Thoughts on Soda.



  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I drink regular soda about once a week. I tend to avoid it now because I feel like, if I only have so many calories, and if the human body doesn't consider liquid calories when considering whether it's hungry, I'm better off limiting it to my "treat" day.

    Also, ignore the dorks panicking about high-fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup breaks down into just fructose and glucose. The fact that it comes from corn rather than sugar cane means that those two saccharides are in slightly different ratios. Corn syrup is cheaper in the US because the production of corn is included in government farm subsidies, which, incidentally, accidentally killed off the sugar and candy industries in the US. And if we are defining as a poison anything that needs to be metabolized by the liver, basically all medications are poisonous. Not to mention alcohol.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Only diet soda here and infrequent at that. Soda just isn't good for ya! Water is the elixir for life.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I usually drink slushies. I like regular sodas a lot, but I have tried a lot of diet sodas and have only liked 2 of them.
  • polza1888
    polza1888 Posts: 87 Member
    I drink a lot of soda/juice as well as water. I don't feel it has any impact on my weight loss etc. I drink diet soda/juice though, very limited calories and to be honest, I barely ever track the calories in juice as it's very very small.

    I do however want to cut down on soda, but only for the reason for my teeth, but still won't stop me drinking it :)

    If you're going to drink it, you're best doing diet, as the normal soda/juice are always packed with cals
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I primarily drink water but I just need some "taste" every now and then, so I drink coffee more than soda. I always hated the taste of diet soda but recently tried Coke Zero and really like it.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I only usually drink fizzy drinks when Im having alcohol, as a mixer. I never really drink them otherwise, they dont taste that nice, and are really bad for you. My mum used to drink a lot of diet coke. She was so ill the Dr's thought she had an autoimmune disease, until they finally pegged it was the aspartame. Gross.
  • BeanQueen3000
    I definitely still drink a lot of soda (2+ cans a day), though i've slowly been trying to figure out whether i really care enough to cut it out, or if it's one of those things i want to make room for. My motive is mostly the caffeine content- a cup of coffee leaves me a jittery mess, but usually half a can of soda is just enough to perk me up when i get up or when i need a bit of a lift. it's something i'm a bit embarrassed about, and i've heard a million times that my weight loss will go much quicker if i just drop it out, but i like having that option there to perk up when i need to. Diet soda is absolutely no kind of replacement-- it tastes nothing at all like a good glass of HFCS and CO2. It just won't do at all for me. So, i suppose you're not alone at all.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I suggest carbonated water...even the kind with flavoring. It's a hell of a lot better for you than soda. I drink it when I want to drink alcohol (yeah, it's weird). If you really need the caffeine, drink some coffee or tea.
  • hellybelly45
    Are you in America? Because in England, soda water is purely carbonated water, no sweeteners or other adittives I think, apart maybe from salt! I drink it with orange juice- makes it more refreshing and reduces the calories of the orange juice per quantity.:smile:
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Options doubt my Pepsi Throwback or my Coke or my Dr. Pepper is the worst thing I likely put in my body, but I absolutely love it.. I'm glad I'm not drinking two liters a day anymore like in the old days. It's definitely an indulgence ~ some people say, "Oh it's just not pizza without my beer." That's how I feel about Pepsi with pizza, popcorn, or spicy foods. I think I average maybe 4-5 a week. Don't feel bad because you're not the only one. Hopefully as we get more accustomed to healthy eating our # of sodapops (soda and pop for those of you with geographic issues) will drop to a very low count
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I like an occasional diet Coke as a treat - maybe once a fortnight or so. Pepsi tastes far too sweet to me, and Dr Pepper? Bleurgh! :sick: Diet Lilt is good if you can find it. :smile:

    Like many others I don't want to waste calories drinking them.
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south. We drink our iced tea un-sweetened up here and put oil in our engines, not ole. I haven't been drinking very much pop lately. I used to like coke, but not pepsi.

