

  • You could do it in the oven, but the best investment we have made is our George Foreman grill. We started out with the small one and it was really a hassle to clean. After we finally wore it out, we got one a bit bigger and the grilling plates are removable so you can take them off & wash them. We cook everything on them.…
  • I had to cut back on caffeine 2 years ago because I have been diagnosed with osteopenia. That's why I do the 1/2 caff. Plus, I don't get the jitters if I drink too much. I go for another bone density scan in the fall, we'll see what happens. I do NOT want to take meds for osteo. Everything in moderation & exercise.
  • Try Folgers 1/2 caff. I drink that with Stevia. Still get my caffeine, but not as much.
  • Well! Finally found a place where I fit in. Thank you all!
  • I used to drink soft drinks all day long. I first switched from regular Coke to Sprite, then later the transition to water was easier. Soft drink free for 3 months now and don't miss them at all. If you give them up altogether, the flatter tummy will be worth it! Diet soft drinks, flavored bottled water: I can't drink them…
  • Posted on my fridge: "How will I feel if I DON'T work out today??" and "Motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing." It really is all about lifestyle change. It's like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. You just do it whether you are feeling it or not. And then the endorphins kick in and things get a little…
  • I have done both the Power 90 and Slim in 6 series in the past and have to say 'Yay' on these.
  • And some people are just ignorant of the facts. A woman came into the health club where I work and was looking quite unwell when she finished her workout. After talking with her for a couple of minutes, I learned that she had read on the internet that to lose weight she should only eat 500 calories per day. I honestly…
  • Agree with the Flatout Flatbread crust. Also the Hungry Girl Flatout Foldits for a little thicker crust.
  • can you give more information on the cocoa/chile powder blend, please??
  • since you don't yet know what the problem is, I would be very hesitant to take the advice of anyone who does not know your condition. Have you asked your doctor if it is okay to exercise? That would be my first step. Then ask if there is anything that would be absolutely not a good idea.
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