Thoughts on Soda.



  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south. We drink our iced tea un-sweetened up here and put oil in our engines, not ole. I haven't been drinking very much pop lately. I used to like coke, but not pepsi.

    Right on, brother.
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    am I the only one on MFP who drinks reg. soda.

    whats your thoughts?

    IMHO, you can work off calories. You can not work off chemicals. If you're going to drink it, I think your way is best. :)
  • cOOkieLpX
    cOOkieLpX Posts: 63 Member
    I like the real sugar sodas. pepsi throwbacks....but i have 1 every 2 months or so, even then I only get to drink half of a can because my kids drink the other half.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I drink regular soda as a treat every now and then. I've grown really sensitive to caffeine, so I usually drink sprite, grape, or orange soda.
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    Every once in awhile I'll have a regular coke. And it's amazing when I do lol!

    It's one of those things that I totally appreciate more, since I have it so seldom. It's pretty much the only thing I realllly restrict (drinking calories)

    Occasionally I'll do diet soda, but I try to stick to water & tea
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I'd prefer to eat my calories rather than drink them! And I'm not a fan of diet soda either.

    But each to their own journey

    That's my exact thoughts as well!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Now I need a soda.
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    I have one soda a week.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Search Youtube for - Sugar: The bitter truth.

    Watch it.

    Then research what the acids do to your digestive system.

    Then never drink a soda again.

    Definition of a poison in the body- anything that must be passed through the liver for metabolization.

    100% of High Fructose Corn must be processed by the liver. 100% of HFCS after metabolized becomes fat cells. HFCS is the main ingredient in soda.

    So...Soda = Poison. Pretty much as bad for your liver as alcohol, and even worse for other functions of the body.

    I hate to tell you this but your liver filters toxins that are a byproduct of metabolism, in addition to "toxins" So, whether you drink water, beer, or motor oil your liver will filter it. It also secretes bile for concentration in the gallbladder to digest fat, in addition to synthesizing cholesterol, and phospholipids. It also helps with glyconeogenesis when one doesn't eat for awhile to keep blood sugar from getting too low. Your statement is not based in fact at all.
  • itsafrappe
    itsafrappe Posts: 162 Member
    i used to drink soda like crazy but have found vitamin water zero to replace it. i have lost over twenty pounds in a short time just from cutting out sugary drinks and alcohol. i choose to be healthy,. yes you can drink soda and be skinny, but its just not healthy
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    I dropped those like a bad habit.

    it was tough at first but it was the best thing I've ever done!
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    Not drinking pop is what helped me lose those first couple of pounds! Not drinking your calories helps a lot... Plus, I heard pop has something in it that can make you store fat.
  • Windy32
    Windy32 Posts: 54
    I am trying really hard to stop drinking soda. Most of the time i only drink water. I carry a bottle of water with me every where I go. I am a pepsi addict and can not stand the taste of diet soda only the real stuff will do.
  • shelbynicole32
    shelbynicole32 Posts: 179 Member
    Too much sugar. I used to love them until I completely quit them. Now they just taste bad.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I drink regular soda Dr. Pepper I try to limit it to a 4oz can (little pop) I can not eat or drink anything with Aspartame I get migraines and my vision goes in and out if I do drink it. I used to love diet Pepsi no more.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Caffeine is Teh Debil. Soda without caffeine is a waste. No soda for me.
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    Had me a Coca-Cola today. The pause that refreshes. Once in a while, inside my calories, is all yum.
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member
    I've only been at this for a couple of months. I was a regular soda drinker...not a lot, but at least a glass or two every day. Slowly, I gave it up. Now, all I drink is water or herbal tea (which I make ahead of time and drink it iced).

    I figured that I'm trying so hard to be healthy. Soda is nothing but chemicals and/or sugar. Not worth it if my goal is health.

  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm personally not a huge fan of POP, but to each their own. However, have you ever tried sparkling water? It has the same fizz" of pop, but zero calories and sugar. That may be a better alternative for you than drinking pop daily.
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south.
    In the south we saw 'Coke', not soda or pop. (and I prefer my tea unsweetened, which practically makes me a yankee!)

    I first started losing weight when I dropped cokes, so I don't drink them anymore except on rare occasions. I have been enjoying the occasional frufru soda's made from sparkling water/juice/sugar. But not too many, once every week or two.

    I'm grew up in Atlanta and everything was called "coke." My family in FL says "coke," my family in eastern TN says "pop," my huasband's family in Pittsburgh says "soda" and "pop," and here in CO people mostly say "soda." I've said all three since I've been all over the place.

    A southerner that doesn't like sweet tea? I tell you what! Bless you heart, you ain't right! Just kidding :)

    I love having a Classic Coca Cola as a treat. I can drink them everyday but chose not to because for my body it just doesn't work Because I do put on weight quickly when having them a lot. well