Throbbing pain in my foot

My left foot is hurting right now, it feels swollen and like there are a ton of bricks sitting on it. I haven't injured it (that I'm aware of). It doesn't hurt while I'm working out, but when I'm walking around or driving it hurts pretty bad, right across the top of my foot. I can't bend the toes on that foot without pain. Have any of you experienced something similar? What could cause it? I don't want it to mess up my fitness plan- I've gotten into a good routine of working out 5-6 days a week and I don't want to quit.


  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Sometimes when I tie my shoes too tight, I'll get pain on the top of my foot and my toes will go numb. This is usually when I run, sorry, probably not much help.
  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    possibly gout... build of of uric acid
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    How old are your running shoes? What are you doing in terms of workout? Any pain on the sole of the foot? Any cramping with the calf? Can't bend toes cause it causes pain on the top part of the foot?

    Sorry for all the questions just trying to pin point the issue and figure out if it's a muscular issue or if it's a structural issue(bones), or if it's due to mechanical. (techniques your doing while you work out or shoes or equipment).

    I had a few clients with same issue but all had different reasons. one was a stress factor, another was due to having shoes tied too tightly and running with a pronated foot.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    could possibly be gout as well
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    How old are your running shoes? What are you doing in terms of workout? Any pain on the sole of the foot? Any cramping with the calf? Can't bend toes cause it causes pain on the top part of the foot?

    Sorry for all the questions just trying to pin point the issue and figure out if it's a muscular issue or if it's a structural issue(bones), or if it's due to mechanical. (techniques your doing while you work out or shoes or equipment).

    I had a few clients with same issue but all had different reasons. one was a stress factor, another was due to having shoes tied too tightly and running with a pronated foot.

    My shoes (Asics Gel Torrent) are about a week old. I'm doing the EA Sports Active More Workouts 6-week challenge, plus either a 20-minute interval workout on the elliptical or a 30 minute, roughly 4 mph walk on 5-6 days out of the week.

    The sole of my foot doesn't hurt; just the top and down the outer side. No cramps or anything like that, but it does hurt the top of my foot when I try to bend or flex my toes.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Make sure you aren't tying your shoes too tight. Do you have high or low arches? Or narrow heel or foot? Wide feet? Most people tie their shoes wrong (since everyone is taught the same way) Check this site (bet most didn't know these ...............

  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    OK they block sites but its on ****s sporting goods site OR copy that link and change ****
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Tying shoes lessons

    Narrow Heel or Foot

    Follow a normal lacing pattern up to the last pair of holes. For narrow feet, buy shoes with eyelets that zig-zag up the placket. Tighten from the outer eyelets, pulling the body of the shoe towards the center. At the last hole, tighten the laces and thread into the last hole without criss-crossing. Do not pull the laces all the way through, but leave a loop on each side. Now cross the laces and thread them each through the loop on the other side before tightening and tying.

    Low Arches

    See the "loop lacing" technique used for a narrow heel. Criss-cross lace shoes as normal halfway up the placket. Use loop lacing the rest of the way.

    High Arches

    Begin lacing as normal, criss-crossing and stopping after the first set of holes. Thread your laces straight up each side, criss-crossing only before threading the last hole.

    Wide Feet

    Thread laces through the first set of eyelets and then straight up each side without criss-crossing at all. Continue this way for two or three holes. Once you've passed the forefoot and can tighten without squeezing, begin criss-crossing and finish lacing as normal.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I would go to the doctor's and get it checked to be on the safe side to rule out gout and possible stress fracture ( i don't think it is the stress fracture). Could possibly be just breaking the new shoes in and or tying them wrong.
    Another possibility is the way your positioning your foot on the elliptical or doing EA Active, if the doctor gives you an ok try paying attention to how your landing the foot down and how much weight your putting on that foot. I know that when I'm on the elliptical and not really paying attention I tend to put more weight on my right side/foot which ends up causeing me some issues. When I run and I don't pay attention my left foot kinda goes limpish (not sure how to describe it) and it kinda goes pigeon toed. Never thought I had an issue until I started running on tread and looked down.

    Hopefully it's just due to breaking new shoes in and nothing more serious. Until then ice and keep foot elevated to bring swelling down.

    Also out of curiousity how long were you doing this routine before the foot issue/bought new shoes?
  • cjudesaenz
    cjudesaenz Posts: 67 Member
    ummm doesnt sound like gout would manifest in that area exactly mostly in the BIG TOE which is a classic gout flare up.... it could be a number of things from shoes to a neuroma (spelling) when a nerves get bunched up and tangled in like a knot causing pain typically on the top of the foot.... you might be straining the muscles that support that area while jumping and stuff... I would go to a specialist...
  • Bockety
    Bockety Posts: 21
    I have bulging discs in my spine and before those really went I'd get pain in my left foot from walking around. Not quite the same pain as yours, but it still might have to do with the spine. Definitely get it checked out!