Ive had success with the following: 1) Banana and yogurt 2) Blue berries and walknuts 3) Chicken and Avocado. I found the food above compliments each other so that the body absorbs it better. This in turn makes that you feel full and satisfied longer. Effectively I eat less over the course of a day and hence maintaining my…
I like my coffee black and found dairy products no good for me when dieting. Almond milk is for smoothies and coconut milk sounds interesting as a treat. I've reached my goal weight a long time ago and am in maintenance mode with moderate success. :)
Thank you very much GrannyMayOz! It's much appreciated. I may have to fire up my laptop as the mobile app don't seem to have full access but will try.
Try steamed Cauliflower it has a good count
Thanks for your response GaleHawkins it's good to know you also found it similar. You are spot on there, the secret of weight loss is to find what works for you and it's not a cheap venture that's for sure! I must admit my weight is up and down a bit, but never more than 1 kilo each way. As you can imagine, I am extremely…
If its over 8 carbs I don't touch it! There are lower carb Fibre products but they are expensive. In principle Fibre is not a bad thing to my mind unless it adds carbs. Needless to say I believe in a high protein low carb diet.
Low carb works for me. I lost 30 kg and kept it off for 3 years down the track. It did not work at all for a friend of mine. As a challenge I offered to prepare all for so that we could compare. I lost a kilo that week while she gained one. My theory is that it depends on your blood group Im O+ and thrive on low carb high…