DrMAvDPhD Member


  • Beard Back muscles Motorcycle riding Tats/sleeves Back muscles Jeans that are a bit snug on a guy who squats ;-)
  • From a purely physical standpoint, I find anything in the 6-14% range attractive in a guy. As long as there is no obvious steroid use (aka the biggest class of pro bodybuilders), muscle is fine. I have zero desire to cuddle with a guy's fat.I don't dig the teddy bear or beer gut look at all.
  • I feel the same, but you should keep in mind that even fitness competitors only look like that for a day or two and usually endure (unhealthy) extremes to hit peak for a show or photo shoot.
  • It is supposed to be two days of hypertrophy and two days odd power lifting.
  • I did SS. Very effective workout. I got bored after about 10 weeks though because I like a bit of change in my routines.
  • No change in weight, size, or inches in eight weeks mean you've been spinning your wheels for 8 weeks. No fat loss or muscle gain or you'd have seen something change. Check your diet and get on a professionally designed lifting program.
  • Just moved to NoVA from Michigan.
  • You are making a lot of excuses when you know the answer is to eat less. It isn't lifting weights fault. You eat too much. You can suppress your appetite by drinking more water and eating less calorie dense foods (ie veggies that take up more space in your stomach and make you feel more full on less calories).
  • Getting into heavy lifting helped me drop inches and dress sizes way faster than cardio and diet. I went from a 10 to a 6 in just about 2 months. I suggest the book New Rules of Lifting for Women as a good starting point.
  • I listen to audio books.
  • As an untrained beginner, you should see pretty good results by starting a heavy lifting routine and eating at maintenence level calories. I would save losing the last 11 pounds until you stop seeing newbie gains. You only get to benefit from that once!
  • Yes she is gorgeous. No she isn't 5'8" and 118 lb. No she isn't normal. That chick has way more muscle than the average American I say. I'm guessing she's very into fitness.
  • The freshman 15 is generally the result of alcohol, pizza, fast food, and fried food from the cafeteria. I'd start by keeping those "food groups" to a minimum.
  • Honestly most commercial gyms aren't dripping with "the bodybuilder type". At my gym (LA Fitness) there are maybe 2-4 members total that look like they might compete in bodybuilding competitions (and definitely no pros lol), and the rest are just us normal folks. Which means, depending on when I workout, there is at most 1…
  • High school (9 years ago) I was 5'5" and around 125#, wearing 5s and 7s. Now I'm about 10 pounds higher but actually smaller in size since I've been consistently lifting and building muscle for 2 years. I wear size 2s and 4s now.
  • Yeah, I still think the look you are going for is "too small of a bra". Which is fine, it's a look. But the problem is HER boobs are most likely fake to keep their shape while they're being squished like that (again, which is fine, it's a look) but YOUR boobs are not silicon filled plastic containers and you are likely…
  • ?? I think when your boobs touch it generally means that your bra is too small. So buy a smaller bra? I personally try to avoid the uni-boob look.
  • If your curve is mild, surgery will probably never come up for your case. You are probably done growing up which means your curve should be stable where it is :-)
  • Eh. I can eat as much or more than my husband without gaining weight. Up your activity level.
  • Body shape doesn't dictate how to go about losing weight, so don't think about it so much. Everyone loses weight when they eat less calories than they burn in a day. Body type will dictate where you lose first, but you can't do anything to change that so again there's no point worrying over it. My opinion, which also…
  • Heeeeeey now.... my husband's hair is red. :tongue: I'm an inch short, with brown eyes, and I teach college (that does NOT make me a teacher). Smaller than a 34 and bigger than a C, and about 10 pounds over 125 (which is way to low for my build).
  • Still quite a drive from B-Lo I think. There's Niagara Falls US side, but also the Canadian side (much nicer views, but you'll need a passport to cross the border). It's fun to walk across the rainbow bridge from US to Canada if you have a passport. You'll want to check the website and see if Maid of the Mist and Cave o'…
  • Calorie deficit is the only way to lose fat, but to get a toned back I needed to add heavy lifting (deadlifts, rows, and lat pulldowns target the back muscles quite well), as evidenced from my pictures :-)
  • Before lifting (~135#), After Lifting/Cutting (~127#), After Bulking (~135# again)
  • If your work situation is business formal, this does not pass. Business causal? I guess you could get away with it. They still look like cheap cotton blend to me. Would not spend $80ish on them.
  • 1) Thanks, but I brought a lunch today. 2) Thanks, but I'm trying to save money. 3 No thanks. Any of these options can politely turn down an invite without reading as smug about YOUR lifestyle choices. Because to me, a stranger on the internet, you read pretty smug that you eat healthy and they don't.
  • Just take care of yourself, your diet can wait until you're not sick.
  • If you need validation from internet strangers, you lack the confidence needed for short hair.
  • Things I "learn" from cheat days...... (1) Some things ARE good enough to be okay with not losing weight for a day or two. Fat Elvis French Toast (french toast stuffed with peanut butter, bacon, and bananas) for one. (2) It doesn't take weeks to get back on track after taking a cheat day. It takes a single decision, Maybe…