darkmercury99 Member


  • Me! I'm currently training for the Honolulu Marathon in December. It will be my first.
  • I have it, and I really like it for tracking my runs. It works really well.
  • Yet another Albertan here!
  • Just keep working at it, eventually you will see more changes! My chest has always been the last place I lose weight, but over time I was able to go from a 36G to a 34D. I'd like to be a C cup, but I don't think that's ever going to happen...
  • HI! As with TJ, Chalene has someone demonstrating low impact versions of all the moves, so you don't actually have to do any jumping at all, even in the HIIT workouts. Also, speaking as someone who has had plantar fasciitis and knee issues, you may want to focus on some extra stretching (calves, hamstrings, quads, hips).…
  • Last year I lost 30 pounds after 2 rounds of Chalean. Sadly, I gained 13 back after an injury earlier this year, but I really enjoyed doing the program. I have absolutely no idea how to post pictures in a thread, but I have some on my profile page.
  • Hi all! Today was HIIT 15 and Tone 30... I have to say I'm not loving these resistance band workouts; I think I may have to start working in some Chalene Extreme instead. I haven't lost any more weight, but I can feel I've been retaining water for the past few days, so I'm not terribly concerned (it's that monthly…
  • Hi everyone! Yesterday I did Fire 45 for the first time, and OMG, that is my favourite workout ever! So much fun! And I burned 800 calories doing it. I had to work second shift, so I wasn't really able to partake in any Canada Day celebrations, unfortunately. :grumble: I rearranged my workout schedule a bit this week to…
  • So, after one week of TF, I have lost 1.5 lbs and 2.5 inches (in total)! I'm pretty happy about that. A part of me wishes the weight would come off faster, but the smart part of my brain knows it doesn't work that way! Last year I lost 30 lbs doing CX, and I ended up gaining back 13 this spring (I couldn't work out due to…
  • Day 5: Did Fire 55 and burned 814 calories!! I have NEVER gotten that high of a number on any one workout before. I gotta say, I think "EZ" is a bit of a misnomer:laugh:
  • Well today is my rest day, so no workout. I've learned the hard way that rest is vital! I may do the Inferno Plan at some point, but not until I have done the workouts enough that i'm not tripping all over myself anymore.
  • Hello everyone! I've never joined a group on here before, but I figure I could use the extra motivation! Just finished HIIT 15 and Stretch 10, and burned just over 300 calories. Crazy. So far, this makes Turbo Jam seem like a cake walk.
  • Almond Breeze eggs low fat ricotta cheese nuts natural peanut butter oatmeal spring mix lettuce chicken breasts crackers of some sort coffee!
  • I did 2 rounds of CX this year, and I absolutely loved it! I lost 30 pounds, and am in the best shape I have ever been in. One thing I like is that the workouts are fairly short-- 30 to 45 minutes--but they're fairly intense. Towards the end of the second round, I started getting a bit bored, so I have moved on to…
  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada