

  • Congrats! Great time! And not bad for 4 months in...I never thought I was *that* out of shape (I'd be fine for a 5 mile hike, but didn't run at all), and when I started running it took me over a year to build up to a 5k. You're obviously sticking to it & pushing yourself a lot. Keep it up & as always, be careful to avoid…
  • I actually changed to 24 to work out with work friends. Go 2-3 times a week I bet. It works & there's lots of them. Got the Cosco 2-year deal so super cheap. ~$300 for 2 years so ~$80/6 months (Sport Clubs only). Some people pay $80/2 months and barely use it...what a deal!
  • I have not trained in Open water (outside of races) but at least I can pool swim outdoors. I heard something about a lake...a number but I forget...288 lake maybe? I've hear it's a big hit with open water swimmers, but it's not near me so I've not tried it out myself. I should've tried Galveston before my last tri in…
  • I've been doing good on running...I've run 11.25 miles this week...AND I've biked 19, walked 2, & swam 1/4 too. :) I might not make 100 without wheels...but I'm working my way up...
  • George Bush also has some good back-woods hiking. But you have to watch - even the main trail floods sometimes - and the "back woods" parts are all flood plains so only in dry times. Try Geocaching there though. Biking - Hershey, Memorial, and George Bush are certainly the big three on the West side of town. I prefer to…
  • I wondered that too. There is a strength section and if you search "dumbell fly" you have several options (flat, incline, or decline). That said, I don't use the strength section a lot. For longer stregnth exercising I'll still note it in the cardio area. Any kind of long time period, continuous ab workouts, stregnth…
  • Breakfast - Like many here, I'm an oatmeal fan. Filling without many calories. Sometimes I'll have 2 pouches - but wait in between (at least 1/2 an hour) because sometimes it takes a while for your tummy to realize it's been fed. 2nd choice is a banana. Quick & easy. Lunch -- today I had a burrito bowl - chicken, rice,…
  • Yeah...a coworker does weak tea with splenda or equivalent & she drinks a lot of fluids in the day. I'm a fan of the 1/2 G2 or Powerade zero & 1/2 water - in a hard workout, pure Gatorade doesn't agree with me anyhow. As for the weight loss -- as most others suggest -- change something. Perhaps try a new class type or…
  • So far: Swam: 3050 yards = 1.7 Miles Kayaking: ~1.5 mi Bike: 33.3 Run: 14.7 Walk/Elliptical/other: Didn't measure distance, but 5 hr 20 min that I noted, so call it 13.2 miles, assuming I was going fairly slow. Total so far: 64.4 miles
  • You really want to go for "creative"? I think the best one I saw today was "...and now she's so fit she can outrun a zombie attack." You could compare their weightloss to other things. "Wow, 8# down, that's like they cut off your head." or "You lost 12#, that's as much as my cat. No...the other cat, the fat one." One…
  • Continuing on -- started on the 9th, so today must be lucky day 13... 3/19 I did do that 45 of boxing bootcamp with 15 min of abs at the end plus 25 min of arms before class 3/20 Frisbee was cancelled due to rain so 45 min to an hour of shooting hoops instead 3/21 1.5 mi (at a 10 1/2 min mi pace!) and about 45 min of…
  • A buddy of mine is doing the same thing. We went to hobby lobby...she found a "fat" glass for weight to lose /__\ and a skinny for lbs lost |_| so she didn't even have to mark them. So great!
  • 3/14 Mowing the lawn & Yard work (70 min) 3/15 Ran 2.1 miles, some walking, some abs 3/16 11 miles on the bike! 3/17 3 hours of gardening - and my thighs hurt! 3/18 another hour of gardening, 2 miles of running, and 1 hour of swimming Tonight -- Bootcamp! and maybe some weights (arms)
  • Awesome! *Jealous* I need to take my roadbike out. I did do a mountain bike before all the rain though :)
  • 3/12 1.25 mil run and then "Boxing Bootcamp" for an hour. 3/13 Ultimate Firsbee & Shooting hoops for ~2 1/2 hours. I love my coworkers~ 3/14 Mowing the law (old push mower like your grandpa had), raking too. Good workout actually - who says you need to go to the gym to exercise?
  • C25k. Is a great App. Mine is free, I have music controls from the C25k screen, it talks to me during my it a lot. Even use it on days I don't have time for the full day's workout and after I'm at 5k level as a training to run faster -- go back to week 3 or so and run a faster-than-your-normal pace for 3 min,…
  • 3/9 Swimming 3/10 Ran for a total of 42 min :) 3/11 1 hour of rock climbing (killer) and a little abs 3/12 1.25 mil run and then "Boxing Bootcamp" for an hour.