

  • Me too!! I bought some but have no idea how to cook it or what to do with it. I have a recipe for a lentil bulgur salad but was thinking of subbing in millet (instead of bulgur)...just not sure if it'll work alright
    in Millet Comment by uyedej May 2012
  • Hey, feel free to add me :)
  • Oh damn i missed it! But definitely keeping the link in case there's another sale :)
    in Reetones Comment by uyedej March 2012
  • Oh great, thanks!!! Yeah, i couldn't remember the other brand that had similar shoes...Skechers! ha!
    in Reetones Comment by uyedej March 2012
  • How many servings is the recipe?
  • Do you know i can buy shirataki noodles? They sounds interesting!!! I've never seen them in stores (but maybe i just haven't noticed them). :)
  • Yes, i think i'll do that...stick to places where the nutritional information is readily available :) thanks!
    in Guilt Comment by uyedej March 2012
  • Feel free to add me too!! Always looking for new friends :)
  • So going to try this!!! Just to double-check is the full cup of spinach ONE serving? (if it's anything like the kale chips i made, i ate the whole batch in one sitting) :D
  • I just made a ginger edamame quinoa dish that was pretty good..and very high in protein. I got it from the Quinoa 365 cookbook. :)
  • Name: Jessica Location: Toronto, Ontario Who i usually cook for: myself Recipe inspiration:, a couple cookbooks i have, and friends who have more cooking experience than me :D
  • Hello!! I'm in the Danforth & Broadview'd be great to meet up (even just online) to compare notes and support :)
  • Hello!! I just joined MFP as well...trying to lose 25-30 pounds overall and really, just get fit...I get disheartened getting dressed in the morning and finding something else doesn't fit anymore...sigh One of the most challenging things for me is motivation...motivation to cook healthy meals for myself (I live alone so…
  • Hello!! I just joined :) I'm in Greektown. for most of my life i weighed the same (around 125-130 pounds which i was happy with); then to some unfortunate and bad life choices, i dropped down to 105pds. When i got myself together again, i did anything i could (okay, i just ate whatever i wanted which…