    Psh, you must be from that crazy state, Michigan. Us Wisconsinites call it soda. ; )

    As for drinking soda, I don't normally. It just isn't as satisfying as it used to be. That being said, sometimes I do treat myself and get something every once in awhile. Just like any other food (and what someone else said earlier) everything in moderation. :)

    I'm from Wisconsin, Everyone I know calls it Pop!

    I quit drinking pop in December. I've had about 3 since then.. They have been Sprite Zero..
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    Are you in America? Because in England, soda water is purely carbonated water, no sweeteners or other adittives I think, apart maybe from salt! I drink it with orange juice- makes it more refreshing and reduces the calories of the orange juice per quantity.:smile:

    Sprite in England tastes SOO good (lemonade). Because it has real sugar!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    never touch them! do you know what sugar/salt and rubbish they put in there?:mad:
  • nofatpants4me
    I used to drink soft drinks all day long. I first switched from regular Coke to Sprite, then later the transition to water was easier. Soft drink free for 3 months now and don't miss them at all. If you give them up altogether, the flatter tummy will be worth it!

    Diet soft drinks, flavored bottled water: I can't drink them because of the Phenylketonurics (Phenylalanine), which gives me horrible migraines.

    If you can drink coffee but get the jitters from too much caffeine, try Folgers 1/2 Caff. I also drink decaff iced tea during the day. I use Stevia for sweetener. No headaches/migraines!

    Sidenote: I have found that since I gave up soft drinks and use Stevia, that we have stopped consuming sugar in our house. I bought 2-4 lb. bags when they were on sale. Finally gave one to my sister and she will probably inherit the other one, too, because it is still sitting in the cabinet unopened.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I definitely still drink a lot of soda (2+ cans a day), though i've slowly been trying to figure out whether i really care enough to cut it out, or if it's one of those things i want to make room for. My motive is mostly the caffeine content- a cup of coffee leaves me a jittery mess, but usually half a can of soda is just enough to perk me up when i get up or when i need a bit of a lift. it's something i'm a bit embarrassed about, and i've heard a million times that my weight loss will go much quicker if i just drop it out, but i like having that option there to perk up when i need to. Diet soda is absolutely no kind of replacement-- it tastes nothing at all like a good glass of HFCS and CO2. It just won't do at all for me. So, i suppose you're not alone at all.

    It sounds like youre relying on soda for energy, you really should have a look at where you're getting energy from and why you might feel tired. Sugar gives you peaks and troughs of a boost, and will leave you worse off. Not trying to be preachy, just think if you need it for a boost you might want to consider a better source of energy. You might be deficient in something :)
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south. We drink our iced tea un-sweetened up here and put oil in our engines, not ole. I haven't been drinking very much pop lately. I used to like coke, but not pepsi.

    Psh, you must be from that crazy state, Michigan. Us Wisconsinites call it soda. ; )

    As for drinking soda, I don't normally. It just isn't as satisfying as it used to be. That being said, sometimes I do treat myself and get something every once in awhile. Just like any other food (and what someone else said earlier) everything in moderation. :)

    I'm from Wisconsin, Everyone I know calls it Pop!

    I quit drinking pop in December. I've had about 3 since then.. They have been Sprite Zero..
    Michigan is practically canada anyway. We just drink beer. You want some french fries and gravy, eh?
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    I drank A LOT of soda growing up, but my tastes have changed and these days I find it too sweet for my tastes. And the sweetness keeps it from really satisfying my thirst. But I do enjoy the taste once in a while, especially when I'm having it with a strongly flavored food.

    I recently tried Zevia, a stevia-flavored, zero-calorie soda that discovered thanks to an ad here on MFP. I only tried the cola, but found it pretty tasty. I'll be trying the others, probably during the summer. Their Web address is

    But, for the most part, I stick to water, a little Mio, and iced tea.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I drink 8+ cups of water a day. I might have a Mexican Coca-Cola 1-2 times a week for a caffeine perk. I don't drink coffee.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I gave up soda when I made this lifestyle change.. I'm going on 4 years soda free..