

  • I am 4 years out. I weighed 285 lbs. I lost down to 193 and I started adding carbs and gained to 225 lbs within a 3 year period I am now down to 210 this morning. I am shooting for 180-190 range then I want to have my tummy tuck. I was not hungry for a long long time and I don't get hungry now if I follow the…
  • Mostly daily, however I have come such a long way that it doesn't affect me in the negative. I do frown a moment if it hasn't moved but for the most it keeps me on track. When i didn't for a long while the scales went up.
  • I was pre-diabetes when I weight 285lbs. I am now in perfect medical health. I stay away from the carbs because we are taught to fill up on protein first then veggies. After about a year from surgery I started adding carbs and within three years from the surgery gained 25 lbs total. I have lost 15 of those lbs since…
  • I just thought about this question about an hour ago....this is what I came up with, leftovers from the night before, lettuce wraps, meat and cheese wraps.