I also lost... then strayed... then gained... now I am back. I figure I need some rules. :)
I was there. I was at 303. You can do it! :smiley:
Enjoy! I love my DDP yoga!
You are an inspiration! I wish I get through to my father and help him see the light you have seen!
So many amazing pics on here. I love this thread!
Great job! Looking great!
This is very nice. Thanks for sharing. :)
You look great man! Thanks for sharing!
fantastic work! You look great! You make me want to do Insanity again!
Congratulations! That is an accomplishment in itself. :D
Nice work. Looking good!
For sure, there. Nice work!
So many amazing people and transformations on here. Love this thread!
Thank you very much everybody. You are all so kind! :D
My biggest challenge has been emotional eating... eating to celebrate, eating when sad, eating when mad... etc. Now I view food as fuel, just as FUEL. :D My tip would be to not quit. No matter what. Bad day, bad week, bad month, always jump back on and know that you will get there.
Thank you!
You look amazing! Bet you feel amazing too. congrats
You look great man! Congrats!
You guys are all so awesome and inspirational. I am going to share mine that I just made a success post about. This is great seeing everybody's hard work and dedication paying off! Uploaded with
Thank you everybody for your kind words... and motivation!
I feel pretty good... but always want more. I really want that six pack before I am 40. haha!
I am loving DDP Yoga! I never would have thought I could feel as great as I do... doing Yoga! I am a believer. :)
You look fantastic! congratulations!
You look terrific! Congrats on your hard work!
You hard work shows! You look amazing!
Wow! Amazing! You look fantastic! Congratulations on all your hard work!
I love DDP yoga! You won't be dissapointed! Best thing is... you will get what you put into it!
nice work! You look great!
Amazing! You look fantastic!
congratulations! That is an amazing achievement!