

  • The HRM states it will adjust it quite a bit. Personally, I have "registered" myself as a "seditary" lifestyle. This way, I can add pretty much (manually) any activities I do. I think what the HRM is telling you is that you are more active than you initially thought. Every day things like going to the grocery store,…
  • HEB Apple and Cinnamin Rice cakes. They are about as big as a pancake and are only 50 calories. Also! Did I mention they taste like AppleJax?
  • I can't stress enough the importance of getting your bike fitted! Don't forget!
  • They are marking their territory.
  • Yoga Swimmers! There is this couple that thinks it is OK to do yoga on the side of the pool after their swim workout. They are the hippie, mid-40's couple that probably smugly drives a Prius while telling you how bad your car is, and would cringe if you said you like Microsoft Windows. Anyways, they always do tandem yoga…
  • Juiceheads!!! I've never been a gym rat, I usually just use the pool. The other day it was raining so I decided to try the treadmill for a warm up. I was on it for about 30 min. and noticed something unusual. All the juiceheads in the gym walk in circles. They do a set of lifting, then walk around for about 10 min. Then do…
  • Hello, It is an obtainable goal; however, it may not be healthy to enter a duathlon. I have experience in triathlon, and duathlon (run/swim and run/bike). The reason the programs are lengthy is because it takes a while to train your body to getting used to the different motions required. For instance, when was the last…
  • Hello, It really depends on how you set up your "lifestyle" when you created your profile. You can set it up anywhere from sedentary to active. The MyFitnessPal program will auto-grant you more calories if you tell it you move a lot on your job or in your every day life. Accounting for this, I put my status to "sedentary".…
  • Hello, I think many of your reasons are the same reasons we are on this website. We are all seeking to change something about ourselves. Keep motivated, watch other people's journals and see that you can do it as well. I've been looking for people "my size" who have already completed the journey. See them and think, "if…
  • This happened to me a few years ago when I was training for a triathlon (when I was in shape for that kind of thing). I simply stopped running for a week. The week break gave me rest. I was able to run further and faster than I had before. Also, you may need to "change up" your running schedule, Instead of running the same…
  • Everything has sugar in it. Much of it you cannot control. Control what you can. I use splenda in everything I would normally put sugar. Frankly, and to my suprise, I cannot tell between the two. This helps a lot. For instance, now, instead of a cup of coffee (two cream two sugar) being 160 calories, it is around 30. MFP…
  • I just "allow" myself to weigh once a week. I used to do it every morning and would chase the number rather than my calories. This way, I know I will have lost weight at the end of the week. It is tempting...but rewarding. More so than just seeing an OZ off (or gained).
  • Hello, I just always check my remaining calories. If I know my wife is fixing a nice dinner (with lots of calories) I will go exercise so I can eat what i would like to eat. After a while, I've noticed that I generally stick to a certain amount of calories for each meal. I didn't consciously make that decision, it just…
  • Hello, I think it is. I gave up smoking the day I found out I was going to be a father: October 30, 2010. I did gain a lot of weight; however, a little over a year later, I'm back in track to getting in shape. I don't think I could have done it without MyFitnessPal. I've lost 10 lbs, and last night, for the first time in…
  • I've had success and looking for some motivating friends. Add me if you are looking for the same!