Join me for a challenge?



  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I totally think I need this challenge! I've been searching for some motivation to get back on the wagon so I think this is it!

    What are you guys doing to burn 500 cals?
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Do you all have a HRM for more accurate calories or going by what this site says? Just wondering cuz you burn a lot of calories. I know I need to workout harder and longer to burn more, but even when I do turbo jam pretty hard for 45 min I don't think I burn much more than 300.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Do you all have a HRM for more accurate calories or going by what this site says? Just wondering cuz you burn a lot of calories. I know I need to workout harder and longer to burn more, but even when I do turbo jam pretty hard for 45 min I don't think I burn much more than 300.

    HRM set for my weight, height, etc. Are you using one?
  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    I am going to try.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yes I use one, but I guess my heart rate doesn't get as high as a lot of others. Oh well.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Yes I use one, but I guess my heart rate doesn't get as high as a lot of others. Oh well.

    Your burn will be different based on your current weight, height,age, etc. You have much less to lose than some of us and will have to work harder to get the burn. Plus you are younger. If you would like to trade size and age let me know. LoL :laugh:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hey Challenglings, I have to have jaw surgery on Thursday must I bump back to day one? Today? Whiiiiine, Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Whiiiiiiine:huh:
  • barbara12
    so how's it goin? Yesterday i burned 302 cal on the treadmill. I know it's not 500 but it's a start. That;s a pretty big goal now that I think about it. Also I think you're much yunger than me. haha
  • barbara12
    I'm taking a psych class at school right now, we are doing an assignment to change 1 bad habit. I chose my serious lack of exercise.

    For 30 days I have to exercise to burn 500 cals a day. Today is day 1, I just did 1.5 fitness DVDs I stopped at 504 cals because I was tired and wanted to go make dinner.

    I'll check in everyday to let everyone know how its going. I'd love to havesome company in this or any other goal similar.
    so how's it goin? Yesterday i burned 302 cal on the treadmill. I know it's not 500 but it's a start. That;s a pretty big goal now that I think about it. Also I think you're much yunger than me. haha
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I'm taking a psych class at school right now, we are doing an assignment to change 1 bad habit. I chose my serious lack of exercise.

    For 30 days I have to exercise to burn 500 cals a day. Today is day 1, I just did 1.5 fitness DVDs I stopped at 504 cals because I was tired and wanted to go make dinner.

    I'll check in everyday to let everyone know how its going. I'd love to havesome company in this or any other goal similar.
    so how's it goin? Yesterday i burned 302 cal on the treadmill. I know it's not 500 but it's a start. That;s a pretty big goal now that I think about it. Also I think you're much yunger than me. haha

    I'm 55 so some of us are older. I am sure you will be at 500 plus in no time. I am trying to get remotivated. This spring I was averaging 700 to 900 calories burned daily. If this old girl can do it, I know you can!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Day 3 = 525 cal :bigsmile:
    WooT I'm on a roll. I'm off tomorrow (thank you bank holiday) so I know I'll hit it tomorrow!!:smile:
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I just finished my 500 calories! I did 1 dvd and then biggest loser was on so I did strength training mixed with jumping jacks to keep my heart rate up.

    I love my HRM! I got it for my birthday this year!

    This goal is huge! I've only met it twice so far. so I'm only on day 1 still.

    I'm learning to balance healthy lifestyle with school.

    This is crunch time at school right now. Everything is due. Next week I have a 40% essay due. I'm very frightened!
  • Fat2FitAmanda
    Can someone help me figure out a routine to do that I can actually burn that many calories? I've been plateauing for so long at this point and i just need to get a kick start to losing again. i think this is the perfect way to do it but not sure how to go about it. Any ideas?!
  • losingweightforme
    Day four = 550 calories 22 minutes of aerobics and 54 minutes of walking
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    didnt exercise yesterday

    it was 9 pm and DD called from work

    I remembered this thread

    so I walked to the end of the street and back while talkign to her

    be accountable works!!

    :flowerforyou: Have a great day
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Day 2- power walk, weights and intervals 661 calories. Whew!:smile:
  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    Worked second shift until 10 PM last night. Relaxed all day figuring that I would work out after I got off. Haha yeah... at least I know never to expect that of myself again lol
  • tallutta
    tallutta Posts: 18 Member
    Hey amcclure ... regarding the stretching routine and yoga, have you ever seen Miranda Esmonde-White on PBS for the show "Classical Stretch". It is FANTASTIC. If you have a DVR you can search and record it automatically.

    She really works you and stretches you and actually lenghtens the height of your body some say. It is for 25 minutes. I have to stop and start and stop and start most of the time but that is okay, I get it done.

    Don't feel bad about starting out with 10 minutes, it is a start! For me I set the time I want to start on my mobile phone alarm and have the phone remind me, that gets me set up for the routine.

    Also, you can find the DVDs on Ebay, etc. and on her website.
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I didn't get the chance to work out last night...had too many places to go/too many things to do (I know, too many excuses!)

    I think I will bump the 500 down to at least 200 calories a day - I'd have to work out an hour maybe an hour and a half to burn 500 calories and I just don't have that kind of time. :ohwell:

    I will do something today that accounts for at least 200 calories! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
  • losingweightforme
    Day 5 - 846 calories on 93 minutes oe aerobics. I might do more later but return to work tonight and always seem to run out of time to post.