tallutta Member


  • Count me in too. I just started back and loved the Drunken Start post. I will on occasion enjoy some cocktails however that is one of my goals as well as it is such empty calories and does affect one the next day I feel with increased hunger levels. Now, onto the water issue. Drinking 8 glasses is an effort to me. Today I…
  • You know I have wondered that also. Maybe check the stats on V8 or the V8 combo vegetable fruit juice. Depending on the size less than 50 I would think.
  • Hello Scott. Thank you so much for telling us your story. You really inspired me with your thoughts and encouragement. And you know what, when I finished reading your story guess what I saw? The banner at the bottom that said 56 lb. lost and that is what I focused on. So there it is. I recently watched a few episodes of…
  • Hey amcclure ... regarding the stretching routine and yoga, have you ever seen Miranda Esmonde-White on PBS for the show "Classical Stretch". It is FANTASTIC. If you have a DVR you can search and record it automatically. She really works you and stretches you and actually lenghtens the height of your body some say. It is…
  • According to my doctor avoid all artificial sugar, causes brain cell damage. If wanting sugar just have sugar, there are not many calories in a teaspoon. I love a packet of raw sugar in my coffee occasionally, it is just yummy. They have it at Starbucks also.
  • Yes Brenda Lee I can dig what you are saying about the WW meetings. Nice to hear your positive comments on MFP and congrats on the 39lbs. ... that is amazing for anyone! After all the lbs. lost what would you say is your best advice to someone like me who has a very hard time of sticking with any program?
  • Thanks everyone, wow that was fast! It is so helpful to find out how others are doing and why things are working as it helps everyone. One of you mentioned that if you stick to anything long enough that it will work. Consistency is the key. On WW they allow the 35 extra points per week which I found I was saving up and…
  • Congrats ... I have always found when first starting the first 3-4 days are the hardest. Once one gets their blood sugar in control from eating better and eliminating a lot of sugar and processed carbs your appetite starts to diminish and the world looks to be a brighter place. Good luck! :wink:
  • Well attended the Meat Loaf, Mashed Potato and Gravy and Cherry Pie dinner last night. First off as someone suggested, eat before going so you will not be starved. Well at first I was attempting to save my calories but got too hungry so ate a protein bar at 3:00 (20 grams protein, 190 calories) and this really saved me…
  • Well I must have been reading your mind as I just ate a 20-gram protein bar, those keep me well for some time and yes so I would not be starving. It is just one day in a series of days and weeks and months for me, I have to look at it that way as well. Food and drink are just that, they should not control us, it is the…
  • That is TOO weird about the same meal. And good suggestion about just a few bites of the pie and the napkin. Actually my weakness of the meal would be the potatoes and gravy. After reading your bio, have you read "Thin Again" by Judy Wardell? It is about surrending all this to God and feeding that internal hunger with…
  • Very good suggestions thank you! Had not considered not eating the top crust as that is my favorite part but that is what this is all about, controlled compromise. Congrats on your weight loss.
  • Special occasion this evening as a friend is just home from the hospital. Items I know that are being served are: Meat Loaf Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Brussel Sprouts Cherry Pie - Homemade This will be my first real challenge. Today I have consumed 300 calories trying to save up for the evening. Am planning on a protein…
  • Sometimes I think it is like obsessive compulsive disorder this constant snacking need. It is a stress relieve though for most especially after working all day. Have you tried crudites ... the elegant french name for raw vegetables? Celery, string beans, etc. high in fiber and really help control the blood sugar. Watch out…
  • Just purchased a "Think Thin" Creamy Peanut Butter high protein bar. It is 240 calories which is a lot but 20 grams of protein. I put it in freezer and just took little bites from time to time, very very good and healthy in comparison to a chocolate bar. Just found this link on Ebay for a different kind (I am in no way…