wkwebby Member


  • Tips on how to improve your symptoms: -Avoid eating or drinking anything about 3-4 hours before your bed time. -Avoid acidic things (tomato based products, OJ, etc.) -Avoid the overindulgence of alcohol (which doesn't sound like you do) -Avoid overly fatty foods (this would fall in line with some weight loss goals) _Avoid…
  • Since you have blood pressure issues, your bloating could be related to it. You should definitely ask your doctor about how much water you should intake while exercising (or not) and per day. You may be counteracting your diuretic by trying to drink the recommended amount per day. Only your doctor should know.
  • Sleep deprivation can cause you to make poor food choices or snack choices. Perhaps you can get a good night's sleep and your weight will normalize? I can lose over 3 pounds on the weekend when I get more sleep than throughout the week. Be honest when logging (weighing food and drinks then logging it) and you will be able…
  • The digital scale will supplement your weight loss. Be honest in what you are eating and drinking and how much. Your plateau will be gone in no time.
  • Yes, scale is better. Cups have a larger margin of error (heaping scoop, flat scoop, mounded scoop, etc.).
  • Medications like Zoloft can change the body chemistry so you are only feeling what is going on. There are several factors going on: 1-Your body may be reacting to the carbs like an insulin resistant person. Lower your carbs and increase your protein, fat, and fiber to feel more full. Drink a lot of water. 2-You're not…
  • No idea, that is why I just cut it out. In the literature, it says anything more than a cup. So 8 fluid oz? The studies are all in debate, so take it with a grain of salt. Everybody will react differently to caffeine and prepares their cup differently, so one cup for me was like 4 cups for someone else. If you are doing…
  • The nutritionist told me that excess caffeine will screw up the hormones and blood sugar. No specifics on whether it was black coffee or not, just caffeine. So I've stopped it as well.
  • Also, are you eating back exercise calories? Could they be overestimated somewhere? This will lead to the lesser deficit and a slower rate than you would have had.
  • I will qualify it to say when your LDL levels are overly high like in the original post. This is also assuming that the LDL was correct. I used to sell statins (I no longer do).
  • Cholesterol only changes about 10% with diet and exercise. Unless your number is incorrect, there isn't a way you can even think to bring your LDL down by any significant amount. Double check those cholesterol numbers when you get your next blood work done. Maybe you are the exception. Medicine's effect on the body is not…
  • There are a ton of time savers too. I hear ya on not wanting to cook something overly complicated when you get home at 7:30. There are always slow cookers or cooking on the weekend and freezing the 5 dinners for the week, or maybe only 3 dinners so that you can cook fresh the other two weekdays. These are just ideas on how…
  • FYI, if you're trying to go low carb, the potato is sabotaging that one. You get plenty of carbs in veggies. You can add your wraps, but you have to ask yourself if you need it (or can spare it in your calories). CICO is the mantra of MFP. Just moderate your meals to be within your calorie goal. I am also doing low carb,…
  • I have Brookside dark chocolate pomegranates (it is sweet and a little tart too) when I get my chocolate cravings. I eat 4 (about 16 make up a serving) for 45 calories, then I close it up and put it away. Drink a glass of water, and reevaluate to see if my craving went away. If not, I'll eat another 4, then just stop until…
  • 155 was my starting weight, I lost 7 pounds in the first month due to cutting carbs, so most was probably water weight. Now at 142-244 (fluctuations), I am losing about 0.25-0.5 per month. I am not particularly great at weighing my food. When I do, I will lose at 0.25-0.5 per week now.
  • You could always save up your calories for the day or the week for something like this on a special occasion. Be really good and under your calorie goal each day of the week and "save" the calories for the night out. You can even be under for the week if you did that and still controlled what you ate on the night of the…
  • I have found lower carb heavy meals help my appetite be smaller, more filling, and sated longer. Do you have pre-diabetes? This can also a factor.
  • Your body fat, muscle and water results on those scales are highly inaccurate. You will see major fluctuations if you are dehydrated versus well hydrated. Test it out. Take those numbers with a grain of salt though. Also, if your weight is going down consistently, then you can always test the fat percentage number with…
  • I don't do cheat days. I indulge when I REALLY want something and move on. The 3000-10000 calories will probably make you sick after so long of eating normally and in a healthy manner. You will also probably feel like poo after eating all that oil and sugar that your body hasn't had in a while either. However, that being…
  • Maybe brush your teeth when you feel the urge to snack? Lots of foods taste horrible after you've brushed your teeth.
  • Reversing diabetes may be a little bit of a misnomer. If you were diagnosed with diabetes, that means you will always have it because diabetes means that your body doesn't respond well (over a long length of time) to blood sugar. This has to do with your production of insulin and your response to it (the problem can stem…
  • I gave up coffee two weeks ago and I get to save about 150 cals from the creamer. :smiley: Here's to eating your calories instead of drinking them!
  • This is totally doable. Just remember that you need to make sure that you log accurately though. At the rate you want to lose, you probably don't have to worry about accuracy right now, just honesty (anything eaten or drank throughout the day). We sometimes forget to log the drinks and that could add up to a pound of self…
  • I log my weight into a trending program and designated the first of the month to log it on MFP. I log the trended weight that the program spits out, not a daily weight.
  • Breakfast smoothies with veggies by the handful (spinach, kale, or whatever other green leafy is good) stuffed into it (at least one cup). You won't even taste it. I'm a time cruncher and this was a fast way to get my veggies in every day. I just couldn't afford the calories in the morning. So I eat salad every day with…
  • As others have already mentioned, the soda itself and its chemicals aren't getting you fat. The result of drinking the chemicals on your hunger signals that may be your issue. I drank many diet sodas in my life and I wasn't ever overweight until I hit my 40's when my metabolism took a nosedive. I still use a Splenda now…
  • The suggestions from MFP are all based on the average person. So there are no adjustments for your medical condition. You need to identify what your baseline TDEE is (what you would normally spend in calories throughout the day or week) and subtract an adequate number of calories to be in deficit to lose weight. From the…
  • Stomach fat is stubborn for all females, but more so than others (due to genetics). Do the best and don't get down on yourself. A year is a long time, reevaluate your methods after a month at a time (if you're not losing, change something after reevaluating what you're doing). Doing the same thing after a year and getting…
  • Digital food scales on Amazon.com can be as low as $12 with free shipping.
  • Then you throw in that you can't rule out medical causes. The insulin resistance and PCOS people out there know what I'm talking about. The change in macros plays a HUGE part when it comes to how fast you lose the pounds. Even with those medical issues, the CICO rule still generally applies, but the way your body reacts to…