akb130 Member


  • Current Weight: 137 Goal Weight: 130 11/26: 137 12/3: 136.5 12/10: 12/17: 12/24: Long ways to go for myself. Really gonna have to kick my butt into gear to get to my goal!! NSV: Run 30 Miles by next weigh in
  • Current Weight: 137 Goal Weight: 130 11/26: 137 12/3: 12/10: 12/17: 12/24: Goal NSV: My goal is to not exceed 200 calories over my daily intake allowance.
  • 133.5 this morning. I did increase my calorie intake this week. Feels great! I have finally bought my very first pair of size 6 jeans. Great job everyone and have a good weekend!
  • CW: 137.5 GW: 133 Weigh in dates: 11/1: 137.5 11/8: 137 11/15: 135.5 11/22:
  • I weighed in at 136.6... same as last week. Didn't gain at least! Working towards a 2 pound loss for next Friday!
  • CW: 137.5 GW: 133 Weigh in dates: 11/1: 137.5 11/8: 137 11/15: 11/22:
  • I just measured myself today for the first time since August 8th and have lost 9.5 inches overall! It feels good to see the results on paper!
  • Current weight 136.5. Down 2 lbs since last Friday! This is the most weight I have lost in all my attempts to make it to my goal weight! Getting so close.
  • CW: 137.5 GW: 133 Weigh in dates: 11/1: 137.5 11/8: 11/15: 11/22: A goal NSV (None Scale Victory): To buy a pair of size 6 jeans. Never worn a size 6 in my life! Well, maybe when I was in 4th grade!
  • I stayed the same since last Friday. 138.5
  • I LOVE butternut squash. I bake it myself then separate into 1 cup servings (around 90 calories). To make it a little sweeter with little to no calories added, I add 1 sweetner packet, some vanilla extract, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Very yummy and super filling!
  • I was stuck at a plateau for few months this summer even though I had been running 30+ miles a week. I incorporated strength training along with that cardio and started to lose weight again. Muscle burns fat, the more you build up now, the better. Your matabolism should increase as well, which maybe explaines why you were…
  • Last Friday: 141.5 Today: 138.5 Not too bad considering I am getting that close to my goal. I was happy with losing .5lbs a week! Had to shock to system I think. Switched up my workout routine, so I'm thinking that might be the difference. Good job everyone!
  • Down .5lbs (weighing in at 141.5) since last Friday. Bringing me to 2lbs lost since starting. I have also noticed that I am much more aware of how many calories I am eating as well as burning. I have not been able to keep a steady weight loss week to week for a looong time so this is very encouraging! Good job everyone!
  • Late is better than never! Yesterday morning I weighed in at 142. That is down 1 lb from last week! Hopefully I can keep up this momentum.
  • Well, I'm a day late... But I'm yesterday I was 143, making that .5lbs down. I'll take that!
  • With a few 5k races and a half marathon under my belt, I would like to complete the BIG one next fall. A full marathon. Have to have goals to keep the motivation going, right? That should keep me running anyways!
  • Maybe I'll be able to resist indulging too often when I have to weigh in every Friday! Current weight: 143.5 Goal weight: 130