faithjones83 Member


  • I was wondering about considerations for breastfeeding I didn't think to look in the food diary. I am glad I found it before these twins come!
  • hi ladies it has been sooo long since I have been on here. I ended up not being able to go to the gym b/c of finances and got kind of depressed. I could burn 1000 calories in 60 minutes and doing stuff at home it would be less than that. Anyway for a while I was at least maintaining maybe lose a lb here and there. Then the…
  • I don't know where you live but I go to the YMCA and I like it. For my whole family I pay 65 a month, It is a discount but the original price was 85 for a family so I know that they are pretty reasonable for an individual. In addition they have the COACH program which is like a trainer/nutritionist to help you out and it…
  • Als Peanut Butter! 2 talblespoons has 190 calories and its the good fats.
  • how do you encouraage your SO's to get healthier. My DH took a physical a few weeks ago for a job interview. We had just started keeping track and I asked him to do his BMI. We both came in the obese range even though we dont look like it. So at the physical which I dontthink was done by a Dr or actual nurse. So according…
  • Hi ladies its been a while for since I have logged on. the hubby came in to town last wednesday for his birthday and a Thursday interview. Interview went well hoping to hear something soon. He put his two weeks notice in already so he will be here October 1 regardless. It will have been exactly a year and 3 days that we…
  • add an egg beater and a slice or two of turkey bacon only 35 calories per egg and 35 clories per slice. Also use parkey or I can't believe it's not butter spray, 0 cals anf ) pretty much everything else and it tstes really yummy!!!
  • Hi ladies, It's been an interesting weekend. I was feeling depressed and sorry for myself yesterday I think it was PMS which I never used to get (I think:grumble: ). I didn't feel like cooking so we had Chinese which I didn't want to do but needed someone to deliver I s[lit the plate with my kids but still felt disgusted…
  • I have found that simply making healthier choices is making a big difference for me. So I am choosing cereal bars, smartpop popcorn etc. They fill me up more with less. I also really only drink water or crystal light most days. I have realized that I would rather eat my calories than drink them!
  • Hi Ladies, I haven't checkedin in a while.My week has been sortof up and down. Over the weekend I got a little burned out with exercising and slightly depressed didn't understand why just felt like nothing. so labor day I did about 3 minutes of my 30 Day Shred and stopped. I was so upset with myself but couldn't make…
  • DelphicScorpion about strapping them down...when mine feel extra bouncy I put on one of my old nursing bra's it has really good support without a wire then a sports bra and they move much less. I found this out bc I was in a hurry one day to get done and didn't feel like changing so just out the sports bra over it. Anyway…
  • ok update to this mornings post I just finished my day 4 and my 4 and 2 year olds did it with me. THey had fun I enjoyed watching them. Was it as intense for me as usual no but I think it is a combination of the fact that it's day 4 and 1 was watching them a lot to make sure they weren't hurt. ANyway I didn't even notice…
  • BOGmama that sounds like something I will have to try first, Unfortunately people expect their traditional items but I a, going to do corn on the cob and use parkay spray not real butter, maybe some oven roasted veggies and oven potatoes instead of potatoe salad, but I will do smashed potatoes for Sunday dinner with a low…
  • I think mine is open feel free to look many days i am under but i do likt to eat some of my exercise calories. best low cal breakfast for me egg beaters 1 serving makes a lot of eggs and is only 35cal, wheat toast nature made honey wheat 35 cals per slice maybe per 2 slices need to check and turkey bacon oscar mayer is the…
  • BOGmama thanks, as far as Labor day we are having a cookout so I know there will be temptation. I am NOT going to make my favorite peach cobbler!!! I dont think the filling is too bad it's really just fresh peaches a spoonful of sugar and vanilla and lemon juice but I make a ton of crust and that is atleast 1 cup of flour,…
  • Hi ladies this is my 1st post on this thread. I have a 4yr old son, soon to be 3 daughter, and soon to be 1 baby girl. My husband works out of town so during the week it is just me and we will be completely homeschooling as of October 1st. I have just started working out again as of August 28th, after almost crying when I…
  • Hi guys i did day 3 last night, an hour earlier than usual. Anyway I made it through I think with a few less pauses (probably just in my mind) but I did it. Of course half way through I think "Why am I doing this to myself, this is for the birds?" Especially when i put on 1.5lbs when I started despite calorie intake.....…
  • I know I am a day late but I would like to join your group. here are my numbers, SW 198 lbs EW 190 lbs
  • this sounds good, I might try this with toast instead of the bun and save me some calories. Won't count as a philly more like a texas cheesesteak from Waffle house. if your from ga you know what I'm talking about:)
  • hmlayman I know how you feel. My weight has gone up since I started too despite my low calories. I bought a heart rate monitor and it still has me at 350 to 400 calories burned. I hope it is just muscle gain and soon the lbs will come off. I will see on Sunday. well today will be day 3. I do it at night and I did dancing…
  • Those who have been doing it for a while how long was it before you started to see results? I know yo are not supposed to measure too often but I do just b/c I am a numbers person who counts everything, but I do remeind myself that I can't really count it for a week. Anyway I am noticing that my weight was actually higher…
  • I did my 1st 30 day shred workout tonight. It really worked me good. It remeindedme of when I was going to a personal trainer and my heartrate monitor sid I burned a ton of calories. I feel much better now and I am going to stick with it. I may do something different in the morning and still do this at night just because I…
  • Maybe I need to work out at night because I get so sleepy afterwards, but then at night I go to sleep sooo late just sitting around the house. I know I am not getting enough sleep. Maybe if I work out right after I put the kids to bed and clean kitchen I will go to sleep earlier. I guess I'll give it a try tonight
  • thanks guys even on the day when I did go over I did watch my calories, fats, etc and it was just but a little bit but I still felt guilty even though every other day had been really good. I wanted to stop beating myself up which is why I asked.
  • ok thank you guys i have a little better understanding. I don't want to go overboard or anthing just have a little peace of mind. For example I usually come nowhere near my allotted calories once I include exercise but my hubby is in town for the weekend and cooked on the grill. I made adjustments such as turkey burgers no…
  • Thanks jrich1 I am sitting here at 11:17 hungry and reading this I was afriad to eat something because it is so late but I have lots of calories left in my day since I had a good workout. i think I'll have a special k bar