Any vsg'ers?

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Were you hungry within the first couple of weeks? I can drink a lot of water and have no problem drinking shakes and it really worries me


  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I had a VSG a little over a year ago. I never really lost my appetite. Even in the hospital while I was throwing up because of the anesthesia I was still hungry. I don't like protein powder (I've tried a bunch & they're all gross) or broth, so I started eating food pretty much right away--beans, shredded chicken, etc. I would not worry if you are hungry. Just make sure you talk with your doctor & nutritionist & follow the calorie, protein, carb, & fat guidelines you are given. The real advantage for me is that now I can eat 1 measuring cup of food and be perfectly satisfied. Since I am able to be satisfied on smaller amounts & I'm not starving all the time it is much easier for me to make good choices. I am also able to eat anything & it doesn't make me sick to my stomach. My sister had a VSG about 18 months before I did & certain foods make her vomit. That doesn't happen to me, so I know that if I start eating junk again, it's all me & I will regain the weight I've gone through everything to lose.
  • I am 4 years out. I weighed 285 lbs. I lost down to 193 and I started adding carbs and gained to 225 lbs within a 3 year period I am now down to 210 this morning. I am shooting for 180-190 range then I want to have my tummy tuck. I was not hungry for a long long time and I don't get hungry now if I follow the rules.....proteins first, veggies next, low carbs maybe. I am at a standstill using Atkins and i am rethinking my plan to count calories this week to see if it will work but will still follow the rules above. Good luck and I added you as a friend. You will be my first on here :)