Long or short hair....which do you prefer?



  • sanzza
    sanzza Posts: 60
    Ive had mine pixi short a couple of times i hated it.. its messy and hard work when its short because of its natural curl, plus my husband used to love it when i woke up and i looked the same as when i went to bed instead of having bed head hair stuck up everywhere..not a sexy look lol
  • Wanting3
    Wanting3 Posts: 48
    I vote long hair :smile:
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I think to each their own. I think some people can't pull off short; I also think some people can't pull off long. I personally like my hair shorter because it is so fine that when it is longer than my shoulders it just looks stringy, in my opinion.

    When I cut my hair short (again) this last time, this is the picture I gave my stylist.

  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I've had both and find that I like mine short. Remember it's just hair and it will always grow back if you don't like it. You are very beautiful but could pull off a short spiky haircut. Good luck.
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    long (at least shoulder length) for me..I've crazy *kitten* curls and unless its long I look ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. I literally cried when I saw my hair curly and short, it added years. but with straight hair you can get away with more. You're hair looks lovely long, if it were mine I'd probably be wary to cut it.
  • eskinac
    eskinac Posts: 3 Member
    I debated it for well over a year and now, I don't think I'll ever grow my hair out. Short hair is so much easier for me - my husband likes it so that's all I need!
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    long (at least shoulder length) for me..I've crazy *kitten* curls and unless its long I look ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. I literally cried when I saw my hair curly and short, it added years. but with straight hair you can get away with more. You're hair looks lovely long, if it were mine I'd probably be wary to cut it.

    With curly hair there is DEFINITELY a lot more to think about. There are only two options, perfect or disaster. Most stylists at least know what to do with strait hair. You can spend years trying to find a decent stylist that knows how to work with curly hair. :grumble:
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    If you need validation from internet strangers, you lack the confidence needed for short hair.
  • DLo_122
    DLo_122 Posts: 96 Member
    One thing is for sure.....I would never get a pixie because I don't have that great hair. My hair is super curly and frizzy which is why I straighten it. The shortest I would ever go is like to my shoulders. I need to be able to pull my hair up if I want to....besides, my husband needs something to grab! lol
  • SweetTrouble_
    SweetTrouble_ Posts: 933 Member
    For me long, I think I would feel naked with short hair.
  • DLo_122
    DLo_122 Posts: 96 Member
    If you need validation from internet strangers, you lack the confidence needed for short hair.

    Pause! I do not lack confidence...at all.

    I was looking for opinions on the subject in general. I didn't say "hey guys....let me know what I should do...short or long on me?" Eww. I will not base my decision on what strangers think. That would be silly. lol
  • DLo_122
    DLo_122 Posts: 96 Member
    If you need validation from internet strangers, you lack the confidence needed for short hair.

    Pause! I do not lack confidence...at all.

    I was looking for opinions on the subject in general. I didn't say "hey guys....let me know what I should do...short or long on me?" Eww. I will not base my decision on what strangers think. That would be silly. lol
  • kikionna4
    kikionna4 Posts: 308
    I am personally more pro to long hair than short. It depends on so many things if you can pull it off nicely. With me having wavey(ish) hair and my face shape short hair just looks pretty horrid on me. Like a pumpkin head and some hair. On it is the best way I can describe it. I envy those ladies can do the short hair. So much more manageable but anywho yeah I am for long.
  • DLo_122
    DLo_122 Posts: 96 Member
    For me long, I think I would feel naked with short hair.

    OMG! me too! I cut my hair a couple years ago a little past my shoulders and I went out with a group of friends that night to celebrate a friends birthday and it was so weird. I definitely felt naked! LOL

    It's so wild how our hair makes one feel. Hair is important though...it could make or break a person. As far as appearance.
  • DLo_122
    DLo_122 Posts: 96 Member
    I am personally more pro to long hair than short. It depends on so many things if you can pull it off nicely. With me having wavey(ish) hair and my face shape short hair just looks pretty horrid on me. Like a pumpkin head and some hair. On it is the best way I can describe it. I envy those ladies can do the short hair. So much more manageable but anywho yeah I am for long.

    Me too. If I could rock the short pixie cut...I totally would.

    I love your side swept bangs by the way. I LOVE bangs!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    This is interesting hearing everyone's opinion.

    I agree with a lot of you....it depends on the person, facial structures....and personality.

    I see women who looks absolutely amazing in short hair...so confident, sexy, etc....I just don't know if that can be me. I don't even like my hair pulled up because I feel no so attractive. But again, it's my security blanket. Probably because I'm not happy with my weight. Who knows. ugh

    If you feel like that, do not cut your hair short.

    I love all hair lengths on males or females, just depends on the person and their style. Obviously I'm currently doing the short hair thing, which I quite like, but growing out the layers a bit to change it up. Any style can get stale. Fortunately there are many ways to change your look whether cutting your hair is part of the equation or not.
  • BigBellyGoAway
    BigBellyGoAway Posts: 781 Member
    If you need validation from internet strangers, you lack the confidence needed for short hair.

    Hot damn! I'm confident!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I don't really think shoulder length qualifies as "short".
  • BillyJan1992
    BillyJan1992 Posts: 171 Member
    depends on the woman I am with at the time. but sometimes long hair can be a major turn on while kissing
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    Your hair is beautiful! I wouldn't change a thing, but I totally understand how you get tired of the same old thing everyday. I had bangs chopped in because I felt that way a few months ago, and I wish I hadn't. lol