

  • What I've figured out is the reason that portions are so small is because you're supposed to have single portions of different food groups. So a portion of meat with a portion of veggies and a portion of carbs, with a portion of fruit for dessert. If you have all of that in the same meal at every meal, you're more likely…
  • Portion sizes are so tricky! I used to think Triscuits were a great, healthy snack until I read the nutritional info and saw one serving is six crackers. Six crackers? What am I going to do with six crackers? If I'm not sure what the serving size is of something, I just measure out a cup. This has worked well at…
  • Way to go! This is very similar to my goal. You've really pumped up my motivation. Someone else asked earlier - did you have a problem with excess skin? I'm worried about this myself. (But I guess I'd rather have excess skin than excess fat!)
  • I love this thread! I ignored my craving for regular mac & cheese and bought the Lean Cuisine version instead. That was the first thing. The second thing was when I was done with dinner (had some peas on the side) I was still hungry and I was tempted to eat another box of it. But I waited, drank some water, and had a…
  • I'm so glad to hear everyone's success stories! I read that book a few years ago and quit for about 8 months. But the whole time I was having dreams about cigarettes, actual dreams at night when I slept. Every day was a struggle and I finally fell off the wagon. I have an appointment on Tuesday to talk to my doc about…
  • Just acknowledge the mistake and move on towards your goal. Next time you consider over-indulging, think about how you felt this time. You're doing fine! Don't worry so much. :)
  • I picked a few who were positive and encouraging in the message boards. I read their status updates and see who is leaving positive and encouraging messages there, and friend those folks, too. Usually the folks leaving supportive messages are folks who log in regularly.
  • Different people need different things to lose weight. It's kind of silly that she doesn't see this. You mentioned she hardly eats, and when she does it's nothing substantial. Maybe she's just grouchy because she's hungry. I know I turn into a complete witch when I'm hungry. If you need something to say to her, try…
  • Crock pots are a great time saver! I used to work full time while going to school full-time. My crock pot was a lifesaver :)
  • Welcome! I was worried I wouldn't keep it up, either, but I found that the more I kept track and logged in, the more motivated I was to keep going. Hope it helps :)
    in I'm new Comment by Bockety March 2011
  • I would have taken it as an insult and asked her flat-out if she meant it that way. If she's not the sort of friend who you can ask candid questions of, she's not the sort of friend whose opinions matter anyway.
    in Fatty Comment by Bockety March 2011
  • I have a free app on my phone - Med Minder - and at first I set it just to remember my regular meds twice a day. Then I added a "med" - water. It goes off eight times a day reminding me to drink up!
  • I have bulging discs in my spine and before those really went I'd get pain in my left foot from walking around. Not quite the same pain as yours, but it still might have to do with the spine. Definitely get it checked out!
  • Never heard of that, but I googled it and it looks interesting. Can't wait to hear how well it works! (Or doesn't.)
  • Thanks, everyone. I think I'll sit the PT down and have a talk with him about his attitude towards me, and if he keeps it up I'll just walk out. I thought the no copay thing was illegal, too, but since I threw my back out my hours have been cut to 40-50/week to about 12 (if I'm lucky) so I didn't question it.
  • That's one of the biggest changes I noticed in your before/after pics. Way to go!
  • I use mine every day. I know there are better workout systems out there but this one is great for me. I wish it had a better interface and menus, but the workouts are fine. I do the Free Step every day. I like that one because the controller keeps the beat for you, tells you how many steps/minutes you've done, and does it…
    in Wii Fit Comment by Bockety March 2011
  • I just transferred over from This site is so much easier to navigate! I just wish they had group pages so groups like this would be easier to keep up with.