but outside of that the heavy lifting is only going to maintain the muscle mass you have, so you are losing mostly fat instead of fat and muscle.

    Gaining muscle takes hours of training, the correct diet (a moderate surplus of calories), and testosterone tends to help :). With being a female, you're actually behind the 8 ball when it comes to putting on muscle mass.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    If you're using TDEE, you don't eat back exercise calories because they are built in. However, that sounds incredibly low for someone using TDEE. How big is the deficit your friend calculated?

    I don't know your height, but putting in your other stats and 5'3" as height shows TDEE for maintenance as 2214. That means a 20% deficit (which is pretty significant) would be 1771. I think your friend calculated your TDEE wrong.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You don't have to worry about building muscle. Building muscle is EXTREMELY hard, you might put on a liitle bit through noob gains if you start lifting heavy, but outside of that the heavy lifting is only going to maintain the muscle mass you have, so you are losing mostly fat instead of fat and muscle.

    Gaining muscle takes hours of training, the correct diet (a moderate surplus of calories), and testosterone tends to help :). With being a female, you're actually behind the 8 ball when it comes to putting on muscle mass.

    I hate how true this is.

    grumble grumble grumble.
  • jessigoct17
    jessigoct17 Posts: 57 Member
    i'm 5'2" almost 3" and i focus on weight lifting. i always end my workouts with 20 min on treadmill at a very fast walk. But i spend an hour lifting weights. I know for me the trick to building muscle to look toned is to make sure ur squeezing your muscles and executing the workout right

    when i do tricep extensions i tighten my muscles and try to make my arm as straight as i can so that im getting the maximum benefit of the exercise

    if you're lifting weights you will burn fat and increase your metabolic rate but if you're sloppy with your execution you won't really be building muscle to "sculpt" your body.

    also make sure u lift the heaviest weight you can with only being able to do 10-12 reps. if you can do 30 reps than the weight is way too light.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    i'm 5'2" almost 3" and i focus on weight lifting. i always end my workouts with 20 min on treadmill at a very fast walk. But i spend an hour lifting weights. I know for me the trick to building muscle to look toned is to make sure ur squeezing your muscles and executing the workout right

    when i do tricep extensions i tighten my muscles and try to make my arm as straight as i can so that im getting the maximum benefit of the exercise

    if you're lifting weights you will burn fat and increase your metabolic rate but if you're sloppy with your execution you won't really be building muscle to "sculpt" your body.

    also make sure u lift the heaviest weight you can with only being able to do 10-12 reps. if you can do 30 reps than the weight is way too light.

    You aren't necessarily gaining muscle when you "sculpt" or "tone", you're just burning away the fat on top of muscle that was already there. While this is all many women WANT to do, it's important to make the distinction between lowering your body fat % and actually building new muscle (which as others have said is very difficult and takes months of conscious effort).
  • jesstaylor21
    Thanks very much iv learnt a lot today i was always under the impression that it was better to do cardio before weights as your heart rate is already up and in turn kicking your metabolism into gear, but by the looks of things it doesn't really matter! Brill well im off to the gym tonight so will put all your advise to work! I will be using machines as apposed to free weights as the free weights section is generally filled to the brim with 'poser's' which comes across rather intimidating! although i have access to dumb bells upstairs so can do arm curls/extensions with them :D

    Thanks ever so much everyone!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thanks very much iv learnt a lot today i was always under the impression that it was better to do cardio before weights as your heart rate is already up and in turn kicking your metabolism into gear, but by the looks of things it doesn't really matter! Brill well im off to the gym tonight so will put all your advise to work! I will be using machines as apposed to free weights as the free weights section is generally filled to the brim with 'poser's' which comes across rather intimidating! although i have access to dumb bells upstairs so can do arm curls/extensions with them :D

    Thanks ever so much everyone!

    do you know how to lift free weights?

    have you personally met/spoken with any of them?

    how do you know they are posers?- do they were a sign that says that? what are they posing about? how are they fake?

    I have found the people I lift with in the free weights section are most often the most helpful and kind people in the whole gym. Sure they LOOK mean and angry and intimidating- but they are actually really nice.

    Don't blame what you aren't doing on someone else. That's ignorant- and rude. And highly offensive.
  • jesstaylor21
    That was slightly uncalled for you don't go to MY gym and yes actually i do lift free weights and i also know HOW to lift free weights. Generally the guys that are in there are shirtless, in front of the mirror and spend more time looking at them selves than actually lifting a weight so yes i would say they are posing. I never once said the word FAKE so not sure where that came from and yes I'm sure they are very nice friendly people but as a women in a gym i find it a little intimidating being stared at as soon as i set foot in the 'Man Zone'

    So please don't be rude to me i wasn't intending to offend anyone just pointing out what MY gym can come across like. And for the record i don't blame anyone for what i don't do only myself.