

  • I have tried a ton of supplements for many different things and I would not invest a lot of money in something that you don't know will work for you. Plus, with the Hydroxycut scare, I would get a product you know is not going to have long term effects. I like herbals, herbal supplements are a great way to get what you…
  • Welcome to I have been here for two months now (I think) and use the diary daily. I'm on a strict 1200 calorie diet and having a tool like the food diary has made all the difference for me. It tells me when to quit eating, haha. Good luck in your weight loss venture and if you need help just ask.
  • Welcome and good luck to you. This site should give you all the motivation you can handle. The people here are great. Don't hesitate to ask questions.
    in Hello Comment by erlehmkuhle May 2009
  • Keep at it Ty. Watch your sodium intake. I was at a stand still too until I started watching sodium and once I got that under control, I started to shed weight again. Keep up the good work!!!
  • Sounds like the whole country should be taking a multi vitimin to build up our immune systems. That swine flu scares the crap out of me. I'm hoping it fades out real quick.
  • Lyto Machida is the best in MMA right now (in my opinion of course). Rampage Jackson is pretty good too. I also like Anderson "the spider" Silva.
  • Cowboys....Blah!!! I'm just kidding, you can like them, (even thought I hate them). Bull riding would be fun. I want to try it someday.
  • The Red WIngs are sweet. That is a team I'm dying to see in person.
  • I like your boyfriend already.
  • Agreed and Agreed. No matter how good we look, we always think we could be just a little bit thinner. It sounds to me that you may be heading toward the harmful weightloss. You will come to a point where your body will say NO MORE cutting. That is when you should stop. Check your BMI and see what it says. I'm betting that…
  • GO BUCKEYES!!!!!
  • I played football (running back), wrestling and baseball (center field) in high school. I love The Ohio State Buckeyes even though we can't win a bowl game. I also love the Tiffin Dragons (alma matter). In college wrestling I love the Iowa Hawkeyes, they are legendary. In the NFL, I'm a huge Indianapolis Colts fan. I love…
  • I agree to take a fish oil. I take all of the Advocare products, (they are my fight sponsors). I really like their Omegaplex (fish oil), Catalyst (enhances memory and balances metabolism), Thermoplus (weightloss product), O2 Gold (like having a 3rd lung). I've lost 52 pounds to date off of these products. I hope this…
  • Try and stay close to the 1400 calories. Do not compete with your added exercise calories. It will slow your progress down. If you only get in around 1200 calories, I would not sweat it too much, however stay above 1000 eaten.
  • Congrats!!! Keep at it.
  • Please do cut back and see what a huge difference it makes. I had a very hard time cutting back but after finally putting my foot down, I have had the time of my life. My kids like me more and my marriage is not falling apart. Do it for yourself and your future. And that glazed look that everyday drinkers have will go away.
  • I agree with that banana theory. I eat one in the morning and the evening. Seems to help. Maybe check out a post workout recovery supplement. They are a great way to keep going and repair those torn muscle fibers quicker. Good luck and stay loose.
  • I'm in too even though I quit drinking totally 5 years ago. I used to be an alcoholic and used it to drown my sorrows. But after legal issues and my community respect destroyed, I decided to give up the booze. I substitute my negative alcohol problem with my positive family. It has worked out a lot. It suprised everyone in…
  • Van Wert, Ohio. Along the Indiana border.
  • I would not take offense to it at all. I exercise in one form or another for 4-5 hours a day, 7 days a week. I also take herbal diet pills. Yeah the hard work you put in would like to be appreciated, but anyone that works out with me will see it is not just the pills. Have her work out with you one day and she will see the…
  • I think I know where you are coming from. Try taking one or two deep breaths. It may be your breathing. Sometimes when we get into an activity we overexert. A controlled breathing will slow your system down and your heart rate too. Maybe you should consult with your doctor just in case.
  • Try the Advocare product, Catalyst. That is what I use with great results. I have been on it since Christmas. I love it.
  • This is exactly why I love this site. I just looked at my report and while I watch my calories, carbs and proteins, I checked my sodium intake and wow, it was through the roof. I'm going to have to do some major adjusting. Thanks for the great info.
  • I know I preach a lot about muscle memory, workout progression and herbal fat burners, but it has worked every day for me. I don't go more than 3 days on the same weight. I'm always cutting weight and looking healthier every week. If I would have started this system around X-Mas time, my BMI would have been in the high…
  • Congrats!!! Maintaining is hard, but keep at it and you will live a happy, healthier life. I can't wait until I get there.
  • It really does make me think though. I work with youth at work, then I get home and work with my kids, after that I work with the local kids. I pay their gym fees, transport them to out of town gyms to compete with the best, train them in my own home at times. I create workout plans, diet plans, supplement plans for free.…
  • Wow, You really got me thinking. I have been tackling so many different things and don't really have an end goal. But I have found some things that are in common, kids and fitness. So I'm setting a new goal, I would like to have my own gym that offers everything for kids and adults alike. We have a YMCA here but it is ran…
  • I love mixing charity with fitness. What a great cause and have a great time, put an extra smile on for me!!!
  • HELLO!!! Instead of being at home in a cage of food while you await your new job, think of it as an opportunity to create your own home gym. You don't always need the state of the art equipment to lose weight at home. Try some calisthenics, pushups, crunches. I do my ab work on one of those $10 Wal Mart exercise balls.…
  • Rest your leg and get after it!!! You can do it. Hard work builds character. Find your inner workout beast and let it out.