Lately ive felt more over weight then i did 40lbs ago..

I don't think the fat mentality is ever going to go away.
Not that i am anywhere near skinny... blah.


  • Lol.. i guess no one feels the same way i do.
  • emilyds
    emilyds Posts: 88
    Maybe you feel that way because now you are expecting to see results and they take time?
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    I know how you feel.... even with all the compliments i still feel this way. Until you are ideal (in your own eyes) I think this feeling will always be in the back of our minds.
  • Tyrone_S
    Tyrone_S Posts: 94 Member
    Standards tend to rise with progress, I find that for sure.
  • i feel that way cause i feel like im heavier then i was when i had 40 extra pounds.
  • arizonaladybug
    arizonaladybug Posts: 91 Member
    some weekends I feel super bloated and fat and some weeks i feel skinny , when im eating very little I feel good but I think its more about what I ate that makes me feel this way and i dont think it will go away until I loose all the wieght
  • I guess thats the ticket. ive been eating 1400-1600 calories.. i should probably eat less.
  • drpleiades
    drpleiades Posts: 12 Member
    i feel that way cause i feel like im heavier then i was when i had 40 extra pounds.

    I totally know how you feel, I am down about 40 lbs as well and I've had the same feelings. When I first started I thought "man if i can lose 40lbs it would look so great" but being here it doesn't feel like much and it can be discouraging. I just try to remind myself that there is still progress to be made and to not "slack" my belt if the biggest thing for me, having to pull it a lot more then I did before helps me remember where I used to be. Its good to find something that your remember before, a pair of pants that used to just fit and now they are loose. We look at ourselves everyday so the progress doesn't show to us, having that frame of reference can keep you on track and remember you've worked hard for this so far so don't stop the work just yet.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    i feel that way cause i feel like im heavier then i was when i had 40 extra pounds.

    I understand, I feel the same, Ive lost 50lbs. I started in a size 26, now I have 22's, which with a little help, just slide down. I have other cloths from my previous journey. (as I gained I kept the cute cloths, knowing I would journey again). I went through my closet this weekend and tossed everything that makes me feel frumpy. I hope that helps the feeling for being too big. I am not interested in wearing skin tight cloths they for sure make you feel bigger than you are. good luck.
  • OMG this is me...right now. I had lost 87lbs and now I have gained back 17 of it in the past 3 months due to an extreme amount of stress and a whole bunch of other excuses that are pointless to say, but now that I have gained that 17lbs I feel heavier than I did 87lbs ago. Vicious cycle!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I guess thats the ticket. ive been eating 1400-1600 calories.. i should probably eat less.
    No! If you've lost 41 lbs eating 1400 - 1600 calories you almost DEFINITELY should NOT eat less. It's working for you, so stick with it.

    I feel like I look exactly the same way that I did when I started this journey even though I'm the lowest weight I have been in 6+ years. It's a mental thing; I can't tell you how to overcome it because obviously I don't know or I wouldn't look at myself and feel disgusted about it. On the other hand, looking at old pictures and new pictures next to one another really does help, even if only for the moment that the pictures are on the screen. Once there gone I feel like that's not really what I look like or that was just a really good day or a really good angle or something. But I have to believe it gets better or I wouldn't be able to continue, so I choose to believe that for the both of us.
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    Read "Thin Within"... its all about thinking like a thin person.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I feel fat if I eat things that don't agree with me. I feel pretty good lately if I eat well. How I eat seems to have a real affect on how I feel.
  • rmh84
    rmh84 Posts: 28
    I agree with JJ - when I overdo it on the junk I definitely feel worse about myself. That Coke was not worth it! lol not just the 140 calories, but how I felt for days afterwards.

    I feel so much better since I started, but being as I still have at least another 35# to go, and it's not moving anywhere fast because I've been off my diet it's discouraging.
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    take a picture of yourself and put it somewhere and in a few week/ months take another one it will show you.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I guess thats the ticket. ive been eating 1400-1600 calories.. i should probably eat less.

    It sounds like you're experiencing body dysmorphia. I think you may want to find someone to talk to about this professionally, before it gets worse.

    I definitely don't think restricting calories further is the answer. Following body dysmorphia with further calorie restriction is putting you on a very dangerous path. Please don't take this as an attack- it's not. I'm just concerned that your feelings may have deeper roots than you may understand right now.
  • KTB887
    KTB887 Posts: 2
    I agree with gingerjen7! I would not lower your calorie intake if you have already lost 40 pounds! You keep truckin' and you'll get to where you want to be. I have been on a roller coaster myself but I still have not given up! I have lost 56 pounds myself over a period of time. I still am not where I want to be so I am still truckin'. Don't give up :)
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    Lol.. i guess no one feels the same way i do.

    I do, sometimes. Okay, so there is a lot of mental stuff regarding weight and our body image is what I'm finding out. So this is my story - and these epiphanies are new in the last few months. Growing up, I was always stick thin. 5'7" @ 120 lbs was too skinny now looking back at pictures. Okay, so I gain 70 lbs with my first pregnancy and never worked on losing it. All of a sudden, it was gone and I was even skinnier. So my feeling is that my brain is wired to see and feel skinny.

    Now, after my 2nd pregnancy - again gained 70 lbs. Not only did I never lose that weight, I have added more to it. Currently, I am heavier than either pregnancies and that's after losing the 40+ lbs in the last few months.

    When I started here in June of this year, I felt terrible, nothing fit (I was outgrowing my clothes yet again), I felt like I was dying a very slow death, and the person in the mirror and pictures just did not match what was on the inside.

    There are days where I feel really skinny now and yet got a long long way to go to just get myself to a respectable place. BUT. . . there are a lot of other days where I feel bigger than when I started. Luckily, it's the first part that I feel INSIDE more. But it freaks me out to see myself still. I hate it.

    Now, what I find interesting about this subject is that there are a lot of people on here that always feel heavier. I'm not a shrink or anything, but I really am curious if the body image we have in our brain is what we grew up with. One of my daughter's is very heavy and has trouble losing it. She was a little heavy in high school as well. Now that she's older, I'm not able to ask her how she feels inside about her mental body image. Maybe it's because my mental body image is skinny - But that's not a great thing at all. No matter how your brain is wired, a whole lot of us has a problem with a mirror, pics and/or scale. I'm one of those. Is that what they call body dysmorsphic condition?

    Anyway, just my two cents, but I've been curious about it. In the end, we've just gotta commit to ourself and get healthy and hopefully do more to enjoy life.

    Best wishes.
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    I guess thats the ticket. ive been eating 1400-1600 calories.. i should probably eat less.

    You have been very successful. No need to change anything. Try picking up a 40 pound weight and walk around with it for a while. It will be a good workout and you will feel great when you put it down!
  • I think if you listen more to your body (sport and right eating) then you feel your body more. at least I do. and maybe this is what you do right now? you feel yourself more. besides this, my mother always said, if you lose weight, you will look thicker first because you lose on your arms, feet, face.... and your belly will look like its bigger and stick out more (since its mostly a place where you lose later)... I don´t know if one of those things are what you are struggling with, I only know that you are beautiful and you look really great and you lost a lot of weight. you can be very proud of yourself. =)