

  • Your nailed this one Mike. You'll notice that a lot of "low fat" salad dressings, coffe cream, etc. use sugar to replace the fat they removed. IMO - Sugar is more the enemy then fat. I'd rather have 1 spoonfull of Hagen Daz then a whole bucket of low fat ice cream!
  • I agree with JJ - when I overdo it on the junk I definitely feel worse about myself. That Coke was not worth it! lol not just the 140 calories, but how I felt for days afterwards. I feel so much better since I started, but being as I still have at least another 35# to go, and it's not moving anywhere fast because I've been…
  • I don't think 1200 IS sustainable - but for me as long as I forgo the absolute junk food I find the 1375 ish I'm on now is sustainable. It means smaller portions, and if I eat out it's "no, I do NOT want fries with that". I was never a breakfast eater - I start my day with coffee and fruit, this works for me. I'm not…
  • In the case of SO's - they're supposed to love you just the way you are. If I had one that said "you're too fat" all the time I'd dump him, so I get why they do it! Mine says this occasionally. I jusually just tell him it's not about weight, it's about being healthy and feeling better. When I was 17 I could literally…
  • 1 day wont hurt - just like one day where you over eat doesn't hurt too much in the long term. I'm so sorry about your friend....
  • Lentil soups are great - pull a couple recipies online. Red lentils are my favorite. You could do a week of soup for lunch on a 4$ bag of lentils, a can of V8, a couple carrots and an onion.
  • Yup - give the mare back. She's not what you need, and it's not like you're sending her to auction or something. Even if you DO figure out what's bothering her - would you trust your kid on her out at an event? I don't think I would.
  • I can't say I'd keep a husband like that around long. That said, he is your husband - and must care about you. How about a talk with him about this? You want to look good for you. Not anyone else. What's been keeping me off the junk food is the knowledge that my dad, after years of really not too terible eating is…
  • Oh, one thing I just remembered - I had the BEST pan-fried fish at a resteraunt once, it was breaded in: Chopped sunflower seeds. It was amazing.
  • When I get the chance I actuallt enjoy a couple of days bringing in hay.
  • Donate it to my friends who are always on about their small boobs :)
  • I don't like declaring anything 100% off limits, this is where diets fail for me. I had a chick-fil-a sandwich today and a milkshake. It was over 1000 calories all in. I went riding for nearly 2 hours this morning though, and will go to the gym tonight, as well as have a light supper. This will make this work with my…
  • I <3 you. Seriously. My first was because i was 19 and wanted a tat. It's a small heart and a couple flowers to the left of the Tramp Stamp area. The second is a Celtic knot horse in between my shoulderblades. I found the graphic online and just thought it looked awesome, so after a year of thinking about it I got the tat.…
  • I have something almost every day, but it's always something small. I've been working on the same king size twix for like 3 weeks! that said, some things I phased out of my diet I don't really miss - like Soda. I'll occasionally take a sip of someone else's, and you know what? I don't WANT to drink a whole can anymore.
  • This!! In my case, i had the image as the background on my computer screeen for something like 4 years before I got my tat. I LOVE it. i've also used it as my avatar on many message board over the years. This way you don't wind up like the lady I met at work yesterday with the word Co*k in caligraphy with flowers around it…
  • I use cinnamon and Stevia in mine. You have to get a good brand of stevia to make it not have an aftertaste though. I would not use something like sweet-n-low or Splenda though, these are worse for your wasteline then real sugar. I also use milk. I know a lot of people cut dairy when they are dieting, but I feel the…
  • The ONLY thing that has allowed me to stick to the 1400 cal diet I've set for myself is I take PGX, which is a fiber suplement. NOTHING else I've ever tried works, but this did for some reason. I had tried a 1200 cal diet, but after 3 weeks i had not lost a thing, so I upped it and had lost 3 lbs at the next weigh in. It…
  • Well, I'm a fruit hound when they're in season - and if allowed I'll eat half a watermelon in a day. According to MFP this ammounts to something like 600 calories! This is how I ate normal sized meals and still gained weight (that and the soda). I try to treat the calories I eat back as something that should be filled with…
  • I prefer the eliptical, I get nasty bad shin splints from jogging. We have one at home. The thing is for an eliptical you've GOT to get a really high quality one, as the cheap ones are flimsy, and they feel like it. Treadmills are a little more forgiving that way.
  • I think this is a case of "You can't fix stupid". There's a difference between vegetarian and healthy. You can be both, but vegetarian is often a statement of disagreeing with killing animals. You can still be unhealthy and eat junk food all day.
  • I can work for some, not others as people have said above. I stuck to the 1200 cal diet (even eating my excersize cals) for 2 weeks, and lost not even a 1/10th of a lb. Then I did a bunch or reading, and switched it over to just over my BMR (go to Tools to calculate yours), which is just under 1400 cals a day. I'm at day 4…
    in eating 1200 Comment by rmh84 March 2012
  • Wow - thank you for that. I've spent the last 2 weeks following the 1200 cal thing as laid out here, weighed in this morning.... and didn't drop a single 10th of a lb. It was exactly the same as the last weigh in in fact. I just went and did a BMR calculation from this site http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Far_North_Equestrian on COTH. I sporadically post in the Off Course and Eventing forums mostly, but every so often you'll see me elsewhere! I'm one of the bloggers with the Felix the Half-Fjord blog (www.felixfjord.blogspot.com) I'm 28, 5' tall and 162 lbs, goal is to get back under 130 and I'll go from…
  • 28, and 5' tall :) Love being a shorty, not so much loving being a chubby though!
  • Hello! Good luck in your journey :) I have to admit, I clicked on yourt thread because my grandfather was born in Leeds, and I still have family there!
  • Yes, the person who told you to go down a size should have ALSO told you to go up a cup size. Cup is tertermined by the ratio between ribcage and bust meaturements. I wear a 34 DDD (or E) I get most of my bras either at Soma intimates or from Freshpair.com. The reason the VS lady told you to stick with your size is because…