

  • Not sure if you're doing this already. But stay away from all packaged products, the calories etc on them are often incorrect. In fact I read a study that was done by University where of all 76 products checked for accuracy of calories, fat content etc, they were ALL wrong. I've found going as natural as possible makes a…
  • I'd plateaued for a few months and tried working out harder - insanely even. 90 min intense cardio sessions x 4 plus 2 weight training sessions. I finally managed to start losing again by reducing cardio to only 2 x 20 min of average - easy intensity and reducing my carb's to only low glycemic vegetables eg zuchinni,…
  • I fixed my pear shape buying some boobs to match the booty lol, now I have a shopping addiction - everything is so balanced it looks awesome!!
  • I noticed you've had a baby "recently', so you may want to make sure you don't have a Diastasis Rectus (spelling?) basically separated six pack. I found out a year after giving birth that I have bad separated abs and all the abdominal work i've been doing has been making it worse!! ie it makes your stomach bulge out more!!…
  • Hi I'm a SAHM too, I lift a 3yo and 1yo a lot and do housework etc. If I don't go to the gym i burn only about 1,800 if I'm lucky. I'm 5'3" and weigh 125lb. So it would depend on your dimensions and amount of muscle too. I just bought a body bugg which tells you how many calories you burn for the whole day. It's helped me…
  • Here, here, I totally agree. I used the tape measure from a year ago and I love looking at the graphs showing how many inches I've lost. I measured chest, waist, belly, hips, butt, and thigh. It was great to see that when the scale didn't move I at shrank.
  • bump Came in at 124lb yesterday, giving me a 1 pound loss for the week. I thought I'd do better considering the amount of exercising I did. I'm becoming suspicious of my HRM, I think it might be overstating the calories. I've decided to buy a Body Bugg so I can get a more accurate reading and sort out the food/burn ratio.…
  • I have diastasis from my two pregnancies so I started the Tupler technique today too. Basically sucking in the stomach whenever I think of it and at times sitting and concentrating on sucking it back into the spine x 100 and wearing a stretchy belt around the stomach. If you want to know more about it, you can google it…
  • Great & thanks, shall we do a check-in next Sunday night see how we went for the week? I was 110 before 2 babies. 35-27-36 - had the chest repaired! lol so worth it! You're teeny tiny :)
  • bump Okaaaay, MBR is 1,200 and the site won't suggest below 1,200 so if I follow MFP and eat my burn calories, I'll just stay the same, right? I have found this to be true. When I make it 1,000 as my nett calories I do lose weight. BTW I'm 38, 5'2" and very small frame, with 10 more pounds till I reach goal of…
  • I've been battling diastasis as well. My son is 18 months, I'm 10 pounds from my goal weight of 115 lb. I've seen a plastic surgeon that states only a mini-tummy tuck will fix it. It's not so bad on an empty stomach, but if I eat a big meal it pops out to look 6 months pregnant because they're so separated! My friend…
  • I'm totally obsessed er rather, focused too. When I'm not I gain weight. I'm only losing it when I focus on my food here. I've found I've had to totally stop talking and boring people about it though, especially as I'm not obese, but I do want to lose 10 more pounds to regain close to my pre-babies weight. So I say, go for…
  • cooked brown rice in chicken stock (precooked myself), mix a cup of rice with egg white and zap in microwave for tasty healthy breakfast, plus a handful of blueberries and a coffee. I eat this before an intense cardio workout (today I burned 1,000 calories in 90 min) and I feel like I can go forever. It's my favourite…
  • How? And how old are you, as I think it's easier the younger you are.
  • proctor0828 Joined Apr 2009 Posts: 153 Fri 09/11/09 07:51 AMIt's does go away, you just have to work on it... It takes time... expecially if you've had a c section. They cut through muscle so you have to rebuild that muscle and train it to flatten... you can do it. Starting weight: 169 lbs. ...How??? And how old are you? I…
  • the doctor had me lay back and then he felt the edges of the muscles and the gap in between them
  • tell me about it! I had a c-section 15 months ago. I have lost 18 lb's (am now at 124 & 5ft 2). I go to the gym everyday and train with a personal trainer 2 x week (for last 6 months). I went to see my OB/Gyn and asked her if she'd left something in there! This was after someone congratulated me on my new pregnancy! She…
  • I've lost lot's of post baby weight, but still look 5 months pregnant after I eat. I work out 6 x week, twice with a trainer for last 6 months. My OB/GYn checked my stomach and said the muscles are still separated (I had a c-section 14 months ago), she said exercise won't fix it, only a tummy tuck. My trainer say's to not…
  • my favourite is the epulse. It goes on your forearm and doesn't require a chest band. It can continually show your HR while you work out and keeps track of calories and work out time. I bought it on Amazon.
  • I had them very badly & discovered I had endometriosis. I had two operations and still had cramping. I was meant to have another operation but was put off by the 1st two. So I tried a nutritionist. She had me change my diet and take a range of supplements. This helped and before long I no longer had cramping AND was able…
  • oh god, so sorry, that's hard. I lost my mom last year and it was very sudden and unexpected. I found I had to cry all the time. Everytime I showered, every time i was in the car by myself. I think you have to let it all out Speak to relatives about the good stuff, make a memory shelf with her photo and some things. I'm…
  • I like :- Call on Me - by Radio Edit Miss Independant - Kelly Clarkson Take me Away - by 4 Stings The Rock Show - Blink 182 Into the Night - Santana Look but you can't touch - Poison Lay your hands on Me - Bon Jovi Don't Stop Movin - s club 7 Falling Stars - Sunset Strippers
  • OMG Can't believe Helen won, what a shock. But I thought she might when I saw her she looked dare I say, too skinny! I liked her before she left the ranch, she must've done some drastic stuff. Anyway good job & I hope she get's her daughter the same way.
  • wow got on the scales today and lost 4 lb's in 4 days!! And I've been making sure to eat my calories even though I'm not hungry. I think the milk making hormones have gone :)
  • I've been wearing the epulse, but only during workouts at the gym and when I'm doing housework at home. I like that you don't need to wear a chest band. It tracks your heart rate and the calories burned and lot's of other things I haven't used. I bought it on amazon and it doesn't require a subscription.
  • Oh I know exactly what you mean about nursing and weight not coming off. I've been through it twice now. For a year no matter if I ate what I wanted, exercised my weight stayed exactly the same. I just stopped nursing for the 2nd time, I've been working out 6 days a week & eating really well and even my personal trainer…
  • Note - I could find tonnes of information about how Breastfeeding was SUPPOSED to cause me to lose weight & plenty of woman saying, "Oh I lost weight easily B-feeding", not really helpful when it so wasn't my case x 2. I just wanted to let some moms know who've had the same experience as me that it's sometimes the case you…
  • Funny, I just picked up this book tonight and read most of it. The interesting part is the fact that you can test tp see that certain blood types have antigens to some food groups, making a scientific case it seems, as to why some people are sensitive to some foods. I'm type O and apparently should avoid gluten and dairy.…
  • well done, that's great! Did you follow MFP to the letter, how much did you exercise?