Gym help please!!



  • ultraconvoy

    3 days a week and your program looks good.
    To get tone,ripped/lean it's all about diet.

    Know your calorie intake for the day and subtract 200 to 500 calories. :)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    That was slightly uncalled for you don't go to MY gym and yes actually i do lift free weights and i also know HOW to lift free weights. Generally the guys that are in there are shirtless, in front of the mirror and spend more time looking at them selves than actually lifting a weight so yes i would say they are posing. I never once said the word FAKE so not sure where that came from and yes I'm sure they are very nice friendly people but as a women in a gym i find it a little intimidating being stared at as soon as i set foot in the 'Man Zone'

    So please don't be rude to me i wasn't intending to offend anyone just pointing out what MY gym can come across like. And for the record i don't blame anyone for what i don't do only myself.

    That's an amusing misunderstanding. Posers vs poseurs.
  • jesstaylor21
    My Friend calculated my TDEE on my stats being 5'7, 176.6lbs and age 24 she didn't include exercise just put nothing in i believe and has told me to eat back what i burn or hlaf of because it's not included in the TDEE :) Iv now changed my calories to 1463

    If you think this is wrong i would really appreciate some help with it as i don't want to be going the wrong way with calories ie starvation mode!

  • jesstaylor21

    3 days a week and your program looks good.
    To get tone,ripped/lean it's all about diet.

    Know your calorie intake for the day and subtract 200 to 500 calories. :)

    Thanks :) regards to the calories so if my TDEE is 1463 do i subtract 200-500 from that? because that would be pretty low or do you mean subtract it by working out?

  • jesstaylor21

    3 days a week and your program looks good.
    To get tone,ripped/lean it's all about diet.

    Know your calorie intake for the day and subtract 200 to 500 calories. :)

    Thanks :) regards to the calories so if my TDEE is 1463 do i subtract 200-500 from that? because that would be pretty low or do you mean subtract it by working out?

    Your TDEE isn't 1463. If you did no exercise at all it would be 1943. It sounds like your friend subtracted 25% from your TDEE, which some people do for weight loss but is a bit extreme when you don't have a lot to lose.

    I think your friend made it harder on you than necessary by calculating your sedentary TDEE and then having you eat back exercise calories. If you calculate your "moderate activity" TDEE (2506) and subtract 25%, then you could eat 1879 calories a week and still lose, or if you calculate it at "light activity", (2223) and subtract 25%, you could eat 1667 a day. If I were you, I'd forget trying to calculate exercise calories and try eating at 1667 and see where that gets you. You may do better eating at the higher number given your level of activity (which certainly looks like moderate to me).

    Thanks hun,

    Well I'm so confused this morning because even with eating those calories and doing the work outs i have stated iv managed to gain 2lbs :-/ urrghhh

    I'm worried if i eat 1667 calories i'll gain weight back again! I think the reason she did it without adding in exercise is in case it isn't consistent (I have a little girl so sometimes gym is my 2nd priority!) Then i have been eating back only half of what i get from exercise. I believe when my friend done the calculations she put sedentary and subtracted 20%? I know different sites can vary maybe it's that?

    So if I'm looking to loose 40lbs and my stats are 5'7, 168.2, female, 24 what should my TDEE be with and without exercise?

  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member

    Here Jess go ahead and run your own numbers and check your variable options.

    A lot of people will gain a little bit when they start a new program due to water retention from freshly damaged muscles. Also, a 2 lb fluctuation for no reason at all is totally normal.
  • jesstaylor21

    Here Jess go ahead and run your own numbers and check your variable options.

    A lot of people will gain a little bit when they start a new program due to water retention from freshly damaged muscles. Also, a 2 lb fluctuation for no reason at all is totally normal.

    Ah ha perfect thanks very much :D

    Yea i should probably just stop being so hard on myself!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    No it's TDEE not MFP calculations :) Had some help via a friend to help work it out so not sure if that has a deficit built in or not?

    Ok i have been eating a small amount back so maybe eat a bit more of it back.

    if it is TDEE then you should eat 1482 a day and not eat back exercise cals..

    oh, and what everyone else said about compound lifts for working out…learn them, do them, own them….!