

  • Having someone who supposedly loves you be so wantonly destructive would be a HUGE problem for me. Possibly a divorce sized problem, assuming I couldn't resolve the issue with the guy. I'm not saying you should be immediately rushing out the door, but there's some serious conversation that should happen. My husband, while…
  • I think do something standard on Valentine's day... ... but then surprise her with something super nice, like a homemade dinner or a romantic evening out a couple days later. And tell her that it's because she deserves it more than just once a year. Because she does - we all deserve good things more than once a year, boys…
  • 1. EARLY DINNER. Definitely eat something nice and solid before work, a late lunch/early dinner so to speak. There are a lot of studies that show that eating the big meal as a lunch, in the middle of the day, is much healthier, and also helpful for weightloss and weigh maintenence. Also... let me get back to this in point…
  • Raw ingredients: quinoa polenta cornmeal flour, bread flour, and whole wheat flour baking powder yeast lentils chickpeas beans tomatoes peppers frozen berries, homegrown when possible :) baby spinach green onions a pot of growing basil cilantro lime and lemon juice frozen in ice cubes pesto olive oil mushrooms milk butter…
  • I am proud to say that I have never so much as tasted boxed mac and cheese. The very idea makes me cringe - I'd rather go hungry! Homemade is wonderful, and has so much potential for variation. I like making a spicy grown up version, but it's a rare treat. I can't even remember the last time I made any pasta dish!
  • I find that the reason most people opt for weighing themselves less often, is because they get flustered by the daily/weekly fluctuations. I find that I am the opposite, however. I like to have a larger amount of measurements to draw on, and know what my normal "fluctuation" is in the span of a day, or during a monthly…
  • Tofu coconut curry - it is fabulous, super fast, and you can toss in whatever veggies are laying about. The coconut milk is very fatty, but it's one of the really healthy fats. 1 can of coconut milk about 2-3 tblsp red curry paste, to taste (the thai kitchen one is often available in regular supermarkets, and not very…
  • There are many reasons to make things yourself! I suspect that homemade coconut milk would also be fabulous, thank you for the recipe! Also, there is nothing tastier than butter made with cream that came off the cow in the pasture. Also makes real buttermilk, not to be confused with the strange thing you buy at the store…
  • Day one for me. It left me near tears, and feeling like jello. The tears are because I had no idea I was THIS out of shape, and truth hurts. :(
  • er.... um... log into MFP >< so nice of them to not block it, lol
  • ON EVERYTHING! Or just eat it with a spoon, with a squeeze of lime. One of my favorites is on my fish tacos though. I sautee tilapia fillets in a non stick skillet, and then add some grated sharp cheddar, and some hot sauce, and break up the fish into a gooey chunky yummy mess. Pop it into a warmed mini tortilla, and top…
  • Boys tend to have better metabolism. *kitten*... I agree, it's highly annoying to see someone eat their weight in butter, and have it all slide off, lol. Ok, Recipe time! I see someone just mentioned quinoa, and I just had it for dinner last night, so I'm still excited about how delicious it is! I've never had it until…
  • Ok, this is a nice starting point! Spicy food boosts your metabolism, so go to town with that hot sauce if you want :) I would honestly say to never, ever worry about what a "portion size" is for fresh vegetables. It doesn't matter. Eat all you want of that. (bah, interrupted, will come back to it!)
  • I think it's important to eat yummy things, even if they are healthy yummy things. As a self-confessed foodie I would really feel like my life has ended if I could never have yummy things again. But the good news is that a lot of healthy things are incredibly delicious! We are wired to find fat and carbs yummy, but it's…
  • Califlour makes an amazing substitute for mashed potatoes! I just tried it recently - cooked, and mashed with a dollop of heavy cream, salt, pepper, and fresh garlic.
  • Hello! Good luck, and feel free to add me if you want some support :) I have about the same amount of weight to lose. -from the other side of the pond, Maggie
  • Cook a pot of quinoa, with a bullion cube to flavor it. Then, add things to it - lightly sauteed cherry tomatoes, chopped up chicken breast, herbs, thinly sliced red onions, chickpeas, corn, wilted baby spinach, diced cheese, sauteed mushrooms, diced hardboiled eggs - whatever you have on hand, and whatever you think will…
  • You don't need to do a whole lot to look girly or pretty, but how you go about it will depend on what you are working with. As far as hair is concerned, just healthy, shiny hair can look stunning without you doing anything to it all the time. I am lazy, and I like my hair to look natural, so I take care of it. I use little…
  • Brine it, definitely! I have a bit of a cheat and time saver, however - I buy chicken breasts in big packages, and marinate the whole package. I usually do a simple marinade of lemon juice, splash of olive oil, salt, pepper or red pepper and garlic. A touch of dijon mustard and rosemary are also nice, if you like that.…
  • Healthy Tuna Melts Canned tuna in water Chopped red onion - if you have it Chopped celery - if you have it a sprinkle of chopped cilantro, if you want it Some drained canned corn, if you want it A tbsp of plain yogurt grated sharp cheddar - i love Cabot's special reserve ones - the amount depends on how hungry you are, and…
  • Oh, oh, one more suggestion - look into Tabata. 4 minutes. Your neighbors will survive 4 minutes of noise. :)
  • First of all, you are awesome. That is a long day, every day. <3 You have a long drive to work, it sounds like - so do I! I am lucky to have a fairly low-key drive, a good portion of it on the highway. I've been working on utilizing that time to do something good for my body. There's no way this will substitute for a…
  • Make/buy small portions. Bake 1/4 of the cookie recipe. Don't deprive yourself entirely, because it's easier to end up binge eating.
  • Start by exercise. It will be hard, and horrible, and you won't want to - but you have to fake it till you make it. There will come a magical point when you will suddenly find that you feel HORRIBLE if you don't exercise, and that you actually desperately need and want to work out. It will take some time. For me, it takes…
  • Try juicing your veggies if you can't stomach them. You are cheating your body out of vital nutrients. Also, 2 lbs in 2 weeks is not that bad, you just have to keep going :)