Hello - Im new :-)

Just joined up on Monday after a soul destroying weekend of trying on bridesmaid dresses!!!!!!

Tryin to lose at least 2 stone (or 28lbs if you prefer) and I need all the help I can get.

Finding it very helpful keeping a log of everything I eat - now I just need to curb what I drink!!!!!

Anyway - hello x


  • mrganrshort
    mrganrshort Posts: 40 Member
    HI! Feel free to add me (: Good luck on your journey.
  • Foxxy18
    Foxxy18 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey! Feel free to add me and message me anytime, I'll definitely support you(:
  • I take it you guys are from the other side of the "pond" eh (American?)
  • Hey I'm from Scotland, feel free to add me and we can help motivate each other!
  • anyone can add me ^-^ <3
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    Hello from the West Midlands! Feel free to add me, I'm on everyday :smile:
    Got around 50lbs to lose before Summer next year!
  • I'm new to this as well, still trying to get the feel for things. Just had a baby 6 weeks ago & I'm trying to get bikini ready by summer (hopefully!).....feel free 2 add me. :)
  • welcome to MFP!!! I'm Lily. Feel free to add me :D
  • Hi I'm new too. I will be happy to help whever we run into each other on fitness pal. Good luck to you!
  • I'm trying to lose some weight to I already have the bridesmaid dress its not altered yet though : )
  • Hi I've been on MFP for a bit now and find its a bit unmotivating without friends on there, looking for support from guys please
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I'm fairly new to MFP but it seems to be working well. Feel free to add me
  • Hello! Good luck, and feel free to add me if you want some support :) I have about the same amount of weight to lose.

    -from the other side of the pond,
  • I am from the UK and joined up yesterday. Super excited about this site!

    Feel free to add me!
  • TennisQtpye
    TennisQtpye Posts: 110 Member
    Feel free to add me!!! I'm rooting for you!! U got this!
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    Im in Warwickshire and log every day! send you a request
  • Helloooo! Just joined! Super excited! I'm from South Africa...it's summer here now! By next summer I want my body back!