Motivation and new friend's please :D


Been on here a few weeks now have previously posted my story but just looking for some friends and motivation to keep me going if your looking for the same let's be friends :D

Jess x


  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    bump.. share a little about yourself, your start weight, goal weight, height :)
    maybe that will attract some like-minded folks!
  • jesstaylor21
    Thanks Lovely Lady ;) ... So Here goes...

    Hi guy's and gals,

    A bit about me! For the past few years iv been a yoyo dieter/on off gym go-er but was in relatively good shape. Nearly 8 months ago i had my baby girl and since then have been completely unmotivated to diet/gym until A few weeks ago, I stepped on the scales for the first time since having my little girl and nearly fell off them :(

    My stats as of 27/11/2013: (Haven't Re-Weighed...YET)

    Female, 24, 5'7 & 184lbs

    My goal weight - 140lbs

    TO LOSE 44lbs!!!

    I used to be around 140-150lbs, then got with the love of my life and had a baby, i know it's not an excuse but it happens when you get comfortable, so I'm basically on here just wanting some extra support and advice :)

    I have been going to the gym for the past few week I do a combination of spin classes, weights and cardio 3 times a week. I find the hardest part for me is food... i enjoy food!! I would say my diet at the moment is fairly healthy i eat lots of veg and meat/fish, some fruit and try and stick to wholewheat/brown carbs but i do like naughty food too, chocolate is my sin as are crisps. I try not to eat junk food but there are times normally involving family where I just don't know how to say NO! (I will get there!!)

    Well if you made it to the end of my post without snoozing then congratulations. Hope to gain some friends along the way :D

    Thanks Jess