any quick and easy breakfast ideas



  • balancingactx2
    Do you have a Stop & Shop where you live? Here, they have an organic aisle with these great oatmeal packs... The pack itself is a measuring cup, so it is also easy to bring to work. You just dump it into a bowl, fill water to the line then into the bowl, microwave for 2 minutes and you are good to go. Pair it with a banana or apple for more staying power.

    Also, Google Hungry Girl Egg Mugs... She has a bunch of recipes for making eggs in the microwave in a mug. I use egg beaters myself, but they are yummy.... I use something like half a cup of the beaters, a wedge of the laughing cow cheese, throw in some onions and if I have any chopped green peppers on hand, and pretty much fill the mug with spinach. You microwave it for 60 seconds at a time, stirring between to make sure everything is mixed, and then put it on a plate and you have a nutritious, fast, really yummy breakfast.

    Hope that helps???
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    Smoothies can be quick and easy - just throw everything into the blender. I like blueberries, strawberries, banana and apple juice in mine :). I also eat a lot of granola with greek yogurt and honey. So quick and easy to put together but really fills you up until lunch!
  • lnickens4
    I just thought about this question about an hour ago....this is what I came up with, leftovers from the night before, lettuce wraps, meat and cheese wraps.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Eggs. Break them. Fry them. Takes about a minute give or take.

  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Doesn't bet much easier than an english muffin w/ some peanut butter.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Do you have a Stop & Shop where you live? Here, they have an organic aisle with these great oatmeal packs... The pack itself is a measuring cup, so it is also easy to bring to work. You just dump it into a bowl, fill water to the line then into the bowl, microwave for 2 minutes and you are good to go. Pair it with a banana or apple for more staying power.

    Also, Google Hungry Girl Egg Mugs... She has a bunch of recipes for making eggs in the microwave in a mug. I use egg beaters myself, but they are yummy.... I use something like half a cup of the beaters, a wedge of the laughing cow cheese, throw in some onions and if I have any chopped green peppers on hand, and pretty much fill the mug with spinach. You microwave it for 60 seconds at a time, stirring between to make sure everything is mixed, and then put it on a plate and you have a nutritious, fast, really yummy breakfast.

    Hope that helps???

    Thanks for the reminder I LOVE the hungry girl receipes.

    One of my favorites would be the nutrigrain waffles with the sugar free jam in the middle topped with sugar free syrup. Sometimes if I have room for it in my calories I skip the syrup and do sugar free jam with peanut butter on them. MMM MMM

    Another favorite is a bagel thin with an mushroom, spinach, and egg white omelet and if I have room in my calorie count I will add some cheese.

    I like oatmeal too but I have to have some protein with it so I have 1 pack of oatmeal with a piece of 12 grain toast with peanut butter or almond butter on it.

    Boiled eggs are ALWAYS good. I like to have a boiled egg with a bagel thin with cream cheese sometimes as well.

    Always have breakfast, it will get you through to lunch time and keep you for getting ravenous and binge eating. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day for me.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    I've got a new quick favourite.

    1 rivita with loads of cottage cheese and leftover lamb and mint sauce on top.. green tea and i m all done for 140 calories.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Eggs. Break them. Fry them. Takes about a minute give or take.


    Quoting cuz pirate.
  • TheShrinkingKween
    TheShrinkingKween Posts: 91 Member
    I have eggs and turkey bacon just about every morning. I do scrambled eggs in the microwave... no grease, quick fix, quick cleanup. I crack 2 eggs in a bowl, add about 2 tablespoons of skim milk, mix well with a fork, microwave for one minute, stir and chop up what has cooked, microwave another 45 seconds to a minute, and voila! The turkey bacon on a plate with a paper towel under and over takes about a minute and a half to cook. I usually also have a slice of fat free american cheese on top of my eggs. The whole thing takes less than 5 minutes to prepare and about 10 to eat it.