Very Low, or Zero Cal Foods.



  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    It has been mentioned numberous times, but it works - water. I personally drink at least one bottle of seltzer or sparkling mineral water a day. No calories, no sodium (in seltzer, minimal in mineral water). The seltzer also helped me overcome the whole soda thing.
  • Faithenfire
  • r0cky81
    I have found crunching on ice chips helps for when you aren't really hungry but you want to snack on something, they are crunchy and you can eat as many as you want without feeling guilty. I also really like the Extra Dessert Delights gum for when I'm trying to last until the next meal.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I have found crunching on ice chips helps for when you aren't really hungry but you want to snack on something, they are crunchy and you can eat as many as you want without feeling guilty. I also really like the Extra Dessert Delights gum for when I'm trying to last until the next meal.

    Ehhh not a great idea. As chewing on ice leads to wearing down tooth enamel. Then you get the toof rotz.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Take ice cube tray. Fill with water. Add a little sugar free squash if you like. Put a lolly stick in each section. Put in freezer. 0 calorie lollies.

    You could also call it just an ice cube on a stick, but I like them.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Teaspoon of Marmite in a mug of boiling water. Stir and enjoy! under 10 calories and nice and savoury.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Beef jerky. Fairly lean source of protein. And takes care of the craving for a salty snack. At least it does for me. Also, carrot and celery sticks with your favorite salsa. I dip those suckers like chips! Virtually no calories. If you wish, add me as a friend and you can scope out my food diary. I strongly suggest looking at the food diaries of your MFP friends because I get all sorts of great ideas off of them.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Oh. And to make sure it's hunger of the tummy you're feeling (and not just of the mind like I experience frequently), drink 16 ounces of water, wait thirty minutes, and if you're still feeling hungry, think fruits and vegetables. If you don't want them, then you aren't really all that hungry. That works for me, anyway.
  • NJSunshine13
    bump ..... good suggestions here. Want to come back later and get some more ideas.
  • ItsGoodToHaveGoals
    ItsGoodToHaveGoals Posts: 58 Member
    Try having something with a higher protein content as your snack before the time of day when you usually get the cravings. For me it's mid afternoon, so I make sure at lunch I have a good amount of protein. It seems to work.
    Sugar free jello cups work for me when I need something sweet
    Otherwise I stick with veggies - lots of benefits w/ little calories - unless I add the hummus. mmmm
  • azjenny72
    azjenny72 Posts: 43 Member
    Most everyone has said alot of the things I use to munch on already... the biggest thing for me though is that I've found if I'm eating enough vegetables and protein through the day I'm not really hungry when night time hits. After dinner always used to be my witching hour where I would snack like crazy... the last two weeks I've been eating alot cleaner than I've ever eaten in my life and I'm not finding the late night hunger/snack attack to be as much of an issue...

    even with that being said though my taste buds sometimes want something even if my tummy doesn't... Walmart and blue diamond have a dark cocoa roasted almond that has been satisfying this for me... it is about 150 cal a serving and I know me. If I had the bag it would all be gone in a matter of minutes... I try to curb this by pre measuring out my portions... I have small snack cups/bags and when an item comes in that I know I would over eat on I set out a number of serving sizes that I can just grab... and with the almonds I find if I eat one at a time... that small 1/4 c portion is enough

    good luck and I hope you find something that works for you
  • akb130
    akb130 Posts: 18 Member
    I LOVE butternut squash. I bake it myself then separate into 1 cup servings (around 90 calories). To make it a little sweeter with little to no calories added, I add 1 sweetner packet, some vanilla extract, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Very yummy and super filling!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I bought a huge 5 pound bag of green beans that I've been roasting and eating as "fries." They're really low calorie and taste like whatever you season them with. Usually I just lightly spray them with Pam and coat with some salt, pepper, and garlic powder, then pop them in the oven at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes, stir and bake them 7-10 more minutes. So good and easily under 100 calories for a whole bunch of them. Roasted broccoli and caulifower are also really tasty. I've also gotten the mini 100 calorie bags of popcorn before and they're pretty filling too.
  • Cbarrese86
    MELONS!!! You can eat a huge plate of melons and it's very low in calories. Watermelon for instance... 3 cups=140 calories. Always helps me during a snack attack.
  • Cbarrese86
    Oh, and if it's late at night, I make some decaf coffee. It kinda curbs the desire for sweets... at least for me.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Vlassic kosher pickle spears have 0 calories per serving. They also have low sodium pickles with zero calories.
  • rlynnehawk
    rlynnehawk Posts: 71 Member
    When I get the munchies (usually night ) I crunch on raw cranberries. They are in season right now. They are sour and sweet at the same time. They are in season right now and most stores carry Ocean Spray brand. I buy mine at Sam's Club : the 3lb bag costs less than $5.00. Throw a bag or two in the freezer to eat them as a frozen treat. Raw fresh cranberries last about a month in the 'fridge, and a year in the freezer. They are 30 calories per 1/2 cup ' 6 carbs, and 2g fiber. I keep a small bowl on the kitchen counter and at my desk and when I feel like snacking I just pop a few and feel satisfied. Lemon and lime squeezed in large glasses of ice water or unsweetened tea are great for you too!
  • squeekersmom
    squeekersmom Posts: 107 Member
    Ive just discovered the roasted green beans and Im addicted/......they are seriously good!! At night I will have a sugar free chai tea mix latte I love@
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Zero calorie would be water. That's all I know of.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    bump :)