Tilran Member


  • Kick start perhaps was a bad choice of word insinuating that it was stopped. Clearly the metabolism only stops when you are dead, however your metabolism can slow down. The things I have heard revolve around a juice cleanse bringing your metabolism back in line if it is too low. Could all be false, but that is what I am…
  • 90 minutes on a stationary bike is yielding 1500 cal burn? I don't want to bust your bubble, but unless you are morbidly obese and your heart is having to work overtime, I doubt you are burning that many calories. How fast/how many miles are you averaging during these 90 minutes? My guess is you are probably burning closer…
    in Calories Comment by Tilran July 2014
  • Holy.....how long are you doing the bike for? 1000-1500 is huge!! If it is a lifting day, I usually burn 300-400 calories between 20 minutes cardio and about 45 minutes of lifting. If it is my cardio day, I would burn roughly 600 with a heavy cardio workout for 60 minutes.
    in Calories Comment by Tilran July 2014
  • My girlfriend uses the same stuff as me and really likes it. Trutein by Trunutrition. Delicious stuff
  • Assuming a regular sized brownie....which is 400 calories on average. You had 2000 calories in brownies....I argue that you could not have exercised all of those calories away without doing 4 hours of straight cardio, but that is a different debate. The important message to take away from your comment is to not hate…
  • I used to be, and in some cases still am a binge eater. Honestly, it is a mental issue. You have to get past it as there is no physical thing you can do to stop yourself. Take a look at the surroundings and environments that cause you to binge eat and try to remove or avoid them. For example, if I get bored, my mind drifts…
  • Calories in, Calories out. If you are eating 1200 and burning roughly 600 at the gym (assuming a full hour of cardio?) You are net 600 calories for the day. 2 glasses of wine is roughly 200 calories, so you would be net 800 calories. I assume you have already calculated your TDEE to find out that you need to only take in…
  • I may ask a trainer to show me tips on helping me get better form to avoid pain on the neck. I'll see what happens from there.
  • I honestly dont care if its considered weak...and I care less about building up callouses. That simply dumb to say that to be strong you need callouses.
  • Its hard to explain without actually showing you where it sits on my back...but its kind of like the base of the neck...right where the highest vertebrae is that protroudes out the most. The bar pushes against that vertebrae and causes the bruising. If I was to squeeze my traps back and tried to set the bar there, I dont…
  • I cant speak for the age as I'm 10 years older then you...but I weigh 170 at 5'8 and ~16% BF. I'm looking to cut down to 158-160 to be sub 10%-12% BF. I eat at 1650 per day which gets me about .5lbs of loss a week. I'd imagine if you are tyring to get to 145....you are too high at 1800 unless your "training" is mega…
  • As most others have already said...you cannot gain on a defecit. For muscle or fat to build up, you need to eat more then your body burns in a day. So the reason you are not losing weight can either be A) Water retention, B) Inaccurate logging of food/drink, or C) Inaccurate knowledge of your BMR/TDEE. Also as others have…
  • I think all her points were things you SHOULD do. So in the case of empty stomach, she is saying you are supposed to. As for the processed carbs, I think the point was that you dont need to avoid carbs to get lean (Atkins)
  • I agree...worst fries in history of fries....I'd rather eat a SALAD then eat those fries...and thats saying ALOT!
  • Personally you should probably track better or modify your calorie goals....if you are a waitress working a full shift...you are walking alot...and burning alot of calories doing that....if you stay to your calorie goal...you should be fine with no exercise....anytime you can squeeze some in however..will be all that much…
  • This! The pants make the butt here. Without the tight pants...this would not be pretty I bet.
  • Because of speed....very easy and fast to make fried foods....put in a fryer and forget about it until timer goes off. For a resturant that is usually pumping out happy hour plates...this is a huge time saver...and with so few health consious people going there....its a win for them. Only way that will change is if people…
  • Its not about losing weight faster...or at least it shouldent be.....its about maintain your muscles while cutting weight. The objective is to lose body fat while maintaining lean body mass. I understand some people only care about the number on the scale, but that is pure ignorance. The truth is, we want to look better.…
  • Fruit sugar does not process in the body the same way, but in the end it is still sugar and should be controlled. I know they say "fruits & veggies" but really its just "Veggies, with the occasional fruit"
  • Has nothing to do with clean eating, has everything to do with calorie consumption. Are you looking to eat low calorie at work or eat healthy? They are not the same. Low calorie is easy, sounds like you are doing ti already by portion control. Eating healthy or "clean" is different....bring fruits and veggies to work and…
  • Agree with everyone else.....what you are describing is a pregnancy.
  • Unfortunately not...it goes by calendar weeks. Why not just weigh in on Mondays? You dont need to recalculate anything....2 weeks will be off...but after that you will be back to normal on a Mon-Sun schedule.
  • Not to take away anything from your struggle with PCOS because I truly do feel for anyone with a condition that makes weight loss harder but the sodium intake really is meaningless in the long run....if someone sticks to it...they will see that water retention fall off...hell sometimes its even fun...seeing the scale not…
  • Hungry is a relative term.....what you feel as hunger may not be what others feel....your body adjusts. I am not sure how overweight you are or how many calories your body is used to taking in and for how long...but typically if you are on this site is because you have been eating too many calories. That being…
  • Oh that is a different story then....yes, I would eat it all in that case....600 for an hour of elliptical may be a tad high unless you were going at an intense pace the full 60 minutes...but thats not a huge issue. Being only at 1200 to begin with...I would highly recommend you eat the 1200 + 600 as you probably should be…
  • As a motivation tool, I agree....I also like the competitive nature of FitBit making you compete versus friends on steps.....anything that gets people moving is great....but I do not put any stock in the tool's accuracy.
  • I think that is a fair decision. Keep at it and let your body adjust..remember it takes a couple of weeks to see results as your body fights change. If you stick to 1350-1400 for 2 weeks, I bet you see results.
  • Unfortunately, those tools have been proven to be more gimmicks then anything reliable. http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/well/2013/06/12/how-accurate-are-fitness-monitors/ EDIT TO SAY: Heart Rate Monitors are still the way to go.
  • TDEE - 20% is what you should be doing. MFP is not wrong by telling you 1200...its just you probably put a high weight loss goal per week...so it being a computer and irrational gave you the number it would take to lose that number. Most people make the mistake of seeing an option of weight loss per week and going "well…
  • This...plus also take into consideration the source of the burn report....how do you know you burned that many calories? That is why I try not to have huge cardio days, its hard to predict how many calories you actually burned....typically running a mile is about 100 calories...so if you ran a mini-marathon, you'd burn…