clgaches Member


  • I'm presently doing a moderate-to-strict Keto diet and it's working very well for me. I started it in an attempt to combat PCOS and the associated insulin resistance. I've mostly noticed positive effects. I have lost weight with less calorie counting, appetite is a bit more controllable (I wouldn't say "better"). I'm…
  • You talk about always having a deficit, but make sure you ARE still eating enough! If your "recommended calories" is only 1200, seriously think about NEVER having a deficit, but only a small "overcharge". If you are not supporting your muscle growth, you will lose MUSCLE WEIGHT, not fat. I presume you do know that, since…
  • Demyuo, I don't know what you're SUPPOSED to do, but that's essentially the pattern I've been having. I take the days my fiance has off work as "off days", as we're usually doing family things and errands anyway. I haven't noticed that it's hurt anything to take those days off. I am ALSO doing Couch 2 5K, though, so that…
  • It is possible to do 30DS every day if your fitness level is there and, as you said, you listen to your body. I'm presently on week 2 of 30DS, and I make alterations in it as needed. I also injured my calf the first week (so much jumping...), so whenever it started to hurt I'd just switch to a low/no impact cardio instead…
  • ^^ This. And I will echo what others have said regarding the scale. PARTICULARLY over such a short duration (one month is short), it's not a great overall judge of progress. Between various factors, I've had my weight vary as much as 5 lbs within ONE DAY. To the best of my knowledge, your body can't artificially decrease…
  • For the record, all my experiences at gyms have been neutral to positive. Contrary to popular belief, most people are just focused on what they're doing and don't pay much attention to what's going on around them unless it's hampering their ability to do things. If people are standing around, flapping their jaws and…
  • *wry* not to mention that all that shoulder isolation is MURDER if your shoulders are bad like mine... You WILL have to get over your fear of the weight room, regardless. Even if you start with everything you need at home, at some point you're going to develop enough strength that you will need a proper barbell set up and…
  • You're unlikely to have a problem eating too much protein, particularly if you're still drinking plenty of water. As others have mentioned, too much protein CAN be hard on the kidneys. Usually that's only if there's some OTHER problem, but it's important to remember that dehydration IS an "other problem" for the kidneys if…
  • Where we gain/lose fat is a matter of genetics. crunches will ONLY work your abdominal muscles (inefficiently at that). You could have perfect washboard perfect abs from all the core work in the world and the only way that affects your midsection fat is by the raw calories burned and by increasing your metabolism (overall,…